A. Any applicant
for a Mississippi instructor's license by reciprocity who has not completed the
college course(s) requirement at the time of application may be issued a
one-time temporary teaching permit valid for six months, which shall be
non-renewable. All other requirements must be met at the time of application
for instructor's license by reciprocity.
B. The request for a one-time temporary
teaching permit shall be made on the application for instructor's license by
reciprocity. See Rule 2.12.
(1) Name and
address of the school in which the applicant is to be employed.
(2) School registration number, current
license number and expiration date of license.
(3) Name of supervising instructor(s).
(4) Supervising instructor(s)'s
registration number, current license number, and expiration date of license.
C. The request for a
one-time temporary teaching permit must be accompanied by the following:
(1) Proof of enrollment in college course(s)
approved by the Board
(2) Required
permit fee of $25.00
(3) Two (2)
passport photographs taken within ninety (90) days prior to the application or
(4) Other documentation as
required for application for a Mississippi instructor's license by reciprocity.
D. Procedures for Use
of the One-Time Temporary Teaching Permit
An approved one-time temporary teaching permit shall be issued in the
applicant's name and mailed to the employing school.
2. The applicant for an instructor's license
by reciprocity who has been issued a one-time temporary teaching permit shall
be required to be under the direct supervision of a licensed instructor.
3. The supervising instructor
shall be employed on a full-time basis by the school where the applicant for
instructor's license by reciprocity will be employed.
4. When it is necessary for the supervising
instructor to be away from the school on occasion, another licensed instructor
shall be designated to supervise the work of the applicant for an instructor's
license by reciprocity who is working pursuant to a one-time temporary teaching
5. Any applicant for an
instructor's license by reciprocity who is found working in any school before
receipt of the one-time temporary teaching permit will be issued a citation by
the Board agent.
6. Any school
owner employing an applicant for an instructor's license by reciprocity without
a one-time temporary teaching permit shall be issued a citation by the Board
agent, and such case may be cause for suspension of the school license.
7. The one-time temporary permit
shall be returned immediately to the Board office in the event the applicant
for an instructor's license by reciprocity who holds the said permit ceases
employment with the employing school of record or withdraws his or her
application for an instructor's license by reciprocity.
Miss. Code Ann.
(Rev. 2013)