Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 9 - Education- Mississippi Community College Board
Part 8 - Policies And Procedures Manual
Section 9-8-5 - College Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of each participating college to serve the online students and to support the MSVCC. Through the MSVCC, students may take courses from community colleges anywhere in Mississippi while getting support services from a local college. To take a course from a remote (provider) college, a student enrolls at a local (host) community college.
Provider College:
Teaches the course and supports the instructor.
Host College:
Lists the courses and enrolls the student.
(It is where the student registers for classes.)
The Provider College provides the course instruction and supports the instructor. The Host College lists the courses and enrolls the student. The host college supports the student with a full slate of student services, including advisement and counseling, financial aid, and learning resources. The host college awards credit for the course.
The following outlines the responsibilities and task for the host and provider colleges.
Overview of the Provider College:
* Teaches the course and supports the instructor.
* Pays the instructor.
* Provide a link to the MSVCC website.
* Ensures the quality of the MSVCC course (s) provided through evaluations.
* Supports the instructor.
* Selects the course textbook(s).
* Records attendance and grades.
* Coordinates the exact reconciliation of his/her MSVCC enrollment list with the instructor grade book enrollment.
* Sets the maximum number of students per course
Overview of the Host College:
* Lists the courses and enrolls the student. The host college is where the student registers for classes.
* Provides a link to the MSVCC website.
* Selects the MSVCC courses that will be listed for student enrollment. MSVCC courses are chosen only from the MSVCC Master Course Offering List
* Chooses whether to increase their local college list by selecting additional courses from within the MSVCC Master Course Offering List as the demand dictates.
* Students enroll at the host college for all MSVCC courses.
* Communicates with the provider CELO to ensure accuracy of enrollment figures.
* Develops student service procedures to serve MSVCC students.
* Develops a service to advise and screen potential MSVCC students.