Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 30 - Mississippi State Board of Public Accountancy
Part 3103 - Licensure, Practice, Renewal, Continuing Education, Standard of Conduct And Fee
Chapter 1 - Licensure
Rule 30-3103-1.9 - Address/Name Change
Current through December 10, 2024
The cost of resending any correspondence or materials will be borne by the licensee.
1. Change of Address - Each person holding a license who has had a change of address shall file in writing with the Board his/her current mailing address, giving both old and new addresses. Such notification should be received in the Board's administrative office no later than thirty (30) days after such change is effective and must reference the individual's name, profession, and license number.
2. Change of Name - An individual licensed with the Board shall notify the Board in writing within thirty (30) days of a name change. The notice shall provide both the old and new name, a notarized photocopy of the official document involved, and must reference the individual's profession and license number.
Miss. Code Ann. § 73-23-43(1)(d), (e) and (2) (Rev. 2008).