Current through December 10, 2024
A. An
individual who holds a current license from another state with whom Mississippi
has a reciprocal agreement may be eligible for a practitioner license in
accordance with Miss. Code Ann. Section
The Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology maintains a list of states with whom
Mississippi is reciprocal.
Application Process:
1. Complete an
Application for Reciprocity, which must be completed in its entirety and
submitted to the Board.
a. The applicant must
cause an affidavit or certification to be issued by the board in which the
training was acquired or the license is held. If the state in which the
applicant is currently licensed is also the state in which the training was
acquired, then only one affidavit is required. Where the current license is
held in one state and original license or education was obtained in a different
state, and the state of current licensure will not attest to the applicant's
training, an affidavit is also required from the state of origin.
b. The affidavit/certification of training
(1) Be mailed directly to the
Mississippi State Board by the licensing authority.
(2) Bear the seal-impress of the licensing
(3) Bear at least one
signature of an official of the licensing authority.
c. The affidavit/certification of training
should contain, at a minimum:
(1) Applicant's
name and address,
(2) Applicant's
Registration Number or license identification number,
(3) The course in which applicant was
(4) Total clock hours
(5) Information regarding
current license, including expiration date and whether the licensee is in good
Appear for an Application Eligibility Interview
a. Upon receipt of a completed Application of
Reciprocity and Affidavit/Certification of Training, which meets the
reciprocity requirements of the state of Mississippi, the applicant is
scheduled for an interview, and notified of the date and time.
b. The applicant must present the following
documents at the time of the interview:
Photographic identification.
(a) Applicant
must present two (2) current passport photographs to be attached to his or her
application for reciprocity. The photograph must be recognizable as the person
who is making application for reciprocity.
(b) Applicant must present a
government-issued photographic identification card which contains the
applicant's signature and date of birth. In the event of a name change, legal
proof of the change must be presented.
(2) Two additional forms of government-issued
identification must be presented by the applicant. In the event of a name
change, legal proof of the change must be presented.
(3) A current, valid out of state
practitioner license. The license will be reviewed to determine that all
information contained in it including name, registration number, and expiration
date of license, matches the information which was provide in the affidavit.
(4) Any applicant who uses or
proposes to use a specific device in any practice area of discipline must
present certificate of proficiency obtained in Mississippi or another state
attesting to proper training in the use of the device.
c. The applicant will be interviewed to
determine his or her eligibility to be licensed by reciprocity. The interview
will be recorded. The following determinations will be made:
(1) the applicant is at least 17 years of
(2) the applicant is able to
read, write and speak English.
C. If the applicant fails to present evidence
satisfactory, of meeting all requirements for reciprocity, he or she will be
advised that the application cannot be accepted, and the reason for same. The
applicant will be advised, in writing, of the right to an administrative
hearing before the Board.
D. If
the applicant is deemed to meet all reciprocity eligibility requirements, he or
she is required to:
1. Complete an
Application for Reciprocity. The Board approved form, "Application for
Licensure by Reciprocity," must be completed in its entirety.
2. Pay the required fee. The prevailing fee
is that which has been established by Law, Section
of the Mississippi Code of 1972 as amended and may be submitted by personal
check, cashier's check, money order, or cash.
Miss. Code Ann.
(Rev. 2013)