Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 33 - Public Health - Local Governments And Rural Water Systems Improvements Board
Part 16 - Drinking Water Systems Improvements Revolving Loan Fund Program Regulations
Section 33-16-III - Structure of the Mississippi DWSIRLF
Current through September 24, 2024
The Mississippi DWSIRLF is structured to help it achieve the short-term and long-term goals of the specific program's outcome as outlined by its IUP. Funds are broken down into designated accounts, each having a specific function.
A. SRF Awards
Monies in the awards include program administration, set-aside operations, and most importantly provide disbursements to public water systems for eligible projects. The DWSIRLF is a reimbursement program, meaning that after the award, eligible costs incurred are reimbursed to the recipient.
Many types of projects are eligible for funding by the Program. For a more detailed explanation of eligible costs for projects, please reference the EPA DWSRF Eligibility Handbook.
The set-aside accounts reside under the umbrella of the Fund and are distinctly designated by reporting categories. The set-asides available through a DW SRF capitalization grant are as follows:
B. DWSIRLF State Match Funds
No match is required for this appropriation.