Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 6 - Economic Development
Part 11 - Mississippi Gulf Coast Restoration Fund Program
Chapter 1 - GCRF Section 7 Grant Program Rules & Regulations
Rule 6-11-1.17 - Disbursement of Funds
Current through December 10, 2024
A. All funds awarded must be spent for improvements within the scope of the project description as stated in the project information packet.
B. MDA will reimburse applicants for eligible costs incurred for the project.
C. All funded projects are required to begin within 12 months of the award date. Where the project has not commenced within 12 months, the applicant must satisfactorily demonstrate that the project is proceeding or the award may be de-obligated.
D. Recipients will have one (1) year to request reimbursement for GRCF funds, with an expiration of June 30th of the following year after appropriation. All open projects will be subject to reappropriation by the Legislature in subsequent years until the project is complete.
E. Invoices, proof of payment and other documentation must be submitted with the Request for Cash form for funds to be disbursed. A copy of the Request for Cash form and detailed instructions for submitting payment requests will be provided after the grant agreement is executed.
F. All forms submitted must be accurately completed or the request cannot be processed and will be returned to the recipient. Forms submitted with errors will delay the process and impact the turnaround time for funds being released because all information must be verified and approved for payment prior to submission to the Department of Finance and Administration. According to state statute, 45 days is allowed for the processing of cash requests. If after the 45th day payment has not been received, recipients should contact MDA to check on the status of their request.
G. Requests for Cash overlapping the State's fiscal year (June 30th) must be separated into two separate requests.
H. All requests for reimbursement of construction expenses must include an itemized invoice approved by the engineer/architect.
Miss. Code Ann. § 57-119-1, et seq.