Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 9 - Education- Mississippi Community College Board
Part 8 - Policies And Procedures Manual
Section 9-8-5 - College Responsibilities
Section 9-8-5-5.3 - Responsibilities of Both
Current through September 24, 2024
1. Chief eLearning Officer
The college presidents will identify a person to serve as the Chief eLearning Officer (CELO). The duties of the CELO at the host or provider college where appropriate may include:
* Correct MSVCC enrollment problems
* Answer questions about MSVCC enrollment processes
* Manage the enrollment of MSVCC students into the MSVCC Enrollment Tool
* Facilitate communication between provider/host
* Facilitate transmission of grades between provider/host via the MSVCC Enrollment Tool
* Facilitate sending and receiving MSVCC Drop/Withdrawal requests
* Answer questions about MSVCC courses
* Inform MSVCC participating colleges of MSVCC courses being offered by local college
* Work with department chairs to identify instructors to teach MSVCC courses
* Inform local college of MSVCC courses being offered each semester
* Training of faculty and staff
* Work with student services to get information to students
* Inform students of how to link with Learning Resource Center
* Inform students, instructors and staff about MELO
* Work with Contract issues
* Communicate with local instructors, staff and students
* Communicate with other CELOs from other collages
* Answer questions from other colleges (students, staff, instructors)
* Work with students to solve problems
* Coordinate with MSVCC and college deans to maintain calendar
* Every college should consider itself a testing site for the MSVCC courses giving full faith and credit to all other colleges.
* Every college should develop a plan to implement and maintain a "testing center" to accommodate MSVCC proctored testing.
2. Institutional Policies and Procedures
Each college will be responsible for the development of institutional eLearning policies pertaining to intellectual property rights, exclusive of those courses developed through funding provided by the MCCB. Courses developed through MCCB funding shall become the property of the MCCB for the common use of the state's fifteen colleges.
3. ADA
Each college will take whatever steps it considers prudent to address ADA compliance for online MSVCC courses. Courses developed through funding from the MCCB will utilize Quality Matter standards to ensure ADA compliance.
4. Athletic Eligibility
All athletes must be enrolled full-time and in attendance within fifteen (15) calendar days from the beginning date of a particular term to be eligible to participate. To be considered full-time, a student must be enrolled in 12 semester hours. Students taking online courses are considered full-time if registered for at least six (6) semester hours on site at the certifying institution and six (6) or more hours with the certifying institution acting as the host institution for courses taught by other MACJC member colleges.
5. Marketing
To increase awareness of the MSVCC, the eLITE Division along with the participating colleges, will provide ongoing marketing efforts through print, media, and attending events.