Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 2 - Agriculture and Commerce
Part 903 - MSCWW Cost Share Program
Chapter 5 - Approved Practice Standard, Specifications Component Parts and Maintenance
Rule 2-903-5.2 - Practice Definition, Purpose, Where Applicable, Component Parts and Maintenance
Universal Citation: MS Code of Rules 2-903-5.2
Current through September 24, 2024
Practice Definition, Purpose, Where Applicable, Component Parts and Maintenance.
A. Soil Erosion Control
SEC 1 -
1. Definition - An earth
embankment, a channel or a combination of ridge and channel constructed across
the slope.
2. Purpose -Terraces are
constructed to reduce erosion damage and improve water quality by intercepting
surface runoff and conducting it to a stable outlet at a non-erosive
3. Where applicable -
Cropland subject to erosion from water runoff.
4. Policies:
a. Cost sharing is authorized for:
i. Terraces and the necessary leveling and
filling to permit installation of an effective system.
ii. Removal of stone walls or hedgerows if
necessary to permit installation of an effective system.
iii. Materials and installation of
underground pipe outlets and other mechanical outlets.
iv. Necessary vegetative protective outlets
or waterways.
v. Converting the
present system to a new system ONLY if the present system is not serving its
intended conservation purpose. Cost sharing may not be authorized to maintain
or if the sole purpose is that of converting because of a change in cropping
patterns or equipment used by the farmer.
b. A protective outlet or waterway that is
installed solely as an outlet for the terrace system and serves no other
conservation purpose should be cost shared as a component of this practice. A
protective outlet or waterway which, by itself, solves a conservation problem,
but also serves as an outlet for a terrace system, should be cost shared under
practice SEC-3.
c. The system shall
be maintained for a minimum of ten (10) years following the calendar year of
Specifications - SCS Specification No. 600 will be used.
6. Component parts that are eligible for 60%
cost share:
a. Earth moving
b. Pipe (new and used)
c. Appurtenances
d. Installation of materials (1, 2, &
e. Seeds, sprigs or sod
f. Fertilizer and
g. Lime
SEC 2 - Field
1. Definition - A strip
of perennial vegetation established at the edge of a field by
2. Purpose - Control
erosion, protect edges of fields that are used as turn rows and improve water
3. Where applicable - The
edge of a cropland field where turn row has a slope that causes
4. Policies:
a. Cost sharing is authorized for the
establishment of perennial grasses or legumes.
b. This practice will be maintained for a
minimum of five (5) years.
5. Specifications - SCS Specification No. 386
will be used.
6. Component parts
that are eligible for 60% cost share:
Seeds, stolens, clippings, sprigs or sod
b. Fertilizer
c. Lime
SEC 3 - Grassed
1. Definition - A
natural or constructed waterway or outlet, shaped or graded, and established in
suitable vegetation for safe disposal of runoff.
2. Purpose - Provide for the disposal of
excess surface water from terraces, diversions, or natural concentrations
without causing excessive erosion decreasing water quality.
3. Where applicable - All sites where
vegetative protection is required to control erosion from concentrated flow of
runoff water and a stable grade and outlet can be provided.
4. Policies:
a. Cost sharing is authorized for site
preparation, grading, shaping, filling and establishing permanent vegetative
b. The cover may consist of
sod forming grasses, legumes, mixtures of grasses and legumes or other types of
vegetative cover that will provide the needed protection from
c. Close sown small grains
or annuals may be used for temporary protection if followed by eligible
permanent vegetative cover established by seeding or natural
d. The practice
shall be maintained for a minimum of ten (10) years following the calendar year
of installation.
Specifications - SCS Specification No. 412 will be used.
6. Component parts that are eligible for 60%
cost share:
a. Grading, shaping and
b. Seed, sprigs, clippings,
stolens or sod.
c. Fertilizer
d. Lime
SEC 4 -
Conservation Tillage (No-Till)
1. Definition - A form of planting and
tillage that retains protective amounts of residue on the surface throughout
the year.
2. Purpose - Demonstrate
no-till systems of farming for erosion control and improving water
3. Where applicable -
Cropland fields where excessive erosion is a problem.
4. Policies:
a.Cost sharing is not authorized on land
eroding at "T" value or less, if the practice is installed to control
b. Cost sharing is not
authorized if the farmer has already adopted a satisfactory conservation
tillage farming system.
c. Cost
sharing for conservation tillage practice may be approved for no more than
three (3) years with the same person.
d. Sufficient residue must be left from the
previous harvest or a temporary cover provided to adequately protect the land
until the new planting is able to provide sufficient cover to protect the
e. Cost sharing is authorized
i. Planting directly into old crop
residue, annual cover crops, or chemically killed sods.
ii. Applying necessary herbicides and
insecticides to eliminate the need for tillage. This shall not include
herbicides and insecticides normally used in producing the crop.
f. All tillage operations must be
performed as nearly as practical on the contour or parallel to terraces, except
where SWCD in consultation with SCS determines that this is not
g. Chemical used in
performing this practice must be Federally, State and locally registered and
must be applied strictly in accordance with authorized registered uses,
directions on the label and other Federal or State policies and
h. Cost sharing is
not authorized for designated conservation use acres.
5. Specifications - SCS Specification No.
329-2 will be used.
6. Components
Eligible and Cost Share Rates.
a. Chemicals
and planting - per acre (flat rate) as follows:
i. Cotton ....... $40.00 iii. Corn
.................... $23.00
Soybeans...$25.00 iv. Grain Sorghum...$23.00
b. Annual cover crop seed where applicable.
SEC 5 - Water And Sediment Control Basins
1. Definition - A short earth embankment or
combination ridge and channel generally constructed across the slope and minor
watercourses to form a silt or sediment basin.
2. Purpose -Trap sediment, reduce erosion and
reform the land surface and improve water quality.
3. Where applicable - Any field where
concentrated runoff is causing erosion that cannot be controlled by vegetation
or residue cover alone.
a. Cost sharing is authorized:
i. For sediment detention such as erosion
control dams, de-silting reservoirs, sediment basins, debris basins, or similar
ii. For vegetative
cover and for leveling and filling to permit the installation of the
iii. For installing
sediment retention structures on public roadsides only where such structures
are essential to solve a farm based pollution or conservation problem.
iv. Only if measures will
contribute significantly to maintaining or improving soil or water
Consideration must be given to the needs of wildlife when establishing the
protective measures.
c. The system
shall be maintained a minimum of ten (10) years.
5. Specifications - NRCS Specification No.
638 and No. 521-B will be used.
Component parts that are eligible for 60% cost share:
a. Earth moving
b. Pipe riser, connector bands, anti-seep
collars and appurtenances
d. Sealer
e. Installation of material (1, 2, 3 &
f. Seeds, clippings, stolens,
sprigs or sod
h. Lime
SEC 6 -
Establishment of Permanent Vegetation
1. Definition - Establishing long term stands
of adapted perennial plants.
Purpose - Reduce erosion and pollution from agricultural non-point
3. Where applicable - Any
open field where erosion from the lack of cover is occurring.
4. Policies:
a. Cost sharing is authorized for minerals
and eligible seed.
b. Cost sharing
is not authorized for:
i. Land eroding a "T"
value or less.
ii. Clearing of
rocks or other obstructions form the area to be seeded.
iii. Fencing.
iv. Converting land from a stand of
merchantable of partially merchantable timber or pulpwood to a grass or legume
c. The acreage
seeded must be protected from grazing by domestic livestock until the stand is
well established.
d. Cost sharing
shall be limited to the minimum minerals and seed(s) needed to establish
adequate cover to control erosion.
e. Adequate vegetative cover shall be
maintained for five (5) years.
5. Specifications - NRCS Specification No.
512 will be used.
6. Component
parts that are eligible for 60% cost share:
Seed, clippings, stolens or sod
Sprigs and planting
d. Lime
- Critical Area Planting
Definition - Planting vegetation on highly erodible or critically eroding
2. Purpose - Control heavy
erosion from water and improve water quality.
3. Where applicable - Open land where erosion
cannot be controlled with special effort in land preparation.
4. Policies:
a. Cost sharing is authorized:
i. For measures needed to stabilize a source
of sediment, such as grading, shaping and filling, the establishment (including
minerals) of grasses (including filter strips) trees or shrubs, and similar
measures that the SWCD determines are practical for the solution of the
ii. Only if the measures
will significantly reduce erosion and maintain or improve the quality of water
in a stream, lake, pond or other water source.
iii. For measures performed on public
roadside only where such measures are essential to solve a farm based pollution
or conservation problem.
b. Consideration should be given to wildlife
and enhancing the appearance of the area when establishing the protective
c. The acreage shall be
maintained for minimum of five (5) years for herbaceous vegetation and fifteen
(15) years for woody plants following the calendar year of
Specifications - NRCS Specification No. 342 will be used.
6. Component parts that are eligible for 60%
cost share:
a. Herbaceous vegetation
i. Smoothing and shaping
ii. Seeds, sprigs, clippings, or
iii. Fertilizer
iv. Lime.
b. Woody plants
i. Cost of seedlings and planting
SEC 8 - Tree Planting
1. Definition - Set tree seedlings in the
2. Purpose - Provide long
time cover for erosion control and improve water quality.
3. Where applicable - Any open field where
excessive water erosion is occurring.
4. Policies:
a. Cost sharing is authorized for the
establishment of a plantation that will provide both forest product and
improved protection from wind or water erosion.
b. Cost sharing is not authorized for
fencing, firebreaks, fuel breaks, fire lanes or roads.
c. Cost sharing is not authorized for
planting orchard trees, for plantings for ornamental purposes, or for Christmas
tree production.
d. Planting must
be protected from destructive fire and destructive grazing.
e. Chemicals used in performing this practice
must be Federally, State, and locally registered and must be strictly applied
in accordance with authorized uses, directions on the label, and other Federal
or State polices and requirement.
f. Consideration must be given to preserving
and improving the environment.
The practice shall be maintained for a minimum of ten (10) years following the
calendar year of installation or establishment.
5. Specifications - NRCS Specification No.
612 will be used.
6. Component
parts that are eligible for 60% cost share:
a. Seedlings
b. Planting
SEC 9 - Grade Stabilization
1. Definition - A
structure to stabilize the grade or to control head cutting in natural or
artificial channels.
2. Purpose -
Control erosion by reducing grade and to improve water quality.
3. Where Applicable - The concentration and
flow velocity of water requires a structure to stabilize the grade in channels
or side inlet laterals where the over fall from the field level or side inlet
channel bottom is 1.5 feet or more unless an active erosion problem exists that
cannot be controlled by vegetative means.
4. Policies:
a. Cost sharing is authorized for vegetative
cover for the structure and other areas directly associated with the
installation and successful operation of the structure.
b. The structure will be maintained for a
minimum of ten (10) years.
5. Specifications NRCS Specification No. 410
will be used.
6. Component parts
eligible for 60% cost share:
a. Earth moving
- fill and excavation
b. Pipe and
c. Concrete
d. Installation of materials (1,
2, & 3)
e. Seeds or springs
f. Fertilizer
SEC 10 - Strip
Cropping Systems
1. Definition -
Growing crops in a systematic arrangement of strips or bands to reduce water
erosion. The crops are arranged so that a strip of grass or close growing crop
is alternated with a strip of clean tilled crop or fallow or a strip of grass
is alternated with a close growing crop.
2. Purpose - Establish a contour or field
strip cropping system to protect soil from wind or water erosion and to reduce
the pollution of water, air, or land from agricultural non-point
3. Where applicable -
Cropland subject to erosion or soil movement that constitutes a pollution
4. Policies:
a. Cost sharing is limited to establishment
of the systems.
b. On acreage
devoted to row crops, one of the following must apply:
i. The crop stubble or residue must be left
on the land during the winter.
A winter cover crop must be established.
iii. Adequate protective tillage operations
must be performed.
For contour strip cropping systems, cultural operations must be performed as
nearly as practical on the contour.
d. Cost sharing is not authorized for
repeating any approved measures under this practice with the same person the
same acreage.
e. The system shall
be maintained for minimum of five (5) years following the calendar year of
Specifications - NRCS Specifications "Strip Cropping, Contour" (acres) No. 585
and Strip Cropping, Field No. 586 will be used.
6. Component Parts that are eligible for 60%
cost share:
a. Seeds
b. Fertilizer
c. Lime
d. $10.00 flat rate for the acres in the
strip cropping systems that are not seeded to perennial vegetation and
benefited by the strips.
SEC 11 - Reduced
1. Definition - A form
of planting and tillage (other than no-till) that leaves at least 30% of the
soil surface covered after planting.
2. Purpose - Demonstrate reduced tillage
systems of farming for erosion control and improving water quality.
3. Where applicable - Cropland fields where
excessive erosion is a problem.
a. Cost sharing is not authorized
on land eroding at "T" value or less, if the practice is installed to control
erosion. It is not necessary to use soil loss rates to determine eligibility if
the practice is being installed primarily to improve water quality.
b. Cost sharing is not authorized if the
farmer has already adopted a satisfactory conservation tillage farming
c. Cost sharing for
conservation tillage practice (reduced tillage) may be approved for no more
than three (3) years with the same person.
d. Sufficient residue must be left from the
previous harvest or a temporary cover provided to adequately protect the land
until the new planting can provide sufficient cover to protect the
e. Cost sharing is authorized
i. Chisel plowing with other limited
ii. Plow -
iii. Light tillage with
implements that do not invert the soil.
iv. Application of necessary herbicides to
reduce the need for tillage. This shall not include herbicides normally used in
producing the crop.
All tillage operations must be performed as nearly as practicable on the
contour or parallel to terraces, except where the SWCD in consultation with
NRCS determines that this is not necessary.
g. Chemicals used in performing this practice
must be Federally, State, and locally registered and must be applied strictly
in accordance with authorized registered uses, directions on the label, and
other Federal or State policies and requirements.
h. Crops qualifying for cost-share under this
practice shall be limited to corn, cotton, soybeans and grain
i. Cost sharing is not
authorized for designated conservation use acreage.
5. Specifications - NRCS Specification No.
329 will be used.
6. Component
parts that are eligible for cost-share:
Chemicals - 60% of cost per acre not to exceed $19 per acre.
b. Annual cover crop seed where applicable.
SEC 12 - Cover and Green Manure Crop
1. Definition - A crop of close growing
grasses, legumes, or small grain grown primarily for seasonal protection and
soil improvement. It usually is grown for one (1) year or less, except where
there is permanent cover as in orchards.
2. Purpose - Control erosion during periods
when the major crops do not furnish adequate cover; add organic material to the
soil; and improve infiltration, aeration and tilth.
3. Where applicable - Cropland; certain
recreation and wildlife areas; and orchard, vineyard and small fruit
4. Policies:
a. Cost sharing is authorized for the
establishment of close growing grasses, legumes or small grains.
b. Cost sharing is not authorized for
chemical herbicides used to kill vegetation prior to planting.
5. Specifications - NRCS
Specification No. 340 will be used.
6. Component parts eligible for cost-share:
a. Seed (60%)
b. Planting
SEC 13 - Pasture and
Hayland Planting
1. Definition -
Establishing and reestablishing long-term stands of adapted species of
perennial, biennial, or reseeding forage plants. (Includes pasture and hayland
renovation. Does not include grassed waterway or outlets on
2. Purpose - Reduce
erosion, to produce high quality forage, and to adjust land use.
3. Where applicable - Existing pasture and
hayland or on land that is converted from other uses.
4. Policies: Same as for SEC 6 -
Establishment of Permanent Vegetation.
5. Specifications - NRCS Specification No.
512-1 will be used.
6. Component
parts that are eligible for 60% cost share:
Seed, clippings, stolens or sod.
b. Sprigs and planting
c. Fertilizer
d. Lime
SEC 14 - Streambank and
Shoreline Protection
Definition - Using vegetation or structures to stabilize and protect banks of
streams, lakes, estuaries, or excavated channels against scour and
2. Purpose - Stabilize or
protect banks of streams, lakes, estuaries, or excavated channels for one or
more of the following purposes:
a. To prevent
the loss of land or damage to utilities, roads, buildings, or other facilities
adjacent to the banks.
b. To
maintain the capacity of the channel.
c. To control channel meander that would
adversely affect downstream facilities.
d. To reduce sediment loads causing
downstream damages and pollution, or
e. To improve the stream for recreation or as
a habitat for fish and wildlife.
3. Where applicable - This practice applies
to natural or excavated channels where the stream banks are susceptible to
erosion from the action of water, ice, or debris or to damage from livestock or
vehicular traffic. It also applies to controlling erosion on shorelines where
the problem can be solved with relatively simple structural measures,
vegetation, or upland erosion control practices and where failure of structural
measures will not create a hazard to life or result in serious damage to
4. Policies:
a. Cost sharing is authorized for vegetative
cover for the structure and other areas directly associated with the
installation and successful operation of the structure.
b. The structure will be maintained for a
minimum of ten (10) years.
5. Specifications - NRCS Specification No.
580 will be used.
6. Component
parts that are eligible for 60% cost-share:
Earth moving - fill and excavation
b. Heavy stone
c. Filter blanket
d. Installation of materials (1, 2, &
e. Seeds or sprigs
f. Fertilizer
SEC 15 - Chiseling and
1. Definition -
Loosening the soil, without inverting and with a minimum of mixing of the
surface soil, to shatter restrictive layers below normal plow depth that
inhibit water movement or root development.
2. Purpose - The purpose of this practice is
to conserve soil moisture by using mechanical measures that retard runoff,
improve water penetration and reduce soil loss.
3. Where applicable - On suitable soils,
chiseling is applicable if restrictive layers are less than sixteen (16) inches
deep. On suitable soils, subsoiling is applicable is restrictive soil layers
are more than sixteen (16) inches deep.
4. Policies:
a. Cost sharing for chiseling is authorized
on cropland or pastureland where restrictive soil layers (plow pans) are less
than sixteen (16) inches deep.
Cost sharing for sub-soiling is authorized on cropland
only where restrictive soil layers (plow pans) are
more than sixteen (16) inches deep.
5. Specifications - NRCS Specification No.
324-2 will be used.
6. Components
Eligible and Cost-share Rates.
a. Chiseling -
60% not to exceed $5.00 per acre
Subsoiling - 60% not to exceed $10.00 per acre
SEC 16 - Heavy Use Area
1. Definition -
Protecting heavily used areas by establishing vegetative cover, surfacing with
suitable materials, or installing needed structures.
2. Purpose - The purpose of this practice is
to stabilize urban, recreation, agricultural, or facility areas frequently and
intensely used by people, animals, or vehicles.
3. Where applicable - Urban, recreation, and
agricultural areas or other frequently and intensely used areas that require
special treatment to protect them from erosion or other
4. Specifications -
NRCS Specification No. 561 will be used.
5. Components parts that are eligible for 60%
cost share:
a. Earth moving
b. Pipe and appurtenances
c. Concrete/ Fly ash
d. Geo-textile material
e. Gravel or stone
f. Installation of materials
g. Seeds or sprigs
h. Fertilizer and lime
SEC 17 - Forest
Land Erosion Control System
Definition - Application of one or more erosion control measures on forest
land. Erosion control system includes the use of conservation plants, cultural
practices, and erosion control structures on disturbed forest land for the
control of sheet and rill erosion, gully formation, and mass soil
2. Purpose - The purpose
of this practice is to protect the resource base by reducing erosion and
sedimentation and by protecting and improving water quality on forest land
disturbed by silvicultural or other activities.
3. Where applicable - Applies to untreated
disturbed forest land areas including logging roads, skid roads, and loading
areas; buffer or filter strips; slash disposal areas; site preparation; and
burned and overgrazed areas.
Specifications - NRCS Specification No. 408-1 will be used.
5. Components parts that are eligible for 60%
cost share:
a. Earth moving; grading, shaping,
b. Pipe and
c. Concrete
d. Geo-textile material
e. Gravel or stone
f. Installation of materials
g. Seeds or sprigs
h. Fertilizer and lime
i. Water bars
SEC 18 - Prescribed
1. Definition The
controlled harvest of vegetation with grazing or browsing animals, managed with
the intent to achieve a specified objective.
2. Purpose This practice may be applied as
part of a conservation system to accomplish one or more of the following
a. Improve and maintain the health
of the desired plant community.
Provide or maintain food, cover and shelter for animals of concern.
c. Improve or maintain animal health and
d. Maintain or
improve water quality and quantity.
e. Reduce accelerated soil erosion and
maintain or improve soil condition for sustainability of the
3. Where
applicable This practice may be applied on all lands where grazing and or
browsing animals are managed.
a. General criteria applicable for
all the purposes stated above.
Removal of herbage will be in accordance with the production limitation, plant
sensitivities and management goals using Section I and II of the NRCS FOTG and
other references as guidance.
Application of this practice will prescribe the rest period, intensity,
frequency, duration and season of grazing to promote ecologically and
economically stable plant communities that meet client and resource
5. Polices
and Planning Guidelines:
a. This practice
will be planned and applied by site specific recommendations. Needed
documentation includes utilization heights, rest periods, grazing period,
grazing sequences, key grazing plants and area.
b. Consideration shall be given to wildlife
habitat improvement and/or Wildlife Upland Habitat Management as an
Specifications NRCS Specifications No. 528A will be used.
7. Components Eligible and Cost Share Rates:
An incentive payment will be made for documented management practices on the following per acre basis. (Limited to three (3) years)
a. Cross Fence Planned ..................
b. Cross Fence Not Planned
........... $5.00
SEC 19 - Nutrient
1. Definition
Managing the amount, source, placement, form and timing of the application of
nutrients and soil amendments.
a. To budget and supply nutrients
for plant production.
b. To
properly utilize manure or organic by-products as a plant nutrient
c. To minimize the risk of
agricultural non-point source pollution of surface and groundwater
d. To maintain or
improve the physical, chemical and biological condition of soil.
3. Where applicable This practice
applies to all lands where plant nutrients, either organic or inorganic, and
soil amendments are applied.
Criteria: General criteria applicable for all the purposes stated above. All
criteria listed in NRCS Specification No. 590 shall apply.
5. Polices and Planning Guidelines: Plans and
specifications will be in keeping with the above mentioned standard and will
describe the requirements for applying the practice to achieve its intended
purpose(s), using nutrients to achieve production goals and to prevent or
minimize water quality impairment.
6. Specifications - NRCS Specifications No.
590 will be used. (NRCS Specification 595 "Pest Management" may be followed and
applied in conjunction with 590)
Components Eligible for 60% Cost Share:
b. Lime
c. Chemicals
B. Water Conservation
WC 1 - Irrigation Land
1. Definition Reshaping the surface of the
land to be irrigated to planned grade and to improve water
2. Purpose Land
leveling is done to permit uniform and efficient application of
3. Where applicable Where
land is suited for use as irrigated land and soil is deep enough to allow
shaping while maintaining sufficient root zone.
4. Policies:
a. Cost sharing is authorized only for
permanently installed irrigation system.
b. Cost sharing is not authorized for:
i. Portable pipe, cleaning a ditch, or
installations primarily for the farm operator's convenience.
ii. Installations to convert an existing
sprinkle or overhead system to a gravity system.
iii. Restoring a system which has
deteriorated due to lack of maintenance during periods of nonuse (such as a
rotation cycle for rice crops).
Short sections of pipeline used in connection with surface irrigation ditches
or canals in crossing roadways, drainage ditches, natural drains, or other
Consideration must be given to the needs of wildlife, preserving or enhancing
the appearance of the area, and potential pollution hazards.
d. Cost sharing is authorized for land
smoothing as the sole component.
The system must be maintained for a minimum of ten (10) years following the
calendar year of installation.
5. Specifications NRCS Specification No. 464
will be used.
6. Component parts
that are eligible for 60% cost share: a. Earth Moving - Reshaping
WC 2 - Irrigation System, Tailwater Recovery
1. Definition Ability to collect, store and
transport irrigation tailwater for reuse in the farm irrigation
2. Purpose Conserve farm
irrigation water supplies, improve water quality and water
3. Where applicable
Where irrigation is performed on sloping lands by surface
4. Policies:
a. The system must be needed as an integral
part of an irrigation system.
Certifications and guarantees must be furnished prior to installation by vendor
for the materials and must certify that the materials meet the required
standard and specifications.
Cost sharing is not authorized for restoring a system which has deteriorated
due to lack of maintenance.
d. The
system will be maintained for minimum of ten (10) years.
5. Specifications NRCS Specification No. 447
will be used.
6. Component parts
that are eligible for 60% cost share:
a. Earth
b. Concrete
WQ 11
- Lined Waterway
1. Definition A
waterway or outlet having an erosion-resistant lining of concrete, stone, or
other permanent material. The lined section extends up the side slopes to a
designed depth. The earth above the permanent lining may be vegetated or
otherwise protected.
2. Purpose
Provide for safe disposal of runoff from natural concentrations of flow or from
constructed practices without damage by erosion or flooding, where unlined or
grassed waterways would be inadequate.
3. Where applicable This practice applies
when any of the following or similar conditions exist:
a. Concentrated runoff is such that a lining
is needed to control erosion.
Steep grades, wetness, prolonged base flow, seepage, or highly erosive soils
inhibiting vegetation would make the site susceptible to erosion.
c. The location is such that use by people or
traffic would damage vegetation of vegetated waterways or outlets.
d. High value property or adjacent facilities
warrant the extra cost to contain design runoff in a limited space.
4. Policies:
a. Criteria found in planning and design
manual for the control of erosion, sediment and storm water will be
b. This practice will be
maintained for a minimum of ten (10) years.
5. Component parts that are eligible for 60%
cost share:
a. Earth moving
b. Concrete
c. Stone
d. Seeds, clippings, stolens, sprigs or sod
e. Fertilizer
f. Lime
g. Installation of materials (2 -
WQ 12 - Parking Lot Storage
1. Definition Providing temporary surface
storage and controlled release of storm water runoff on paved (impervious)
parking areas or within parking lot landscaped islands.
2. Purpose Reduce the adverse impact of
runoff from impervious parking surfaces on receiving waters.
3. Where applicable This practice applies
where portions of large, paved parking lots can be temporarily used for storm
water storage without significantly interfering with normal vehicle and
pedestrian traffic. Also applies wherever parking lot landscaped islands are
4. Policies:
a. Criteria found in planning and design
manual for the control of erosion, sediment and storm water will be
b. This practice will be
maintained for a minimum of ten (10) years.
5. Component parts that are eligible for 60%
cost share:
a. Earth moving
b. Concrete
c. Pipe and appurtenances
d. Seeds, clippings, stolens, sprigs or sod
e. Fertilizer
f. Lime
g. Installation of materials (2 -
WQ 13 - Paved Flume
1. Definition A small concrete lined channel
to convey water on a relatively steep slope to a non-erosive release in a
stream or waterway.
2. Purpose
Conduct concentrated runoff safely down the face of a cut or fill slope without
causing erosion.
3. Where
applicable This practice applies where concentrated storm runoff must be
conveyed from the top to the bottom of a cut or fill slope as part of a
permanent erosion control system.
4. Policies:
a. Criteria found in planning and design
manual for the control of erosion, sediment and storm water will be
b. This practice will be
maintained for a minimum of ten (10) years.
5. Component parts that are eligible for 60%
cost share:
a. Earth moving
b. Concrete
c. Appurtenances
d. Seeds, clippings, stolens, sprigs or sod
e. Fertilizer
f. Lime
g. Installation of materials (2 -
WQ 14 - Rock Outlet Protection
1. Definition A rock lined apron and flow
area at the outlet of a conduit, paved flume, lined waterway, or other flow
system to control erosion.
Purpose Prevent scour and erosion at the outlet of a channel or conduit by
reducing velocity of flows and dissipating energy.
3. Where applicable This practice applies
where the discharge velocity of a pipe, box culvert, diversion, open channel,
or other water conveyance structure exceeds the permissible velocity of the
receiving channel or disposal area.
4. Policies:
a. Criteria found in planning and design
manual for the control of erosion, sediment and storm water will be
b. This practice will be
maintained for a minimum of ten (10) years.
5. Component parts that are eligible for 60%
cost share:
a. Earth moving
b. Concrete
c. Pipe and appurtenances
d. Seeds, clippings, stolens, sprigs or sod
e. Fertilizer
f. Lime
g. Stone
h. Installation of materials (2 -
WQ 15 - Slope Drain
1. Definition A flexible tubing or conduit
extending from the top to the bottom of a cut or fill slope.
2. Purpose Temporarily conduct concentrated
storm water runoff safely down the face of a cut or fill slope without causing
erosion problems on or below the slope.
3. Where applicable This practice applies on
cut or fill slopes before permanent storm water drainage structures are
installed or before permanent vegetation is established.
4. Policies: a. Criteria found in planning
and design manual for the control of erosion, sediment and storm water will be
5. Component parts that are
eligible for 60% cost share: a. Earth moving b. Pipe and appurtenances c.
Installation of materials
WQ 16 - Sub Surface
1. Definition A perforated
conduit, such as corrugated plastic tubing, tile, or pipe, installed beneath
the ground surface to collect and/or convey drainage water to an
2. Purpose Improve the soil
environment for vegetative growth, reduce erosion, and improve water
3. Where applicable This
practice applies to areas having a high water table where the benefits of
lowering the water table or controlling ground water or surface runoff justify
installing such a system.
a. Criteria found in planning and
design manual for the control of erosion, sediment and storm water will be
b. This practice will be
maintained for a minimum of ten (10) years.
c. NRCS Specification No. 606 will also be
5. Component parts
that are eligible for 60% cost share:
a. Earth
b. Concrete
c. Pipe and appurtenances
d. Sand and/or gravel
e. Installation of materials (2 -
WQ 17 - Water Bar
Definition A ridge of compacted soil or loose rock or gravel constructed across
disturbed rights-of-way and similar sloping areas.
2. Purpose Shorten the flow length within a
long sloping right-of-way, thereby reducing the erosion potential by diverting
storm runoff to a stabilized outlet or sediment trapping device.
3. Where applicable This practice applies
where there will be little or no construction traffic within the right-of-way.
Gravel structures are more applicable to roads and other rights-of-way which
accommodate vehicular traffic.
a. Criteria found in planning and
design manual for the control of erosion, sediment and storm water will be
5. Component parts
that are eligible for 60% cost share:
Earth moving
b. Gravel
c. Seeds, clippings, stolens, sprigs or sod
d. Fertilizer
e. Lime
f. Installation of materials (2 -
WQ 18 - Retention Basin
1. Definition A basin or depression area to
temporarily retain storm water on site providing for infiltration, pollution
reduction, and downstream water quality improvement.
2. Purpose Incorporate pollution control and
groundwater recharge concepts into the design and construction of storage areas
for the percolation of storm water runoff so that the adverse impact of urban
type development on receiving waters can be reduced.
3. Where applicable Applicability of this
practice is primarily dependent upon the availability of an adequate site for a
retention area or for the creation or modifications of a retention area. The
soil and water table conditions must also be such that the system can, within a
maximum of seventy-two (72) hours following a storm water event, provide for a
new volume of storage through percolation and/or evapo-transpiration
4. Policies:
a. Criteria found in planning and design
manual for the control of erosion, sediment and storm water will be
b. This practice will be
maintained for a minimum of ten (10) years.
5. Component parts that are eligible for 60%
cost share:
a. Earth moving
b. Seeds, stolens, sprigs or sod
c. Fertilizer
d. Lime
e. Gravel
f. Installation of materials (2 -
WQ 19 - Silt Fence
Definition A temporary barrier consisting of a filter fabric stretched across
and attached to supporting posts and entrenched. There are two types. The Silt
Fence is a temporary linear filter barrier constructed of synthetic filter
fabric, posts, and depending upon the strength of the fabric used, wire fence
for support. The Filter Barrier is constructed of stakes and burlap or
synthetic fabric.
2. Purpose
Intercept and detain small amounts of sediment from disturbed areas during
construction operations in order to prevent sediment from leaving the site. To
decrease the velocity of sheet flows and low-to-moderate level channel
3. Where applicable Below
disturbed areas where erosion would occur in the form of sheet and rill
4. Policies: a. Criteria
found in planning and design manual for the control of erosion, sediment and
storm water will be used.
Component parts that are eligible for 60% cost share:
a. Synthetic filter fabric
b. Burlap
c. Posts, stakes and/or wire fencing
d. Installation of materials (1 -
WQ 20 - Permanent Seeding
1. Definition Controlling runoff and erosion
on disturbed areas by establishing perennial vegetative cover with
2. Purpose Reduce erosion and
decrease sediment yield from disturbed areas, and to permanently stabilize such
areas in a manner that is economical, adapts to site conditions, and allows
selection of the most appropriate plant materials.
3. Where applicable This practice applies to
fine graded areas on which permanent, long lived vegetative cover is the most
practical or most effective method of stabilizing the soil. Permanent seeding
may also be used on rough graded areas.
4. Policies:
a. Criteria found in planning and design
manual for the control of erosion, sediment and storm water will be
b. This practice will be
maintained for a minimum of ten (10) years.
5. Component parts that are eligible for 60%
cost share:
a. Seeds, stolens, sprigs or sod
b. Fertilizer
c. Lime
d. Planting
e. Installation of materials (1 -
WQ 21 - Stream Crossing
1. Definition A travel-way constructed across
a stream to allow livestock, equipment, or vehicles to cross with minimal
disturbance to the stream ecosystem.
2. Purpose Prevent or minimize water
degradation from sediment, nutrient, and organic loading. To protect the water
course from degradation and adverse hydrological impacts. To protect the land
from streambank erosion. To provide a means for animals, equipment, or vehicles
to cross a water course.
3. Where
applicable This practice applies to all land uses where an intermittent or
perennial water course exists, and livestock are currently crossing the water
4. Policies:
1. The structure shall be maintained for a
minimum of ten (10) years.
5. Specifications NRCS Specification No. 728
will be used.
6. Component parts
that are eligible for 60% cost share:
Earth moving - fill and excavation
b. Pipe and appurtenances
c. Concrete
d. Stone, mulch or gravel
e. Geo-textile Material
f. Fencing
g. Installation of materials (1, 2, 3, &
WQ 22 - Chemical Container/Used oils-Lubricants
1. Definition
Recycling chemical containers, used oils and lubricants so as to reduce
pollution of water, land or air.
Purpose Provide an incentive for landowners or land operators to properly
dispose of chemical containers used oils and lubricants in a manner that will
prevent degradation of natural resources.
3. Where applicable All agricultural
4. Policies:
a. A one-time per year credit will be allowed
for the proper disposal of chemical containers, used oils and
b. The credit will be
based on the cost of transportation one-way to a disposal area.
c. A credit of 36.5 cents per mile will be
d. This credit can only be
used as match towards another cost shareable BMP applied by the landowner or
land operator.
WQ 23 - Cattle Feed and Waste
Management Facility
Definition A facility to allow for the feeding of cattle in a manner that will
allow for the collection, storage, and proper utilization of animal
2. Purpose Prevent or reduce
the pollution of water, land or air by animal wastes.
3. Where applicable This practice applies to
areas on farmland where animal waste from the farm constitutes a significant
pollution hazard.
4. Policies:
a. This practice is designed to provide a
facility for the collection and storage of cattle waste in order to permit the
recycling of waste onto the land in a way that will abate pollution that would
otherwise result from existing cattle operations.
b. Cost sharing is limited to preventing or
solving the pollution problems where the cattle operation already exists and is
part of a total farming operation.
c. All necessary permits must be acquired
before the facility is erected.
All necessary plans, (i.e. Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan, Waste
Utilization Plan) shall be developed for the facility.
e. The practice shall be maintained for a
minimum of ten (10) years following the calendar year of
Component parts that are eligible for 60% cost share:
a. Earth moving - including diversions,
ditches or dikes
b. Pipe and
c. Concrete
d. Stone, mulch or gravel
e. Geo-textile material
f. Fencing
g. Pressure treated materials
h. Building materials
i. Trough or tank
j. Seed or sprigs, fertilizer and
k. Installation of
WQ 24 - Well
1. Definition
The sealing and permanent closure of a water well no longer in use.
2. Purpose Prevent entry of vermin, debris,
or other foreign substances into the well or well bore hole; eliminate the
physical hazard of an open hole to people, animals or farm machinery; prevent
entry of contaminated surface water into well and migration of contaminants
into unsaturated zone or saturated zone; prevent the mixing of chemically or
physically different ground waters between separate water bearing
3. Where applicable This
practice applies to any drilled, dug, driven, bored, or otherwise constructed
vertical water well determined to have no further beneficial use.
4. Policies: a. This practice does not apply
to wells that were used for waste disposal, or if evidence of contamination
still exists. This practice does not apply to wells that contain contaminant
levels that exceed state or federal water quality standards. Treatment of
contamination source(s) is required before a well is decommissioned.
5. Specifications NRCS Specification No. 351
will be used.
6. Component parts
that are eligible for 60% cost share:
b. Sealing materials
c. Fill materials
d. Concrete
e. Installation of materials
Miss Code Ann. § 69-27-307
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