Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 30 - Mississippi State Board of Public Accountancy
Part 2101 - Cosmetology, Board of
Chapter 2 - Licensure
Rule 30-2101-2.4 - Duplicate License
Current through December 10, 2024
A. A request for duplicate license shall be submitted in writing, on a form provided by the Board, to the Board office. Applicants for a duplicate license shall submit two (2) forms of identification. Acceptable forms of identification may be driver's license, government issued ID card, Social Security card, school ID card with photograph, voter registration card, U.S. military card, Native American tribal document, birth certificate, passport, certificate of U.S. citizenship, certificate of naturalization, valid (unexpired) temporary resident card or employment authorization card. All applications and supporting documents must be submitted two (2) weeks prior to a Board meeting. Application will be reviewed for consideration by the Board. Upon review, the applicant will be notified of the Board's decision. Only one duplicate license shall be issued during a licensing period, unless extenuating circumstances are presented for which an appearance, may be requested.
B. A licensee who has a duplicate license posted, shall make his or her government photo identification available upon request. Failure to provide government identification, when requested by an agent of the Board shall result in the issuance of a citation for violation to the practitioner, owner and/or manager of the establishment.
Miss. Code Ann. § 73-7-7 (Rev. 2013)