Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 30 - Mississippi State Board of Public Accountancy
Section 30-3001-XLVII.3 - Storage and Dispensing Conditions
Current through December 10, 2024
1. All drug products which are stored or maintained in a facility permitted by the Board of Pharmacy shall remain in the manufacturer's or repackager's original container. The label of any container in which drugs are maintained must bear the drug name, strength, the manufacturer's control lot number and the expiration date. Drugs which are precounted and prepackaged, or placed in automatic tablet counting machines, for purposes of dispensing shall be identifiable as to expiration date and manufacturer's control lot number. The containers in which drug products are maintained shall not be labeled in any false or misleading manner. The labeling requirements of this ARTICLE are in addition to, and not in lieu of, other labeling requirements of the laws of the state of Mississippi and laws of the United States or federal regulations.
2. No physician may delegate dispensing authority to another person. Except as allowed pursuant to an automated dispensing physician facility permit, a physician must personally dispense the medication. For the purpose of this regulation, "personally dispense" means the physician must actually obtain the medication, prepare, count, place the medication into the appropriate container and affix the appropriate label to the container.
3. A physician shall not dispense out-of-date drugs and shall not maintain out-of-date drugs intermixed with the stock of current drugs. Out-of-date drugs shall be promptly removed from current stock and stored separately until proper disposal shall be made.
4. The Board of Pharmacy or its representative may seize, embargo, quarantine or place under seal any drug or controlled substance which may constitute an imminent danger to the public health or safety.
5. A physician shall not accept the return for subsequent resale or exchange any drug after such drug has been taken from the premises where sold, distributed or dispensed and from the control of the physician.
6. All drug products shall be maintained, stored and dispensed in such a manner as to maintain the integrity of the product.
7. Unless requested not to do so, all medication dispensed in a liquid or solid dosage form shall be dispensed in child resistant packaging.
8. Disasters, accidents or emergencies which may affect the strength, purity or labeling of drugs shall be immediately reported to the Board of Pharmacy.
9. Customized Patient Medication Packages: In lieu of dispensing two or more prescribed drug products in separate containers, a physician may, with the consent of the patient or a patient's care giver, provide a customized package, known as a patient med-pak, provided: