Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 23 - Rehabilitation And Disabilities
Part 208 - Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Long Term Care
Chapter 6 - Bridge to Independence (B2I)
Rule 23-208-6.3 - Covered Services
Current through December 10, 2024
The following services are available to B2I persons as documented in the Plan of Services and Supports (PSS):
A. Transition Care Management, defined as transition care planning occurring for up to one-hundred eighty (180) days pre-discharge from the institution and post-transition care planning for three hundred sixty-five (365) days following transition into the community.
B. Life Skills Training, defined as assisting persons with transitioning to the community through independent living skills that include, but are not limited to, money management, the use of technology, accessing community resources, employment skills development, grooming and personal hygiene, and interpersonal relationships with others in the community.
C. Peer Supports, defined as counseling from peers with similar circumstances who may be able to share their own experiences with the person to reduce feelings of isolation and to promote inclusion.
D. Caregiver Support, defined as a service to enable the caregiver to transition into a more active role and to assist identified and qualified caregivers of persons enrolled in B2I to cope with stress and to develop caregiver skills in order to help them become a source of support for the transitioning person. Caregivers qualified to receive caregiver support must perform or assist the person in one (1) or more life activities, such as finances, health care, or general decision making, and includes:
E. Transportation, defined as any appropriate form of transporting the person from one (1) location to another to maximize community inclusion for the person.
F. Security and Utility Deposits, defined as specific up-front costs to establish a residence in the community with detailed receipts retained in the person's record.
G. Household Furnishings and Goods, defined as, but not limited to, essential items and furnishings, appliances, household supplies, and pantry items required to set-up a household in the HCB setting based on the needs of the person with detailed receipts retained in the person's record.
H. Moving Expenses, defined as moving costs associated with a transition for items transported from the facility in which the person is residing to their new community residence or community-based setting and may also cover commercial transportation of household furnishings from a store to the person's community residence or community-based setting with detailed receipts retained in the person's record.
I. Environmental Accessibility Adaptations, defined as certain required modifications completed by a licensed and bonded contractor to the person's residence to enable the care of the person in a HCB setting with detailed receipts retained in the person's record. Only persons enrolled in the E&D or ID/DD Waivers are eligible for Environmental Accessibility Adaptations.
J. Durable Medical Equipment (DME), defined as medically necessary equipment, based on the person's PSS, which allows for community living. Only persons enrolled in the E&D, ID/DD or AL Waivers are eligible for DME.
K. Extended Pharmacy, defined as up to three (3) additional prescriptions over the Medicaid five (5) prescription limit allowed in the State Plan for a total not to exceed eight (8) prescriptions per month with no more than five (5) of which may be non-generics.
L. Adaptive Equipment/Technology, defined as an assistive equipment/technological device which includes an item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially, modified, or customized, used to increase, maintain, or to improve the person's level of independence, ability to access needed supports and services in the community or maintain or improve the person's safety with detailed receipts retained in the person's record.
Olmsteadv. L.C., 119 S. Ct. 2176 (1999); Section 6071 Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 Public Law 109-171; Section 2403, Affordable Care Act, Public Law 111-148; Miss. Code Ann. § 43-13-121.