Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 6 - Economic Development
Part 1 - Financial Resources
Chapter 10 - Economic Development Highway Grant Program
Rule 6-1-10.4 - Eligibility
Current through December 10, 2024
Private companies which are eligible for assistance under the Economic Development Highway Program ("EDH") are:
A. Agricultural Enterprises. An enterprise which is engaged in business related to farming, agricultural endeavors or other related business and services supporting the development of agriculture. Farming operations are not eligible.
B. Industrial Enterprises. An enterprise other than mercantile, commercial or retail enterprises. (Example: warehouse and terminal facilities, and computer or clerical operation centers)
C. Manufacturing Enterprises. An enterprise which is engaged in the giving of new shapes, new qualities or new combinations to products by the application of skill and labor. (Example: automobile parts manufacturer.)
D. Research and Development Enterprises. An enterprise for the discovery of new and the refinement of known substances, processes, products, theories and ideas. (Example: pharmaceutical research lab.) This does not include activities directed primary to the accumulation or analysis of commercial, financial or mercantile data.
E. Large Hotel or Resort. An enterprise for the guidance or management of tourists and the encouragement of the State's tourist industry. The investment criteria would be based on the construction, improvement or acquisition of hotels and/or motels, infrastructure r elated to the resort development and/or land acquisition. Casino boat facilities are not allowed to be included as part of the capital investment.
F. Maricultural Enterprises. An enterprise for the cultivation of the natural produces found in salt water. (Example: salt water fish production.)
G. Aquaculture Enterprises. An enterprise for the cultivation of the natural produces found in fresh water. (Example: production of living organisms found in fresh water lakes, ponds and streams.)
H. Regional Shopping Malls. A regional shopping mall with a minimum capital investment of $50,000,000 and having a significant impact on a wide area of the State.
I. Hospital. A major medical hospital facility with a minimum capital investment of $50,000,000 and having a significant impact on employment and health services.
Other types of enterprises, which may qualify for assistance, are distribution facilities, warehousing facilities, air transportation and maintenance facilities, movie industry studios, or the federal government.
Miss. Code Ann. § 65-4-1 etseq. (Rev. 2005)