Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 23 - Division of Medicaid
Part 222 - Maternity Services
Chapter 1 - General
Rule 23-222-1.4 - Maternity Epidurals
Current through September 24, 2024
A. Medicaid covers a maternity epidural for all pregnant Medicaid beneficiaries. Medicaid considers maternity epidurals as a medically necessary service for treatment of labor pain and does not consider it an elective procedure.
B. A physician who is participating in the Medicaid program must take all reasonable measures to ensure that maternity patients are instructed and offered an epidural as an available and covered service under Medicaid as part of the patient's prenatal counseling. The patient's options for pain relief medication during childbirth must be explained to her.
C. Anesthesiologists/CRNAs cannot refuse to provide a maternity epidural to a Medicaid beneficiary except when medically contraindicated.
D. A hospital that accepts a pregnant Medicaid beneficiary for treatment accepts the responsibility for making sure that the beneficiary has access to an epidural.
Miss. Code Ann. § 43-13-121