Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 30 - Professions and Occupations
Part 1101 - Geologists, Board of
Chapter 4 - Fees
Rule 30-1101-4.2 - Penalty for Late Renewal or Payment of Required Fees
Failure on the part of any registrant or enrollee to renew their certificate in January shall not deprive such person of the right of renewal or re-enrollment. All registration or enrollment fees not paid and postmarked in January, or for other payment requests not received within thirty (30) days of the billing date will be subject to Rule 4.3. If registration or enrollment fees remain unpaid at the end of February, or later, the fee schedule and conditions set forth in Rule 4.3 shall further apply. A registrant or enrollee whose registration or enrollment is sixty (60) days past the expiration date of January 1 may, at his/her option, submit a new application for registration or enrollment along with all appropriate and required fees, provide the Board with a letter noting his/her election, and shall also be required to show proof, satisfactory to the Board, of their successful passage of both the ASBOG Fundamentals of Geology and the Practices of Geology examinations in order to be reconsidered for registration or renewal or re-enrollment.
Miss. Code Ann. § 73-63-17(a); § 73-63-37