Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 33 - Public Health - Local Governments And Rural Water Systems Improvements Board
Part 1 - Drinking Water Systems Emergency Loan Fund Program Regulations
Section 33-1-IV - APPENDICES
Appendix 33-1-33-1-IV-G - Intergovernmental Review Process
Current through December 10, 2024
The following outlines the Board's requirements for compliance with the Intergovernmental Review Process for Drinking Water Systems Emergency Loan Fund (DWSELF) projects in Mississippi. These actions must be taken and an Intergovernmental Review Certification (hereinafter Certification) submitted as part of the DWSELF loan application package. The Intergovernmental Review Agencies (IGR) are as follows:
(1) Department of Archives and History (For Archaeological/Cultural Resources Review);
(2) Natural Heritage Program (For Vegetative/Wildlife Survey);
(3) Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Functions Branch (For Wetlands and Navigable Waterway Crossing Review);
(4) U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services (Jackson, Harrison, and Hancock County Projects only, for Coastal Barriers Resources Act Review); and
(5) U. S. Forest Service (For Wild and Scenic Rivers).
Loan Application
When completing the Certification form, the applicant/loan recipient should mark the first certification if the proposed project will consist of only construction/repair work on previously disturbed sites, easements, and rights-of-way. If this certification is marked accurately, then no further intergovernmental review is necessary.
If there are portions of the project that will affect previously undisturbed sites, easements, or rights-of-way, during preparation of the DWSELF loan application package the appropriate intergovernmental review agencies must be consulted, by telephone, or other communication, about the proposed project area concerning the existence of any known or possible archaeological/cultural resources sites, endangered vegetation/wildlife, wetlands, navigable waterway crossings, wild and scenic rivers impact or coastal barriers resources impact, and their concurrence or comments noted on the Certification.
If any of the intergovernmental review agencies have comments on the project, the applicant/loan recipient must attach a summary of those comments and the actions necessary to address those comments, including a schedule for completing the required actions, to the Certification, which must be included as part of the DWSELF loan application package. It will be the applicant/loan recipient's responsibility to take all actions necessary to satisfy the IGR comments and obtain concurrence in the project prior to awarding contracts for construction/repair for project portions under comment.