Current through September 24, 2024
Agencies proposing reviewable actions must submit such actions for review at least sixty (60) days prior to such action, provided that surface mining permits issued through the DEQ will have a forty-five-day (45-day) review period so that reviews under these policy coordination procedures do not conflict with the statutory review time for such permits. Reviewable actions are listed below:
102.01 Department of Environmental Quality-Office of Pollution Control:
102.01.01 Issuance of new air or water pollution permits.
102.01.02 Renewal of such permits.
102.01.03 Substantive regulatory changes, including but not limited to changes in the designation of water quality areas, and modifications to water quality parameters for these areas.
102.01.04 Financial assistance administered through the Office of Pollution Control.
102.01.05 The review and approval of plans and specifications for sewage collection systems for new subdivisions, extensions of municipal systems, and for new or expanded privately or publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities.
102.01.06 Procedural changes in rules and regulations.
102.02 Department of Environmental Quality-Office of Geology and Energy Resources:
102.02.01 The leasing of any state owned minerals in the coastal area at least sixty (60) days prior to the advertisement for such lease.
102.02.02 Plans or programs for mineral leasing.
102.02.03 Surface mining permits (subject to forty-five-day (45-day) review period only).
102.02.04 Permit and lease renewals.
102.02.05 Assessment documents for the DEQ Rules and Regulations Governing Leasing for Production or Extraction of Oil, Gas and other Minerals from State Owned Lands.
102.03 Department of Environmental Quality -Office of Land and Water Resources:
102.03.01 Issuance of water withdrawal or impoundment permits either in the coastal area or on major coastal rivers and streams in George, Stone, or Pearl River Counties when these water diversions are not returned to the stream upstream of the coastal area.
102.03.02 Delineation of capacity use areas for groundwater.
102.03.03 Issuance of permits for groundwater utilization in capacity use areas.
102.03.04 Permit renewals.
102.04 Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks:
102.04.01 Planning programs for park acquisition and development land acquisitions.
102.04.02 Land acquisitions.
102.04.03 Plans and specifications for park development (review should take place at preliminary plan stage).
102.04.04 Construction of parks.
102.05 Department of Archives and History:
102.05.01 Acquisition of real or personal property in the coastal area.
102.05.02 Issuance of permits for state archeological landmarks.
102.05.03 Renewal of permits.
102.06 Secretary of State:
102.06.01 Any lease of state owned or public trust lands.
102.06.02 Renewals of such leases.
102.07 Board of Health:
102.07.01 Promulgation of rules and regulations for hazardous waste disposal and for sanitary landfills.
102.07.02 Substantive changes in such rules and regulations.
102.07.03 Issuance of permits for hazardous waste disposal sites and sanitary landfills.
102.07.04 Renewal of permits.
102.08 Department of Transportation:
102.08.01 Planning programs for new or improved highway systems.
102.08.02 Plans and specifications for new construction (review should take place at the preliminary plan state).
102.08.03 Acquisition of land.
102.08.04 Right of way clearing.
102.08.05 New construction projects.
102.08.06 Maintenance work that requires dredging or filling in wetlands.
102.08.07 Grants, loans, or other forms of assistance awarded by the department.
102.08.08 Landscaping and scenic enhancement projects.
102.08.09 Removal of roadside hazards and obstacles where natural scenic qualities are affected.
102.08.10 Widening and overlay projects requiring fill in wetlands.
102.09 Bureau of Buildings, Ground, and Real Property Management:
102.09.01 Planning programs to determine long term building needs.
102.09.02 Plans and specifications for the construction of buildings (review should take place at preliminary design phase).
102.09.03 Land and other property acquisition.
102.09.04 Construction of projects.
102.10 Institutions of Higher Learning:
102.10.01 Building programs.
102.10.02 Annual Sea Grant work program.
102.11 Department of Marine Resources:
102.11.01 Wetlands permits and renewals.
102.11.02 Planning, research, acquisition and construction grants.
102.11.03 Changes in rules, regulations, guidelines and procedures.
102.11.04 Adoption of special area management plans.
102.11.05 Oyster reef creation projects and oyster leases.
102.12 Mississippi Development Authority:
102.12.01 Certificates of public convenience and necessity issued in conjunction with industrial development efforts.
102.12.02 Financial assistance to local governments and private parties.
102.12.03 Construction activities at the Mississippi State Port at Gulfport.
102.13 Oil and Gas Board:
102.13.01 Permits issued for oil and gas operations in coastal wetlands, unless such operation has been considered during the review of a proposed lease in coastal wetlands.
102.14 Public Service Commission:
102.14.01 Certificates of public convenience and necessity issued in connection with construction activities of public utilities in the coastal area.