Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 33 - Public Health - Local Governments And Rural Water Systems Improvements Board
Part 19 - Drinking Water Systems Improvements Revolving Loan Fund Program Regulations
Section 33-19-IV - Financial Status of the DWSIRLF
Current through September 24, 2024
This section outlines all sources of funding available to the DWSIRLF EC Program and indicates intended uses. This section also describes the financial assistance terms available through the Program.
A. Source and Use of Funds
Using the FFY-2023 EPA BIL EC Capitalization Grant allotment for Mississippi of $9,568,000 to provide for both loans and set-aside activities.
The FFY-2023 "Set-aside" use for the BIL EC Cap grant are outlined in Section V of this IUP. Necessary work plans showing utilization of these funds are found in the appendices of this IUP.
B. Financial Planning Process
In accordance with the Board's desire to maintain a financially sound DWSIRLF loan Fund in perpetuity, while at the same time meeting a substantial portion of the drinking water needs pertaining to projects that address emerging contaminants in drinking water in the state within a reasonable period of time, the following financial decisions were made regarding the Fund:
The Board intends that the MSDH apply for the full amount of the State EC Cap grant allotment under the federal DWSRF, including the set-asides described in Section V below. No State match is required for the FFY-2023 EC Cap grant.
The EC Cap Grant project portion requires 100% principal forgiveness to loan recipients. There may be a small amount of interest accrued before principal forgiveness is applied. It is the Board's decision to offer 0% interest on DWSIRLF loans from the BIL EC fund.
C. Financial Terms of Loans
The following terms will be used for the purpose of making loans to the public water systems within the State of Mississippi.
Under state law, the Board has the discretion to set the maximum amount for DWSIRLF loans. For FFY-2023 IUP, the Board has set a maximum loan amount of $5,000,000 per borrower. The Board may allow (on a case-by-case basis if requested by the borrower and the need has been justified) the maximum loan limit to be exceeded by a vote of the Board. Furthermore, during FFY-2023, no more than one loan per borrower will be allowed. At the end of the fiscal year, if funds are available, systems previously receiving an award during FFY-2023 may obtain an additional award(s) or an increase to a previous FFY-2023 award, if no other eligible systems are evident.
Terms for BIL EC loans (There may be a small amount of interest accrued before 100% principal forgiveness is applied) will be 0% interest rate, with a repayment period of five years for all projects.
Interest will accrue based on the current loan agreement in conjunction with the DWSIRLF Regulations.
The FFY-2023 BIL EC Cap Grant requires 100% subsidization of the BIL EC Cap Grant amount available for projects. This subsidization is expected to be in the form of "principal forgiveness", "negative interest rates", or a combination of the two.