Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 31 - Public Safety
Chapter 4 - Data Reporting
Rule 31-2-4.3 - Review Criteria
Current through December 10, 2024
1. The arrest fingerprint cards are reviewed as follows. The items listed below are mandatory fields; if they are left blank, the card is returned to the submitting jurisdiction. A sample fingerprint card with these required fields is provided as Section 4.0.1.
2. Any missing fields are highlighted and the card is returned with an Arrest Card Resolution Sheet noting the incorrect or missing information. If the majority of the cards have the same errors, only one box is completed on the form. If there are a few cards with the same specific error, the Arrest Tracking Numbers (ATN) are noted on the Resolution Sheet next to the box checked.
Miss. Code Ann. §§ 45-1-3, 45-27-5, et seq., and 97-3-107