Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 9 - Education- Mississippi Community College Board
Part 8 - Policies And Procedures Manual
Section 9-8-5 - College Responsibilities
Section 9-8-5-5.1 - Provider College Responsibilities
Current through September 24, 2024
1. Enrollment Tool Grades
2. Faculty Credentialing
Each college will provide the necessary documentation certifying each MSVCC instructor's credentials to teach in a given subject area.
3. Textbooks
The provider college is responsible for selection of textbook. Textbook information for the MSVCC should include Term, District, ISBN (required), Type, Author (required), Title (required), Publisher (required), and Comment.
4. Syllabus
The provider college is responsible for uploading the MSVCC Course Syllabus into the Enrollment. Syllabus information for the MSVCC must include course information, contact information, prerequisites, course description, text and course materials, learning outcomes, instructional techniques, methods of evaluation, grading information, testing information, academic honesty policy, attendance information, and ADA statement. The syllabus must be a PDF and must consist of the following naming convention: (3 digit) District Code + (5 digit) Semester Term + Course ID + Type of file being uploaded. Example: 2062018310178.pdf.
5. Attendance
In accordance with the MCCB Enrollment Audit and Reporting Guidelines, colleges that participate in the MSVCC must ensure compliance with student attendance. A student is considered in attendance for reimbursement purposes if they have not exceeded the maximum number of allowable absences in any given term . (See Board Policy 9.2 for Maximum Number of Allowed Absences Chart). Since the ET serves as the MSVCC information sharing portal, provider colleges must record (manually and/or via database import) MSVCC attendance utilizing the MSVCC Attendance feature within the ET. The provider college is responsible for recording regular attendance so that the host college may access attendance data needed for reimbursement. The Electronic Audit and Reporting System (eARS) links to the ET at the end of the term and creates a small Student Schedule (SS) file download. This download is appended to the host college's SS file by the personnel designated to perform data uploads.
6. Grade Changes
If a grade change is necessary, the instructor must report this grade change to their CELO utilizing the MSVCC Grade Change Form (APPENDIX E: MSVCC Grade Change Form). If the Enrollment Tool grade portal is open (typically 3 days after grade due date), the CELO will enter the appropriate grade change and no further action is necessary. If the Enrollment Tool grade portal is closed, the CELO must email the MSVCC Grade Change Form to the appropriate CELO(s). When requested by the provider, a copy of the MSVCC Grade Change Form will be submitted to the eLearning Technical Support Specialist for revision within the ET.
7. Evaluations
The MSVCC Core Course Evaluation Guide (APPENDIX F: Core Course Evaluation Guide) should be used as a base for conducting evaluations. Individual colleges can customize their evaluation instruments and processes according to college policies and procedures.
"I have reviewed the evaluations of courses and instructors as a provider of all instructors used by my institution as a member of the MSVCC for the____________, ___________, and ___________ terms. I further certify that the instructors have adequate academic preparation for courses offered, course content matches criteria as stated in the Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges, and all courses meet the minimum guidelines set in the MSVCC Core Course Evaluation Guide."
"Please take a few minutes of your time to complete the student surveys by logging in to your MSVCC Student Profile ( https://sbcjcweb.sbcjc.cc.ms.us/ET/SelfService/Signin.aspx ). You will find a Student Services survey that lets you evaluate services at your local college and a Course Evaluation Survey for each class you are taking. These surveys are very important and provide a way for us to improve the services of the MSVCC. Please complete the surveys before (add due date here)."