Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 30 - Mississippi State Board of Public Accountancy
Section 30-3001-XLVII.1 - Application for Permit
Pursuant to Part 2640, Chapter 1, Rule 1.9 of the Mississippi Board of Medical Licensure Regulations, every dispensing physician in this State shall obtain a dispensing physician facility permit from the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy for every location where controlled substances or legend drugs are dispensed. The dispensing physician must obtain a certificate to dispense medications from the Mississippi Board of Medical Licensure prior to applying for a dispensing physician facility permit from the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy. Such permit shall be obtained by applying for a permit on a form supplied by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy and accompanied by a fee of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00). All physician dispensing facility permits expire on December 31 of each year and shall be renewed annually by submitting a renewal application and a renewal fee of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00). Any renewal application postmarked after December 31st of the renewal period shall be returned and assessed a Fifty Dollar ($50.00) late fee prior to renewal. Dispensing physician facility permits are not transferable or assignable.
Any physician that utilizes an automated dispensary must obtain a separate Automated Physician Dispensing Facility Permit. Each automated dispensary shall be required to have a separate permit. An automated physician dispensing facility permit shall be obtained by applying on a form supplied by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy and accompanied by a fee of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00). All automated physician dispensing facility permits expire on December 31 of each year and shall be renewed annually by submitting a renewal application and a renewal fee of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00). Any renewal application postmarked after December 31st of the renewal period shall be returned and assessed a Fifty Dollar ($50.00) late fee prior to renewal. Automated dispensing physician facility permits are not transferable or assignable.