Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 29 - Prisons And Parole
Part 1 - Administration and Management
Subpart 1 - Administration
Chapter 6 - Citizenship Involvement and Volunteers
Subchapter 2 - Volunteer Programs Procedure
Rule 29-1-1-6.2.4 - PROCEDURES
Current through September 24, 2024
1. General
A volunteer is not considered a state employee and may not be used instead of a classified position. The services of volunteers may supplement, but never replace, any service, activity, or function of employees of the Mississippi Department of Corrections.
2. Administration of Correctional Agencies (Central Office): Written policy provides for securing citizen involvement in agency programs, including service as advisors, interpreters, and similar direct service roles [2 -CO-1G-01].
The Commissioner or designee will ensure procedures are established for securing citizen involvement in agency programs, including services as advisors, interpreters, and similar direct service roles.
3. Adult Probation and Parole Field Services: Written policy, procedure, and practice provide for securing volunteer citizen involvement in the programs, including roles as advisers, interpreters between the program and the public, in direct service roles, and in cooperation endeavors with offenders under supervision [PP 3-3117].
A Volunteer Services Coordinator, appointed by the Director of Treatment and Programs, is responsible for coordinating a citizen involvement and volunteer services program for the benefit of offenders. MDOC Treatment Programs, Departments, Community Work Centers, and Field Services as well as each Regional Jail and Private Prison, will appoint a staff member responsible for recruiting, screening and assisting volunteer applicants to their area.
4. Adult Probation and Parole Field Services: Written policy, procedure, and practice for volunteer citizen involvement includes a system for selecting, training, deciding on the term of service, terminating service, and defining tasks, responsibilities and authority of volunteers [PP 3-3118].
The Commissioner or designee will ensure that there is a system for selecting, training, deciding on the term of service, terminating service, defining task, and the responsibilities and authority of volunteers.
5. Citizens seeking to offer volunteer services once or for a special event, will be considered guests of the facility, not subject to all requirements of becoming a regularly scheduled (weekly, monthly) volunteer involved directly with the offender population.
6. Adult Probation and Parole Field Services: The field agency administration or the parent agency provides protection against liability or tort claims in the form of insurance, signed waivers, or other legal provisions valid in the jurisdiction in which the volunteer program is located [PP 3-3124].
The Commissioner or designee will require all volunteers to sign a Release of All Claims Form that identifies that all volunteers will release the Mississippi Department of Corrections from any and all liability for any injury or damage that the volunteer may suffer whether accidentally or willfully caused by the actions or any persons on the premises that the volunteer visits.
7. Function of Volunteers
8. Administration of Correctional Agencies (Central Office): Written agency policy governs the recruitment, selection, orientation, training, and supervision of volunteers [2-CO-1G-04].
9. Adult Correctional Institutions: The screening and selection of volunteers allows for recruitment from all cultural and socioeconomic parts of the community [4-4116].
10. Adult Community Residential Services: The screening and selection of volunteers allows for recruitment from all cultural and socioeconomic parts of the community [4-ACRS-7F-08].
11. Adult Probation and Parole Field Services: Written policy procedure, and practice call for the recruitment of volunteers from all cultural and socioeconomic segments of the community [PP 3-3120].
The use of volunteers permit increased personal contact for the offenders, broadens community resources for the institution/facility, and increases public awareness of the correctional system.
Finding suitable citizen volunteers is an opportunity to be shared by each employee. The screening and selection of volunteers allows for recruitment from all cultural and socioeconomic parts of the community.
12. Eligibility
13. Application and Processing
Prospective volunteers will be required to complete an application for volunteer service that is designed to gather pertinent information regarding the applicant. This process applies to all Mississippi Department of Corrections employees, contract workers, volunteers, and consultants as well.
All questions must be answered fully or the prospective volunteer may not be approved.
14. Adult Correctional Institutions: Written policy specifies that volunteers may perform professional services only when they are certified or licensed to do so [4-4118].
15. Adult Probation and Parole Field Services: Written policy, procedure, and practice specifies that volunteers may perform professional services only when certified or licensed to do so [PP 3-3121].
16. Adult Community Residential Services: Volunteers may perform professional services only when they are certified or licensed to do so. [4-ACRS-7B-03].
Volunteers offering a professional service for pastoral, vocational, or other benefit will provide specific evidence or proper credentials that they are qualified to perform these services at the time of application.
This information will be kept in the volunteers file.
17. Administration of Correctional Agencies (Central Office): Written policy, procedure, and practice require a criminal background check on all volunteers who have direct, unsupervised contact with inmates/juveniles/residents [2-CO-1G-05].
18. Program Coordination
19. Administration of Correctional Agencies (Central Office): Written policy, procedure, and practice provide that a senior staff member is responsible for coordinating the agency volunteer service program [2-CO-1G-02].
20. Adult Correctional Institutions: Written policy and procedure specify who is responsible for operating a citizen involvement and volunteer service program, and their lines of authority, responsibility, and accountability [4-4115, Revised 2008 Standards Supplement].
The Religious Programs Director, appointed by the State Treatment and Programs Director to the role of Volunteer Services Coordinator, will be responsible for coordinating citizen involvement and volunteer services programs for offenders.
21. Administration of Correctional Agencies (Central Office): Written agency policy specifies the lines of authority, responsibility, and accountability for citizen involvement and volunteer services [2-CO-1G-03].
22. Adult Community Residential Services: The lines of authority, responsibility, and accountability are specified for the facilitys citizen involvement and volunteer services program [4-ACRS-7D-04].
23. Adult Probation and Parole Field Services: Written policy, procedure, and practice specify the lines of authority, responsibility, and accountability for the programs citizen involvement and volunteer services program [PP 3-3119].
The Commissioner or designees will ensure that procedures are established to specify the lines of authority, responsibility and accountability for citizen involvement and volunteer services program.
Upon approval for participation in volunteer programs, each volunteer will be informed of their program supervisor in order to maintain agency contact, interpretation of MDOC program rules and reporting procedures.
24. Each MDOC Treatment Program, Department, and CWC, as well as each Regional Jail, Private Prison and Field Service operation, will assign a staff member to be responsible for recruiting and screening their volunteer applicants. They are also responsible for assisting the prospective volunteer with their application and ensuring that a NCIC check is completed.
25. Orientation will be scheduled once the NCIC check is completed, returned and approved by the Treatment Program, Department and Facility Heads.
26. Administration of Correctional Agencies (Central Office): Written policy, procedure, and practice provide that the agency reviews and evaluates volunteer programs at least annually [2-CO-1G-10].
The Commissioner or designee will ensure that the volunteer programs are reviewed and evaluated at least annually.
27. The Volunteer Services Coordinator will establish appropriate volunteer orientation material, forms, procedures and identification.
28. Adult Correctional Institutions: Written policy, procedure, and practice provide that new or revised policies and procedures are disseminated to designated staff and volunteers and, when appropriate, to inmates prior to implementation [4-4014].
29. Orientation and Training
30. Administration of Correctional Agencies (Central Office): Written agency policy provides that each volunteer completes an appropriate, documented orientation and/or training program prior to assignment [2-CO-1G-07].
31. Adult Correctional Institutions: Written policy, procedure, and practice provide that each volunteer completes an appropriate, documented orientation and/or training program prior to assignment [4-4119].
32. Adult Community Residential Services: Each volunteer completes an appropriate, documented orientation and/or training program prior to assignment [4-ACRS-7F-09].
33. Adult Probation and Parole Field Services: Written policy, procedure, and practice provide that, prior to assignment, each volunteer completes a documented orientation and/or training program [PP 3-3122].
Approved volunteers will complete a training and orientation seminar prior to assignment. This training and orientation will include essential information on all rules, applicable procedures, and issues including:
The training and orientation will be documented and maintained in each volunteers file kept by assigned supervisory staff.
34. Administration of Correctional Agencies (Central Office): Written agency policy provides that each volunteer agrees in writing to abide by all agency policies, particularly those relating to confidentiality of information and security practices [2-CO-1G-08].
35. Adult Correctional Institutions: Volunteers agree in writing to abide by all facility policies, particularly those relating to the security and confidentiality of information [4-4120].
36. Adult Probation and Parole Field Services: Written policy, procedure, and practice specify that volunteers agree in writing to abide by all agency policies, particularly those relating to the security and confidentiality of information [PP 3-3123].
Volunteers will be required to sign a Volunteer Agreement form acknowledging that he or she agrees to adhere to and support all MDOCs policies and procedures.
37. Administration of Correctional Agencies (Central Office): Written agency policy requires that there is a system for official registration and identification of volunteers [2-CO-1G-06].
38. Adult Correctional Institutions: There is an official registration and identification system for volunteers [4-4117].
39. Adult Community Residential Services: There is an official registration and identification system for volunteers [4-ACRS-7F-10].
Once orientation is completed, the volunteers name will be added to an approved official registration list and an identification card complete with photograph will be issued. The training and orientation will be documented and maintained in each volunteers file kept by assigned supervisory staff.
40. Administration of Correctional Agencies (Central Office): Written agency policy provides for volunteers to contribute suggestions regarding the establishment of policy and procedure related to the volunteer services program [2-CO-1G-09].
41. Adult Correctional Institutions:There is provision for volunteers to contribute suggestions regarding the establishment of policy and procedure for the volunteer services program [4-4122].
Volunteers will be evaluated annually by their program supervisor for program effectiveness and/or training needs. At this time, volunteers will be able to offer recommendations and suggestions to enhance the effectiveness of the volunteer program and the establishment or revisions of existing policies and procedures as it relates to the volunteer programs.
42. Volunteer Gratuities
43. Use of Food in Volunteer Programs
44. Other Information
45. Adult Correctional Institutions: A current schedule of volunteer services is available to all inmates and is posted in appropriate areas of the institution [4-4121].
46. Any materials or equipment to be used by volunteers in creating crafts or articles of clothing (i.e., thread, needles, sewing items, or scissors) will have the prior approval of the Superintendent, Warden, and Facility Director or designee before being allowed into any institution or facility.
47. At no time will a volunteer be allowed to remove any article from an institution facility.
48. Termination
Miss. Code Ann. § 47-5-10.