Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 23 - Rehabilitation And Disabilities
Part 224 - Immunizations
Chapter 1 - General
Rule 23-224-1.1 - Definitions
Current through December 10, 2024
The Division of Medicaid defines:
A. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as the nation's public health protection agency with the authority to implement regulations related to protecting America from health and safety threats, both foreign and within the United States, and increasing public health security.
B. The Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) as a committee of medical and public health experts who develop recommendations on the use of vaccines in the civilian population of the United States whose recommendations stand as public health guidance for safe use of vaccines and related biological products.
C. The Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program as a federally funded program that provides vaccines at no cost to Mississippi Medicaid providers enrolled as VFC providers. The Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) is the lead agency in administering the VFC Program and distributing the vaccines to VFC enrolled providers allowing for eligible children eighteen (18) years of age and younger to receive free vaccines.
42 U.S.C. §§ 1396 s, 300aa-26; Miss. Code Ann. §§ 41-23-37, 43-13-121.