Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 28 - Ports and Airports
Part 301 - Operations and Procedures Manual of the Mississippi State Port Authority at Gulfport
Chapter 9 - Public Access to Public Documents
Rule 28-301-9.5 - Production of Request
The Port shall produce or deny the requested Public Records no later than seven (7) working days from the date of receipt of Request. If the Port is unable to produce the requested Public Records by the seventh working day after the Request is made, the Port shall provide to the requesting party a written explanation stating that the record will be produced and specifying with particularity why the Request cannot be produced within the seven-day period. In no event shall the Port's production to a Request be later than fourteen (14) working days from receipt of the original Request by the Port unless there is a mutual agreement between the Port and the requesting party to allow for a longer time period.
Miss. Code §§ 59-1-1, 59-1-9, 59-5-21 and 25-61-1, et seq.