Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 9 - Education- Mississippi Community College Board
Part 6 - Workforce Education Policies
Current through December 10, 2024
Submission of Projects
The MCCB utilizes an online, database driven project writing system to approve, track, and maintain records on workforce education. All projects submitted to the MCCB for approval must be submitted via the online workforce education program. The system can be accessed athttp://sbcjcgcr.sbcjc.cc,ms.us/sbcjc. [File Link Not Available] System users are added by the college workforce center director (college system administrator). The names of approved users must be submitted to the Director of Workforce Education at MCCB by your college President each year.
The timeline for submitting projects shall be not later than 21 business days after the start of a class or training activity unless limited by funding availability. Submitted projects should have at least five (5) students per class or training activity. However, the minimum number of participants for train the trainer projects, on the job training projects, short term adult classes, and basic skills projects are indicated in subsequent sections. The exception to the number of trainees must be approved by the Executive Director of the MCCB or his designee.
All project budgets, subsequent budget modifications (except final modification as discussed in the final project completion section) are to be submitted as budget estimates and do not have to be exact. Budgets must include salaries, benefits, travel, contractual services and commodities, as applicable. Detailed information must be submitted for equipment purchases. With this in mind, Workforce Center Directors need to be aware that when a project is submitted this proposed amount of money is obligated. If the estimates are consistently too high, a large amount of money will be encumbered that cannot be used for workforce education. Projects shall be written for a period of six months or less. Due to limited funds, workforce centers must use a procedural approach to prioritizing projects for funding. At the end of the first six months, all projects will be modified down to $0 by January 18, 2013. This will allow all funds not spent to be re-obligated for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Workforce projects that utilize existing resources of the college are encouraged. In particular, special consideration will be given to those projects which share an audience with, compliment, utilize and/or otherwise build upon, strengthen and enhance the colleges' career and technical education component. Special consideration will also be considered for joint projects between two or more colleges.
In accordance with Workforce Education Act of 1994, the intent of workforce education is for the creation and development of a regionally based system in Mississippi for education and training which: responds to the needs of Mississippi's workforce and employers; is driven by the demands of industry and a competitive economy; makes maximum use of limited resources; and provides for continuing improvement through constant assessment of the results of education and training for individual workers and employers. Therefore, no projects may be written to fund training for students enrolled in elementary or secondary schools.
State agencies have other resources available through the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services (ITS) and Mississippi State Personnel Board. Therefore, no projects may be written to fund training for State Agencies.
Project Status
MCCB notification of project, revision, and/or exception approval or rejection will be provided within 10 business days of the submission date. If an exception is requested, MCCB will notify the appropriate Workforce Director in writing to confirm the exception has been approved or denied.
Compliance with Mississippi Employment Protection Act (MEPA)
Contractor/Seller represents and warrants that it will ensure its compliance with the Mississippi Employment Protection Act (Senate Bill 2988 from the 2008 Regular Legislative Session) and will register and participate in the status verification system for all newly hired employees. The term "employee" as used herein means any person that is hired to perform work within the State of Mississippi and to whom a United States Internal Revenue Service Form W-2 or Form 1099 must be issued. As used herein, "status verification system" means the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996 that is operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security, also known as the E- Verify Program, or any other successor electronic verification system replacing the E-Verify Program. Contractor /Seller agree to maintain records of such compliance and, upon request of the State, to provide a copy of each such verification to the State. Contractor/Seller further represents and warrants that any person assigned to perform services hereunder meets the employment eligibility requirements of all immigration laws of the State of Mississippi. Contractor/Seller understands and agrees that any breach of these warranties may subject Contractor/Seller to the following: (a) termination of this Agreement and ineligibility for any state or public contract in Mississippi for up to three (3) years, with notice of such cancellation/termination being made public, or (b) the loss of any license, permit, certification or other document granted to Contractor/Seller by an agency, department or governmental entity for the right to do business in Mississippi for up to one (1) year, or (c) both. In the event of such termination/cancellation, Contractor/Seller would also be liable for any additional costs incurred by the State due to contract cancellation or loss of license or permit.
Training Categories or Type of Projects
* Accountability System
* Administrative
* Advanced Technology
* Basic Skills
* Challenge
* General
* Marketing
* Short-Term Adult
* Workforce - Regular
General Fund Projects
If a college desires to develop a training program beyond the scope of existing guidelines and therefore prohibits the writing of a standard training project, the college may submit a proposal to the MCCB to do so. The general criteria will include the determination that the training area(s) to be developed shall be unique in regard to the training offered and that there is a demonstrated need for such training. Such proposals shall be initially done via written correspondence with the MCCB.
Marketing Projects
The MCCB will establish a statewide marketing program to brand and promote the diversity and volume of training provided throughout the state. To assist in this effort a percentage of current marketing funds will used to implement this initiative.
Administrative Costs and Charge to Employers
Based on the previous year funding, two projects can be written to cover the cost of Administrative cost at a rate of 5% and an Accountability project at a rate of 3% can be applied for in FY2013. The 5% workforce administrative fee earned and the 3% accountability fee will be in effect for expenditures above the $300,000 floor for FY2011. Along with the $300,000 floor there will be a ceiling of $4,000,000. This ceiling less the $300,000 floor will allow $3,700,000 worth of expenditures to be applied to the above fees. The fees earned will be based on FY2011 reimbursements. The following funding source is used to calculate this cost:
* Advanced Technology
* Basic Skills
* General
* Short-Term Adult
* Workforce - Regular
In accordance with the language and intent of Senate Bill 2480, training shall be provided at no charge to employers and employees in order to enhance employee productivity. This no charge to employees and employers language in SB2480 is interpreted to mean that a college cannot charge an administrative fee to the employer or employee for training. However, it is appropriate and desired that the cost of such training be shared between the employer and the college.
Boilerplate Language
The definition of a boiler plate is text that is or can be reused in new contexts or applications without being changed much from the original. A legal boilerplate is a standard provision in a contract. This language will be required to be included in all FY2013 projects.
Memorandum of Agreement
o Company Description and Commitment (will& Request reimbursement at least every 60 days to college; Company will be in compliance with E-Verify as specified in the Mississippi Employment Protection Act.)
o Project Justification
o Training Objectives
o College Commitment (College will... Requisitions will be done at least every 60 days to MCCB; College will be in compliance with E-Verify as specified in the Mississippi Employment Protection Act. College will work with industry to ensure compliance with the Mississippi Employment Protection Act for industries participating in basic skills, consortia, and open to the public projects.)
o MCCB Commitment (MCCB will... pay within 45 days, provide funding as approved in the budget and monitor the project through documentation maintained by the college.)
Instructor Salaries and Benefits
Instructor Salaries shall be based on the type of training with the rate of pay being determined by the Workforce Project Manager. Reimbursement by the MCCB shall not exceed the rate of $35 per hour, except for advanced skill classes (see below) where the actual instructor cost exceeds the $35 per hour. The exception to the $35 per hour must be approved by the Executive Director of the MCCB or his designee.
Advanced Skills Training can be reimbursed at a usual and customary rate for training that is advanced in nature. Advanced skills projects are defined by the college based on the type of training and local area needs. Any rate above $50 per hour must be approved by the Executive Director or his designee. Management/Supervisory training requiring proprietary training materials and/or certified instructors may be considered advanced skills training.
Industry Based Training shall be reimbursed at a rate not to exceed $35 per hour. Industry based training is training done by the business or industry for the business or industry and the college only provides financial resources and coordination/planning services to the business or industry. $35 per hour expenditures requires wage validation by the requesting business or industry. Such validation must be kept on file at the college for monitoring purposes. The exception to the $35 per hour must be approved by the Executive Director of the MCCB or his designee.
Training conducted that is associated with a minimum wage job shall be reimbursed at a rate not to exceed $20 per hour.
Basic Skills project instructors shall be reimbursed at a rate not to exceed $20 per hour. Basic skills projects are designed to provide trainees with fundamental instruction in reading, math, writing, language (English as a Second Language) and GED preparation.
Benefits shall depend on the type of contract the college uses with their workforce instructors and shall be based on current rates applied by the college business office for the portion of the benefits not paid for by the college. These rates will be reimbursed based on actual cost. No health or life insurance benefits will be reimbursed. The rate must not exceed 23%, unless approved in advance.
Preparation Time
Up to 10% of the total class instructional time may be allowed for instructor preparation of a new workforce class or for new instructors. Time spent in setting up computer labs, or other equipment for the direct use of the class may be included in this preparation time. Prep time is allowed only for instructors employed by the college and shall be documented similar to instructional hours. Instructors employed by an industry are not eligible for prep time compensation.
Educational Materials and Supplies
Training manuals and textbooks are an allowable expense if the school is retaining them for future use. Reimbursement for such materials shall not exceed $35 per student, but all amounts expended must be for the direct support of the class. Assistance for high cost educational materials will be considered on a project-by-project basis, based on justification to be provided in the project application. Reimbursement on a per person basis for materials will not be done for any type of project. A local tracking system must be used for all expendable educational materials and supplies.
Leased Equipment
Equipment may be leased for training purposes and must be designated as such. This equipment cannot be used for production or profit. Leased equipment is a contractual expense. This equipment must be in a facility that is owned or operated by the college.
Capitalized Equipment Purchases
Reimbursement for equipment purchases will be considered on an individual project basis and must be approved in advance. Equipment shall be purchased only if it will be located at a college campus, in an MCCB mobile unit, or a training facility leased by the college. The MCCB strongly encourages colleges to partner with business and industry on the use and purchase of equipment, and with the local secondary or post secondary vocational centers for the use of equipment and classrooms.
All colleges are required to maintain a complete and current inventory list of each property item exceeding a cost of $1,000 (June 11, 2008). The following items shall be reported and maintained on inventory as equipment regardless of purchase value: weapons, cameras and camera equipment (greater than $250), two-way radio equipment, televisions (greater than $250), lawn maintenance equipment, cellular telephones, computer and computer equipment (greater than $250), chain saws, air compressors, welding machines, generators, and motorized vehicles.
Non-Capitalized Equipment
Items that are less than $1,000 which are not on the State Auditor's Exception List and have a useful life of more than one year are considered non-capitalized equipment. These items must be listed under educational materials.
Contractual Services
The following training items are allowable costs:
1) acquisition of educational software (no company produced software; software must be used on equipment owned by the college)
2) repairs and maintenance of training facility
3) installation of equipment (unless included as part of equipment cost)
4) vendor training (see vendor training section)
5) maintenance or licensing fees for educational software used on equipment owned by the college
Online Workforce Training
Workforce training provided through online methods will be reimbursed based on the rate agreed upon between MCCB and the college with documentation of successful completion of the course(s). Reimbursement for on-line workforce training shall not exceed a rate of $135 per person per year. The maximum reimbursement per company in this category will be $20,000 per fiscal year. Online course (s) must be developed by the college or offered by a third- party provider, and must include proper documentation of actual cost.
The following information will serve as documentation for monitoring purposes of the online course: documented login times of the instructors/students, weekly reports by the instructors, the number of areas the instructors/students visited, sample emails sent to students from instructors, sample grade book or anything that can prove that instructors are providing instructions during the time frame.
Instructional Training Aids/Curriculum Development
During FY 2013, the Workforce Development Center Director may seek to provide the training manuals and videos, and other training materials through public entity. Justification must be a part of the project, submitted under the educational materials and supplies section. Curriculum development hours for training aids or other materials development not covered above will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the MCCB. All materials must be retained by the college and not released to the industry.
Train-The-Trainer Cost
Costs are allowed for individuals to attend train-the-trainer sessions. Approved training in this area should provide the company with a resource to train employees in a discipline not currently available through the local community or junior college. A local college must demonstrate that the requested training cannot be reasonably provided by another community or junior college prior to seeking out of system providers. The Workforce Project Manager must include justification on the project application.
No more than two (2) individuals will be reimbursed to attend the same training in a non-production area. Cost associated with train-the-trainer sister plant training is limited to no more than four (4) individuals per production training area. Reimbursements per trainee will be limited to maximum of two (2) out-of-state trips per fiscal year.
Train-the-trainer costs shall be reimbursed at fifty percent (50%), not to exceed $500 per person for training registration. Reimbursement will be based upon documented completion of at least one (1) college-monitored training project directly related to the training received.
Travel cost for train-the-trainer training shall be included in
the travel section of the project application and must include the points of
travel. In-state travel will be reimbursed for mileage at the current college
rate but never to exceed the state rate. Out-of-state travel cost will be
reimbursed for mileage at the current college rate but never to exceed the
state rate for the use of a personal vehicle or for the price of a 7-day
advance purchased, coach fare ticket, whichever is less. $75 a night will be
reimbursed for hotel cost in the continental USA. A maximum of $31 a day will
be reimbursed for meals. Maximum duration for cost associated with meals and
lodging will be limited to four (4) consecutive weeks per person, per
production training area. If the person makes a trip home on weekends, then it
is considered a 2nd trip. All state travel rules and
regulations must be followed. Receipts for meals must be kept on file by each
college. The regulations can be accessed online at
All travel must be recommended and justified by the Workforce Development Center Director and approved by the MCCB prior to travel. The college will require the industry to maintain documentation for travel expenses for 5 years for audit purposes. Car rental fees, gas, and telephone calls are not considered allowable cost for reimbursement. The maximum reimbursement per company in this category will be $10,000 per fiscal year. This includes the cost of the training.
International train-the-trainer travel cost is allowable for a 7-day advanced purchase, coach fare airline ticket. Reimbursement per trainee will be limited to no more than three (3) round trips per individual, per fiscal year, up to a maximum of $15,000 per company. No other cost will be reimbursed for international travel. International train-the-trainer costs shall be reimbursed at a maximum of $500 per person for training registration.
With proper documentation, the MCCB will pay travel for workforce training instructors employed by the college. Travel cost for instructors will be reimbursed for an instructor who must travel a minimum of twenty-five (25) miles or more one-way. In-state travel will be reimbursed for mileage at the current college rate but never to exceed the state rate. In- state travel must have the points of travel and the number of miles documented in the project file for monitoring purposes. The details for in-state travel must be listed in the MOA or modification of project. Travel will not be allowed for a trainee to attend in State training programs.
Vendor Training
Reimbursement for vendor training will be considered on an individual project basis. Vendor training is training provided by a third party, not affiliated with the company or the local community/junior college, that: (1) has supplied equipment, software, or other materials to the company and (2) is providing training on utilization of the supplied item(s). Vendor training must be on the specific piece of equipment or software. Vendors may not be a private trainer providing training to the college or the company for purposes other than a deliverable item as indicated above.
Reimbursement for vendor training will be limited to a maximum of $20,000 per company per year, to include the cost of travel. Receipts for meals must be kept on file by each college.
On-site vendor training costs shall be reimbursed for one-half of the daily cost, not to exceed $1,000 a day, with a 10-day limit for reimbursement per training area. A copy of the invoice from the vendor must be furnished to the college for reimbursement. Off-site vendor train-the-trainer costs shall be reimbursed at a maximum of $500 per person for training registration. Training shall be obtained at the closest location to the industry. Off-site vendor training is limited to no more than (2) individuals per training area. Travel costs for off-site vendor training will be reimbursed according to the set rates listed under the Train-the-Trainer Cost category. The type of training must be identified in the salaries line item with a zero cost at close out (see Project Completion, below.)
Reimbursements per trainee will be limited to maximum of two (2) out-of-state trips per fiscal year. Receipts for meals must be kept on file by each college.
Proprietary Programs
Proprietary training packages such as, DDI, VitalEdu, AchieveGlobal, Plexus, ISO-9000, QS-9000, ISO-14000-01, Zig Ziglar, Phi Theta Kappa Leadership and Stephen Covey require certified trainers. A company or business may receive a maximum of $8,000 subsidy toward the instructor's payment based on actual instructional time. Instructor salaries for these programs are reimbursed at a rate not to exceed $50 per hour.
Career Readiness Certificate (CRC)
The MCCB will fund the CRC projects with WET Funds contingent upon availability. CRC projects should be written in the GCR System using the Workforce Regular menu. The budget is for the WorkKeys assessments (tests) and for salary reimbursement for proctor cost. (All projects must have a salary line item. If you do not plan to reimburse for proctor cost, enter a zero dollar salary line.)
Test proctors will be reimbursed at a rate not to exceed $25 per hour. Any reimbursement for test proctoring must be for testing of more than or at least 5 participants unless prior approval has been granted from MCCB or if a schedule of hours for walk-ins has been established and approved by the MCCB. The salary line item for these projects should be employability/remediation. Colleges must maintain timesheets to document the proctor's time.
To receive a CRC certificate, the following assessments are used: reading for information, applied mathematics and locating information. If a 4th assessment is requested for any company or for anyone who is testing for teacher's assistant certification, the cost is allowable for reimbursement.
To provide the necessary reporting to MCCB, the CRC certificate template must be completed in its entirety for anyone who tests, whether they pass or not. Colleges have the option to charge individuals and industries. However, for monitoring purposes, if the colleges charge the participant, please have proper documentation to show that workforce funds were not reimbursed.
Trainee Credentialing
Nationally recognized credentials provide third-party verification that individuals have demonstrated competence in relevant skill areas. Upon successful issuing of credentials, MCCB will reimburse 50% of credential cost. Reimbursement per person for credentials shall not exceed $200 per person per year. The maximum reimbursement per college in this category will be $10,000 per fiscal year.
Short Term Adult Classes
Short term adult classes are those that are offered for the general public for the purpose of providing employability skills and upgrade skills. Instructional salaries are the only allowable cost for short-term adult classes. No prep time, assessment time, educational materials and supplies or equipment are eligible for reimbursement. These projects will be reimbursed at a rate not to exceed $25 per hour. Short term adult class or basic skills project must have a minimum enrollment of 10 participants. Projects should not be submitted until after the class has started and can guarantee 10 participants. Projects with less than 10 participants and costs associated with credit courses will not be reimbursed.
Inmate Training Classes
Instructional salaries, inclusive of prep time, assessment time and benefits, are the only allowable cost for career training for inmates. No educational materials and supplies or equipment are eligible for reimbursement. These projects shall be reimbursed at a rate not to exceed $20 per hour. Each class must have a minimum enrollment of 10 participants. Parole dates shall be checked in order to give priority to offenders with twenty-four (24) months or less to serve before parole eligibility or release date. Interested applicants shall be given the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) and/or CRC. Test results are evaluated for eligibility. Officials from the host organization must provide 6-month follow up information on the placement of completers of this program.
Other Training Needs
Consideration for training needs other than those outlined within these policies and as determined by the Workforce Development Center Director as essential to the success of the project, will be considered by the MCCB on an individual project basis.
Project Completion
Upon project completion, a final modification must be prepared. Salaries will be modified to include the type of training, number of classes, and hours of training. All budget categories must be equal to actual cost. Once the final modification is approved, a project close-out will be completed.