Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 24 - Mental Health
Part 4 - DMH Addictions Therapist Standards & Requirements
Chapter One - General Information
Current through December 10, 2024
The Mississippi Department of Mental Health (DMH) administers the public mental health service delivery system in Mississippi. DMH was created in 1974 by an act of the Mississippi Legislature, Regular Session. The statute placed mental health, alcohol/drug abuse, and intellectual/developmental disabilities programs into one agency. The Mississippi Department of Mental Health is governed by the Mississippi State Board of Mental Health, a nine-member board whose members are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the State Senate.
More information about DMH can be found on the DMH website at www.dmh.ms [File Link Not Available]. gov or by contacting DMH; contact information is located inside the document cover.
DMH Mission - Supporting a better tomorrow by making a difference in the lives of Mississippians with mental illness, substance abuse problems and intellectual/developmental disabilities one person at a time.
Statutory authority for the certification of DMH Addictions Therapists was granted in 1996 by the Mississippi Legislature.
Section 41-4-7 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated authorizes the Mississippi State Board of Mental Health (through DMH) "to certify/license case managers, mental health therapists, mental retardation (i.e., intellectual/developmental disabilities) therapists," and others as deemed appropriate by the Board. In 1997, authority was expanded to include the certification/licensure of "mental health/retardation (i.e., intellectual/developmental disabilities) program administrators" and "addiction counselors."
DMH professional credentials are designed primarily for individuals who are not already professionally credentialed and who are employed in Mississippi's state mental health system.
Employment in Mississippi's "state mental health system," as defined in this document, is a mandatory requirement to apply for and hold a DMH professional credential.
The DMH Addictions Therapist credentialing program is designed to promote the provision of quality alcohol and other drug abuse treatment services in Mississippi's "state mental health system."
Full certification attests to an individual's:
* Educational background;
* Relevant work experience;
* Demonstration of mastery of basic knowledge pertinent to the field of state mental health system alcohol and other drug abuse treatment service provision;
* Continued participation in relevant educational activities, through the continuing education (CE) renewal requirement; and,
* Agreement to adhere to the DMH Principles of Ethical and Professional Conduct,
The DMH Addictions Therapist Credentialing Program has three (3) levels of certification:
Provisionally Certified Addictions Therapist (PCAT)
* The Provisionally Certified Addictions Therapist (PCAT) credential is a temporary and nonrenewable credential. (This credential was formerly known as "Provisionally Certified Addiction Counselor - PCAC"),,
* Provisional Certification (PCAT) allows qualified individuals who do not meet the requirements to apply directly for full certification (CAT) to become temporarily credentialed while pursuing full certification.
* Provisional certification is valid for up to two years (24 consecutive months) from the date of issuance; this time frame is referred to as the "Provisional Certification Period."
* Once an individual obtains the PCAT credential, he/she progresses (upgrades) to full certification as a CAT by successfully completing the upgrade requirements.
Certified Addictions Therapist (CAT)
* The Certified Addictions Therapist (CAT) credential is full certification. (This credential was formerly known as "Certified Addiction Counselor - CAC").
* Full certification (CAT) is renewable every four years, as long as renewal requirements are met.
* Individuals initially meeting the requirements for CAT, as outlined in Chapter Three, should apply directly for this level of credential, thereby skipping provisional certification. Otherwise, an individual applies for PCAT and then later, once upgrade requirements are met, applies for CAT.
Licensed Clinical Addictions Therapist
* The Licensed Clinical Addictions Therapist (LCAT) credential is full certification. This level of credentialing was discontinued effective January 2009; it is no longer available to new applicants. Individuals who obtained the LCAT credential prior to discontinuance may continue to renew it as long as renewal requirements are met. (This credential was formerly known as "Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor - LCAC").
Recognized professional titles within the DMH Addictions Therapist credentialing program are:
1) DMH "Provisionally Certified Addictions Therapist" or the abbreviation "PCAT" (formerly "Provisionally Certified Addiction Counselor - PCAC");
2) DMH "Certified Addictions Therapist" or the abbreviation "CAT" (formerly "Certified Addiction Counselor - CAC"); and,
3) DMH "Licensed Clinical Addictions Therapist" or the abbreviation "LCAT" (formerly "Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor - LCAC"); (no longer offered to new applicants).
DMH professional credentials are valid only in Mississippi's "state mental health system."
For the purposes of DMH professional credentialing, the "state mental health system" is defined as:
* Programs funded and/or certified by the Mississippi Department of Mental Health and/or
* Programs certified/licensed by the Mississippi State Department of Health that are operated by the "state mental health system" (i.e., Mississippi Department of Mental Health).
Only individuals currently employed in the "state mental health system," as defined in this document (above), are eligible to apply for and hold a DMH professional credential.
This document is updated and revised periodically. It is the applicant/certified individual's (or other interested person's) responsibility to ensure that he/she has the most current version of this document. Affected persons must comply with, and are responsible for, provisions contained in the most current version, including utilization of current application and related forms.
The Mississippi Department of Mental Health does not discriminate because of race, color, creed, gender, religion, national origin, age, disability, or political affiliation. The Department of Mental Health promotes nondiscriminatory practices and procedures in all phases of state service administration, as well as in programs funded and/or certified/operated by the Department of Mental Health.
The Mississippi Department of Mental Health complies with all aspects of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If requested, special accommodations to aid in the completion of forms or related credentialing matters will be provided.
This document and the corresponding application forms are available online. Interested individuals should download a copy from the DMH website. Individuals who need a print copy should refer to Chapter Eight - "Fees" and should also contact the Division of PLACE.
Initial applications will remain open for two years from date of receipt. During that time, when applicable as determined by the Division of PLACE, applicants have the opportunity to rectify any deficiencies. Following two years from the date of receipt, incomplete applications (initial and upgrade), applications containing unresolved deficiencies (initial and upgrade), and applications which did not result in a credential being awarded (initial and upgrade) may no longer be maintained by the Division. Additional timelines pertaining to upgrade and renewal applications are covered more fully in the relevant sections of this document.
Be sure to make copies of all application forms (except the sealed materials) before submitting the application. DMH will not return forms to you or anyone else once your application has been submitted.
This program is limited to the issuance of professional credentialing through the DMH Addictions Therapist credentialing program. Actions of the Division of Professional Licensure and Certification, the Professional Licensure and Certification Review Board, the Department of Mental Health and the State Board of Mental Health should not in any way be construed as a recommendation for or against personnel action.
It is not the intent of DMH to monitor members of other appropriately-regulated professional credentials in Mississippi. Holding a DMH professional credential does not exempt an individual from any other professional certification/licensure required by state law.
The Mississippi Department of Mental Health is responsible for the final interpretation of all matters pertaining to DMH professional credentialing, including (but not limited to) all provisions contained within this document. This interpretation will be considered binding on all applicants and DMH-credentialed individuals (unless otherwise preempted by the Mississippi State Board of Mental Health).
DMH may develop ancillary internal policies and procedures to work in concert with this document. Moreover, any provisions or situations not expressly covered in this document will be handled on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of DMH, the Division of PLACE, the PLACE Review Board, and (when appropriate) the State Board of Mental Health.