A. Administrator-in-Training (A.I.T.) and
Preceptor Program
(a) After Board
action is taken to approve the applicant's qualifications, as set forth in Part
2703, Chapter 1, Rule
1.1, the applicant must be employed
by the facility and engaged as a full- time practicing
Administrator-in-Training in a licensed nursing home in Mississippi for a
minimum period of six (6) consecutive months as evidenced by a properly
executed and notarized Certificate of Employment. The
Certificate of Employment must be submitted with the
Application packet. Upon approval by the Board or its designee, the A.I.T.
Program may be extended by up to two (2) months. Under no circumstances shall
the time to complete the A.I.T. Program extend beyond eight (8) months after
the beginning of the A.I.T. Program. An A.I.T. failing to complete the A.I.T.
Program within eight (8) months after beginning the Program must reapply and,
if accepted by the Board, must begin the A.I.T. Program anew pursuant to Rule
1.3, Chapter 1, Part 2703.
(b) The A.I.T. program is a forty (40) hour
per week program (Monday - Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. or
otherwise approved by the Board) that must include a minimum of eight (8) hours
per week under the close, personal, and direct supervision of a certified
preceptor. Direct supervision means in-person oversight by an approved
preceptor on the premises of the nursing home facility at which the intern
performs his or her A.I.T. training program or on the premises of the nursing
home at which the preceptor is employed. If due to no fault of the A.I.T., his
or her preceptor becomes unable to complete the six month program as agreed,
due to a job change, illness, etc., the A.I.T. shall immediately notify the
Board office and will be given four weeks to secure another preceptor and
submit the proper A.I.T. Preceptor Agreement Form. The Agreement shall cover
the remaining period of time in order to complete the full six month program
(1,040 hours). The A.I.T. and the former Preceptor must also submit a letter to
the Board that clearly explains the reason(s) why the individual can no longer
serve as the A.I.T.'s Preceptor.
(c) Within ten days of beginning an
Administrator-in-Training program, a Program Outline must be forwarded to the
Board. Monthly reports documenting learning experiences and activities related
to the Administrator-in-Training program are to be submitted to the Board on
established forms no later than the 15th day of the following month. Any
required form or report which is received thirty (30) days after the end of the
reporting period will result in the internship being terminated.
(d) An Administrator-in-Training may not sit
for the Nursing Home Administrators National Examination unless he/she has
completed the six (6) months training and completed a Board approved training
course covering the Domains of Practice for Nursing Home
(e) Following
completion of the six (6) months Administrator-in-Training program, and prior
to receiving a regular license, the trainee shall successfully pass such tests
as required by the Board to determine if he or she has received training and
experience consistent with guidelines established by the Board.
(f) Prior to receiving a license, the
Administrator-in-Training must complete a two-day training course with the
Office of Licensure & Certification, Mississippi Department of
(g) Failure to successfully
complete licensing requirements within eighteen months after beginning the
A.I.T. program will result in the loss of all accomplishments and
(2) Preceptor
(a) The Preceptor must hold either:
i) a Nursing Home Administrator license in
Mississippi and have three (3) consecutive years' experience in Mississippi as
an Administrator or Assistant Administrator in a licensed nursing home facility
without a break in service of more than ninety (90) days and must obtain
certification as a preceptor by the Board. *; or
ii) an Administrator licensed in Mississippi
and has three (3) consecutive years' experience in Mississippi who has direct
management responsibility over one or more nursing homes or one or more nursing
home administrators without a break in service of more than ninety (90) days
and currently must obtain certified certification as a preceptor by the Board*;
iii) a Nursing Home
Administrator licensed in Mississippi and have ten (10) or more years of
experience in Mississippi as an Administrator, Assistant Administrator, or an
Administrator who has direct management responsibility over one or more nursing
homes or more than one nursing home administrator and must obtain certification
as a preceptor by the Board.
For licensed Administrators who have worked under a Temporary
Permit, the three years will be calculated beginning the effective date of the
temporary permit.
As used in this Rule, consecutive employment means the
uninterrupted or continuous employment with a Mississippi licensed nursing home
facility. The phrase "three (3) consecutive years of employment" means the
three-year period immediately prior to or preceding the filing of the
registration form with the Board to become a Preceptor. Continuous service
(employment) shall cease if a person has a break in service. A person
experiences a break in service (employment) when he or she is not employed in
Mississippi as an Administrator in a licensed nursing home, Assistant
Administrator in a licensed nursing home, or an Administrator who has direct
management responsibility over one or more nursing homes or more than one
administrator for more than ninety (90) days (during the three-year period
prescribed by this Rule).
Where a person's last three years of employment are not
continuous because of a break in service or otherwise, the period of employment
after the break in service (employment) will be treated as new employment and
will not be counted toward the three (3) years of consecutive employment
required by this Rule.
A Nursing Home Administrator will also be considered for
preceptorship who has direct management responsibility over one or more nursing
homes or more than one administrator for the three-year period of time set
forth above; has completed Board-approved training for certification as a
preceptor in Mississippi; and currently must obtain certified certification as
a preceptor by the Board. *
No preceptor certification shall be issued or granted to any
person who has had a disciplinary action taken against his or her professional
license within the three (3) years prior to date on which his or her
eligibility as a preceptor is considered by the Board; who has resigned or
surrendered his or her professional license in lieu of disciplinary action or
while under investigation or while disciplinary action is pending. The Board
may also refuse to grant a preceptor certification to an individual who has a
pending or unresolved complaint or investigation against his or her license;
who has disciplinary action, sanctions, order, or agreement pending or in
effect against his or her professional license; and/or whose license is in any
way restricted or otherwise subject to disciplinary action.
*Note: Preceptor Certification training is offered annually
by the Board for nursing home administrators eligible to serve as preceptors in
Mississippi. Preceptor certification is effective July 1st for a period of two
(2) years and is renewable biennially, as long as other criteria are
(b) A
Preceptor who completes a preceptorship within a biennial licensure period may
be allowed five (5) hours of continuing education credit for precepting one (1)
A.I.T. or ten (10) hours of continuing education credit for precepting two (2)
A.I.T.s within that same biennial period. To be eligible for the credit, the
preceptor must maintain documentation of the persons trained, number of hours
supervised, subject matter and dates of training. No preceptor may receive more
than ten (10) hours of credit per renewal period under this Rule. The fees
associated with this cost are set forth in Part 2701, Chapter 1, Rule
(c) The A.I.T. experience must be guided by a
training plan developed by the Nursing Home Administrator Preceptor. The
Preceptor shall give close, personal, and direct supervision to the trainee for
a minimum of eight (8) hours per week. Direct supervision means oversight by an
approved preceptor on the premises of the nursing home facility at which the
intern performs his or her A.I.T. training program or on the premises of the
nursing home at which the preceptor is employed. The preceptor must be readily
available to assist and answer questions at least eight (8) hours per week and
available at least by telephone at all other times. The preceptor may be off
the premises for limited periods of time for conferences, vacancies and similar
events but still must be available by phone, not to exceed an average of more
than one day per week.
(d) The
Preceptor must complete a written evaluation of the trainee after a three (3)
month and a six (6) month training period.
The evaluation form must include the following: length of
training period, description of training activities, evaluation of trainee's
performance, trainee's evaluation of training received, and signatures of the
Preceptor and trainee. The evaluation forms must be received in the Mississippi
Board's office within fifteen (15) calendar days of the completed training
period. Any required form or report which is received in the Board's office
thirty (30) days after the end of the applicable reporting period will result
in the internship being terminated.
(e) The Preceptor must have no more than two
(2) Administrators-in-Training concurrently for any Preceptor
(f) The Preceptor in
order to be eligible for recertification must meet the same qualifications as
set forth in Part 2703, Chapter 1, Rule
1.3.A.(2) If his or her position or
responsibility has changed since last certification, consideration will be
given for recertification only if the Preceptor has direct management
responsibility over one or more nursing homes and meets all other conditions as
set forth in these Rules and Regulations.