Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 30 - Mississippi State Board of Public Accountancy
Part 201 - Mississippi State Board of Architecture
Chapter 3 - General Rules
Rule 30-201-3.2 - Practice Procedures
Current through December 10, 2024
3.2.1 An architect can practice as a sole proprietor, or through a partnership, a professional corporation or a professional association pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. 79-10-1, et seq., as amended, or through a professional limited liability company pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. 79-29-901, et seq., as amended, subject to the following conditions:
It is a specific purpose of this rule to restrict or condition the issuance of shares of a professional corporation and the issuance of membership interests in a professional limited liability company which is to advertise or otherwise hold itself out to be an architect or to be authorized to practice architecture to only licensed architects or engineers.
3.2.2 All stationery, printed matter, title blocks, and listings of an architectural firm or business, including a sole proprietorship, shall contain the name of at least one (1) person who is registered as an architect in this state, and any firm or business name listed on such documents shall be the firm or business name(s) provided in conjunction with the architect's registration with the Board. No person shall be named on any card, stationery, title block, printed matter or listing of such a firm (partnership, professional corporation, professional association, or professional limited liability company) used in this state unless there is designated thereon whether or not such person is licensed in this state. Employees of a firm that are not registered as an architect or engineer in any jurisdiction are allowed to use business cards for that firm, provided that the job title of the individual is clearly stated and said title does not lead the public to believe the employee is a licensed architect in this state.
3.2.3 Registered architects are allowed to practice under or through a firm or business entity in compliance with Miss. Code Ann. § 73-1-19 and all applicable rules. Allowable firm or business names are names which:
Firm and business names are considered improper if they contain the name or names of individuals actively licensed in another jurisdiction if none of the individuals named in the firm name are actively licensed in Mississippi.
EXAMPLES (Provided as guidelines only. This is not an exhaustive or complete listing of scenarios.):
Smith and Jones Architecture (provided Smith and/or Jones are licensed architects and one or both is licensed as an architect in Mississippi) Williams and James Architecture John Doe, Architect (only if both Williams and James are retired or deceased) Architecture Unlimited John Doe, Architect Doe and Smith, Architects and Engineers John Doe, Architect (when Doe is licensed as an architect in Mississippi and there are multiple architects in the firm) ABC Architects and Engineers John Doe, Architect (when Doe is licensed as an architect in Mississippi and there are multiple architects in the firm) |
Smith and Jones Architecture (when Smith and/or Jones are actively licensed in another jurisdiction, but neither is licensed in Mississippi) Williams and James Architecture (where Williams and/or James are actively licensed in another jurisdiction, but neither is licensed in Mississippi) Architecture Unlimited (when the name of the architect licensed in Mississippi is not also provided) Doe and Smith, Architects and Engineers (the Mississippi architect must be identified) ABC Architects and Engineers (when the name of the architect license in Mississippi is not also provided) |
3.2.4 For the purpose of properly identifying drawings, specifications, and contract documents, each architect shall obtain a stamp of a design approved by the Board to be used as the stamp required by Miss. Code Ann. § 73-1-35. The manual, electronic, or digital signature of the architect and date of execution shall appear over the stamp on all documents prepared by the architect or under the architect's responsible control for use in the State of Mississippi.
3.2.6 A licensed architect can combine with a duly licensed general contractor or a professional engineer in order to participate in a "Design/Build" undertaking whereby the architect prepares plans and specifications through individual or collective agreements with the owner or contractor in order to meet the owner's requirements for unified control in the design and construction services rendered under the following conditions:
Commentary - An architect must always maintain responsible control over the design of a project to ensure all applicable federal, state and local building laws and codes are incorporated into the design and construction of a project. In order to comply with the responsible control requirements, the architect must be able to act independently and not be subject to the control of others. Where the architect is the employee of a contractor, the potential exists for the contractor to exert financial pressure on the architect to forgo compliance with certain building code requirements in order to provide a financial benefit to the contractor to the exclusion of the health, safety and welfare of the individuals occupying the built environment.
3.2.7 In a design/build undertaking where the general contracting firm is owned by the architect of record, the general contracting firm and the architectural firm must be two distinct and separate entities and there must be separate contracts for both the construction and architectural services. If the architect of record is also an owner in the contracting firm for the project, the architect should advise the owner of the potential conflict of interest so that the owner can have the opportunity to employ a third party to provide construction administration.
3.2.8 A non-resident architectural firm, with no members registered in this state, may form a joint venture or association with a resident architectural firm if:
3.2.9All architects holding ownership or supervisory positions in an architectural firm or other entity through which architectural services are offered or rendered shall be responsible for the conduct of all non-registered employees (and non-registered associates and contracted persons) under the control of the firm regarding acts, representations and services of the non-registrants, related to the practice of architecture and while acting for, or on behalf of, the firm, if said conduct constitutes a violation of Miss. Code Ann. § 73-1-1 or the Professional Code of Conduct. Such architects shall maintain responsible control of all representations made by, or in reference to, unlicensed individuals employed by the firm in order to ensure that the unlicensed individuals are not presented in a manner that may lead the public to assume they are licensed.
Commentary - It is common practice for architects to provide professional services in the setting of a firm consisting of other architects, other design professionals, and non-registered individuals such as draftspersons, marketers, clerical staff, construction administrators, intern architects, licensure candidates and others. The Board recognizes that many such non-registered individuals perform many acts and services for the firm that constitute or support the practice of architecture, such as marketing, design, detailing, specification writing, client contact, and contract administration. In the interest of protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public, it is incumbent upon the registered professionals to maintain responsible control of the firm and its staff persons regarding their acts, duties and work product relating to the practice of architecture. The Board has long held that "responsible control" (previously "direct supervision") of the preparation of drawings and specifications was required in order for the architect to place the architect's seal thereon. This rule clarifies that "responsible control" of other activities of the practice is required as well, such as firm marketing and representation of qualifications, pre-design activities, etc. The architect is not expected to be responsible for conduct or acts committed by non-registrants under the architect's employ or control when said conduct is related to activities or services performed outside of the firm (e.g. "moonlighting" by a draftsperson).
3.2.10 Architects shall seek employment as follows:
Commentary - The Board encourages the use of qualifications-based selection for all projects, as the Board believes it is the method of procurement of professional design services that is in the best interest of protection of the public's life, health and property.
3.2.11 No person may use the title "architect" or any form thereof without having have secured a license from the Board, except as provided in rule 2.6 as pertains to an intern architect. In architectural practice, the person or persons licensed as architect(s) in Mississippi shall maintain responsible control of all work performed in Mississippi. This shall include, but is not limited to, signing contracts, sealing documents, and all services as described in Miss. Code Ann. § 73-1-3.
3.2.12 No professional corporation, professional association, professional limited liability company, nor any partnership shall be entitled to a license to practice architecture in this state. Licensure is issued to individuals only. In conjunction with Mississippi licensure and renewal of licensure, applicants and architects must provide information as to any and all business entities through which the architect may be practicing architecture in Mississippi.
3.2.13 No architect shall practice through a firm if the name of the firm is misleading as to the number of registrants or the licensure status of those individuals named in the firm. For example, a firm with one person licensed as an architect cannot use a name which includes the word "Architects". For purposes of determining plurality and the use of the word architects in a firm name, one should consider the number of individuals licensed as architects in Mississippi or in jurisdictions recognized by the Board.
EXAMPLES (Provided as guidelines only. This is not an exhaustive or complete listing of scenarios.):
Not Allowed: John Doe Architects This is an improper firm name in a case where John Doe is the only individual in the firm licensed as an architect. |
Allowed: Smith, Jones and Doe, Architect and Engineers John Doe, Architect This is a proper name in a case where Doe is the only individual in the firm licensed as an architect. ABC Architects John Doe, Architect This is a proper use of a trade name if there are at least two (2) individuals in the firm who are licensed as architects, and if the name of at least one architect licensed in Mississippi is disclosed in conformance with 3.2.3. |
3.2.14 In Mississippi, a "Registered Design Professional" is defined as an architect, an engineer, or a landscape architect who is registered or licensed to practice in the State of Mississippi, provided that the individual is practicing in compliance with the registration laws.
3.2.15 As to interior architecture, the practice of architecture is defined at Miss. Code Ann. § 73-1-3(c). This statute provides that a person is engaging in the practice of architecture if that person is held out as able to perform any professional service such as planning, design, including aesthetic and structural designs, and consultation in connection therewith, or responsible inspection of construction, in connection with any non-exempt buildings, structures, or projects, or the equipment or utilities thereof, or the accessories thereto, wherein the safeguarding of life, health or property is concerned or involved, when such professional service requires the application of the art and science of construction based upon the principles of mathematics, aesthetics, functional planning, and the physical sciences.
As planning and design, including aesthetic and structural designs, encompass the entire structure, both interior and exterior, the Board holds that engaging in only partial aspects of the definition of architecture remains the practice of architecture and may be performed only by one who is licensed as an architect in conformance with Miss. Code Ann. §§ 73-1-1 et seq. Thus, the practice of interior architecture in buildings is the practice of architecture. Accordingly, individuals who engage in the practice of planning and designing any life safety elements of the interior of any non-exempt buildings, including any aesthetic element, shall be considered practicing architecture.
3.2.16 In regard to construction administration, if, under Mississippi law, an architect must prepare, or supervise and control the preparation of the contract documents for a new building or the alteration of or an addition to an existing building, construction administration services of an architect on the architectural aspects of the project are deemed necessary to protect the life, health and property of the public. In such event, construction administration for the project shall be conducted by an architect or by a person working under the responsible control of an architect. Construction administration as defined herein constitutes the practice of architecture as defined by the Board.
Commentary - In order to assure a project that is required by law to be designed by an architect is constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications, the architect of record should provide construction administration services as part of the protection of the life, health and property of the individuals using the built environment. Where the architect of record was not originally contracted or is no longer engaged to perform construction administration as defined above, or is providing only limited construction administration services, the architect is required to give the notice outlined above to assure that all parties to the construction project are aware that construction administration is not being performed by the architect of record or is limited in scope. This specifically provides a building official with notice so that the building official may compel the owner to provide someone to perform those services if the building official so chooses.
3.2.17 In circumstances where a Mississippi registered architect or registered design professional can no longer provide services on a project due to death, retirement, incapacity, or disability, or mutual agreement to terminate a contract for architectural services, a successor architect, who is a registered Mississippi architect, may undertake to complete the architectural services including any necessary and appropriate changes provided:
3.2.18 In the case where an architect is awarded the design contract for a public or private project which will be competitively bid, neither the architect, nor any entity owned in whole or part by the architect, may bid for the construction of the project.
Commentary: The Board is of the opinion that such a situation creates a conflict of interest for the architect in that the architect is the designer and the contractor for the project, thus removing the checks and balances which assure that the project is constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications.
3.2.19 An architect, if properly qualified by training, education and experience, may perform construction management services without obtaining any additional license or certification, provided that the architect does not perform any construction work on the project being managed.
3.2.20 The following determines whether a project meets one of the exemptions provided in Miss. Code Ann. § 73-1-39:
Miss. Code Ann. §§ 73-1-1, 3, 13, 19, 29, & 35; 73-2-3; 73-13-45.