Mississippi Administrative Code
Part 6 - Division of Family and Children's Services
Chapter 1 - DFCS Policy Manual
Section 18-6-1-D - Foster Care Policy
Current through September 24, 2024
Mission Statement
To provide youth and young adults in care with an array of services and resources to prepare them for the transition from foster care to successful adulthood.
The Independent Living Program (ILP) assists adolescents in acquiring basic life skills in their progress toward self-sufficiency. Youth are eligible for Independent Living Services based on the following criteria:
1. Youth in DFCS custody age fourteen (14) through twenty-one (21) are eligible to receive Independent living services and participate in Independent living activities.
2. Youth who leave DFCS custody at age 18 through 21 are eligible for Aftercare services until the age of 21; and
3. Youth who leave custody after the age of 21, but who are enrolled in post-secondary educational and vocational programs may be eligible based on the criteria detailed in the Educational and Training Voucher (ETV) Program (See Section D Education Voucher (ETV) Program).
Some services are provided through a contractual agreement to include: life skills training; Teen Advisory Board training/meeting, facilitation, youth conferences, after care services and other services as appropriate.
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indian youth are eligible for Independent Living Services based on the same criteria for DFCS youth in care.
MDHS/DFCS Independent Living staff and contact staff shall communicate scheduled Independent Living activities and events to the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians' Independent Living Program Coordinator. Changes to policy and services shall be communicated to invite the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians participation in MDHS/DFCS Independent Living Program and Services.
The Worker will have the following responsibilities in providing Independent Living Services:
* Shall refer youth age fourteen (14) to Independent Living (IL) contract provider to participate in IL services and activities. IL services provided by the contractor shall be provided in the County of Service (COS) and/or County of Responsibility (COR).
* The COR and/or COS worker shall transport, coordinate transportation and or develop a transportation plan for youth to and from scheduled IL module trainings, Teen Advisory Board Meetings (TAB), retreats, conferences and other IL related activities.
* The transportation plan must include who will transport the youth to all of the Independent Living activities. (Note: the transporter may be a Family Protection Worker/Specialist, ASWS, Resource Parent, Group Home Staff, Homemaker, Volunteer/Mentor, Case Aide, Independent Living Specialist, or any designated staff)
* Shall provide each youth transitioning to independence with at least 6 months advance notice of the cessation of any health, financial, or other benefits that will occur at the time of transition.
* Each foster youth 14-20 years old, regardless of his/her permanency plan, shall be provided with an opportunity to participate in the creation of an Independent Living service plan for Independent Living preparation. DFCS shall provide each eligible youth with Independent Living services as set forth in his/her service plan.
DFCS shall ensure that each youth transitioning to independence has available the following:
* A source of income;
* Health care;
* Independent living stipends;
* Education and training vouchers;
* Resource guide necessary to assist youth in locating and enrolling in educational or vocational programs appropriate to their needs, interests, abilities and goals i.e.; high school or GED programs, colleges or universities, vocational training programs and special education services.
Supply the youth with a list of community resources suitable to meet the youth's future needs.
Ensure that services are provided for the youth to make the transition from foster care to living independently.
Let the youth know that he/she can contact the Worker when needed.
Make sure the youth receives start-up stipend, and any other resources available through DFCS.
Document the preparation being made with the youth to help the transition from care to living independently.
DFCS shall assist youth in obtaining or compiling the following documents and such efforts shall be documented in the child's case record:
* An identification card;
* A social security or social insurance number;
* A resume, when work experience can be described;
* A driver's license, when the ability to drive is a goal;
* An original copy of the youth's birth certificate;
* Religious documents and information;
* Documentation of immigration, citizenship, or naturalization, when applicable;
* Documentation of tribal eligibility or membership;
* Death certificates when parents are deceased;
* A life book or a compilation of personal history and photographs, as appropriate;
* A list of known relatives, with relationships, addresses, telephone numbers, and permissions for contacting involved parties;
* Previous placement information; and
* Educational records, such as high school diploma or general equivalency diploma, and a list of schools attended, when age-appropriate.
The COR ASWS is responsible for the following:
* Assuring the demographics tab in MACWIS is updated every ninety (90) days to reflect updates and changes in contact information, physical address, employment/military status, milestones/achievements in education and special education information (IEP updates).
* Communicate all Independent Living announcements, scheduled activities and events to supervised workers.
* Assuring the appropriate people participate in the development of the Independent Living Plan
* Reviewing the FSP, ILP and TLP for completeness and appropriateness
* Approving F SP in MACWIS
* Approving the Independent Living Plan and TLP located under the Independent Living plan icon in MACWIS
* Approving Stipends in MACWIS
* Approving Retreat/Conference applications in MACWIS
SEC. 475 [42 U.S.C. 675] 475(5)(I)
Each child in foster care under the responsibility of the State/Tribe who has attained 14 years of age receives without cost a copy of any consumer report (as defined in section 603(d) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act) pertaining to the child each year until the child is discharged from care, and receives assistance (including when feasible, from any court-appointed advocate for the child) in interpreting and resolving any inaccuracies in the report.
Credit/identity theft checks will be done on all youth in the Mississippi Department of Human Services (MDHS) / Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) custody beginning at age14 to age 20. Credit/identity theft checks will be obtained annually. All youth will be asked to sign a written acknowledgement form giving MDHS/DFCS permission to submit their personal information to the credit bureau's (Equifax, Experian and Transunion).
A copy of the signed acknowledgement form shall be maintained in the youth's County of responsibility (COR) case file. Upon receiving the acknowledgement form, the Division of Independent Living will proceed with contacting the three (3) major credit reporting bureaus to obtain a credit report. Once a credit report is received the COR worker will review the report with the youth and maintain a copy in the youth's COR case file. If discrepancies are found on a youth's credit report, the COR worker will follow the resolution protocol to resolve findings. All efforts made to resolve discrepancies will be documented in MACWIS under the Independent Living tab as a narrative.
If there are any inaccuracies found on the youth's credit report, the COR worker will be responsible for the following:
* Assist the youth with filing a police report with the local law enforcement agency.
* Assist the youth with contacting the three major credit bureaus.
* Assist the youth with contacting creditors and financial institutions.
* Assist the youth with obtaining legal counsel if needed (The Mississippi Attorney General's office will be contacted).
* Assist the youth with contacting Social Security Administration.
* Assist the your with filing a complaint with Federal Trade Commission.
* For technical assistance workers can contact the Independent Living office at (601)-359-4754.
* COR will ensure that resolution protocol has been started to resolve inaccuracies or discrepancies found in youth credit report prior to leaving care.
* An acknowledgement form must be signed by all youth at age 14 to acknowledge that they have been informed that their credit/identity check will be performed to ensure that their credit/identity has not been used.
* Upon receiving the consent form, the Division of Independent Living will proceed with contacting the three (3) major credit reporting bureaus to obtain a credit report.
* After the credit report is received it will be entered into MACWIS for the COR worker to review with the youth in family team meeting.
* For each credit report obtained the COR will have the youth sign an acknowledgement form stating their credit report has been reviewed with them. The original acknowledgement form will be filed in the COR file and a copy will be filed at State Office Independent Living file.
As part of the Foster Care Independence Act (FCIA) of 1999, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is required to develop and implement a data collection system to (1) track the independent living services states provide to youth, and (2) develop outcome measures that may be used to assess state performance in operating their independent living programs. The data collection system is called the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD). Section 477 (f) of Public Law 106-169 (FCIA), which established the John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program, requires ACF to develop a data collection system that can:
The NYTD collects data on the following three reporting populations:
The baseline and follow-up populations will participate in a web based survey to be administered by the state NYTD Coordinator and the Transitional Care Coaches (contract provider). Both populations will be contacted by e-mail, U.S. Mail, and telephone for notification of survey participation.
National Youth In Transition Database (NYTD)
The MDHS/DFCS County of Responsibility (COR) Worker will be responsible for maintaining current and accurate demographic data in MACWIS on youth ages 14 and older. The COR worker will also be responsible for updating Independent Living Plans every 90 days on youth starting at age 14 until he/she is released from MDHS/DFCS custody. The COR worker will review/update the following information in MACWIS every 90 days and/or as the demographic information changes:
The ILP includes the following services:
Independent Living Module Training Workshop are based on a nationally recognized curriculum approved by DFCS. Module Training Workshops are based on assessments, personal contact, the Independent Living Plan and the TLP. The curriculum contains the following components:
* Community Resources and Transportation
* Communication Skills and Social Development
* Employment
* Money Management
* Decision Making and Study Skills
* Housing, Daily Living Skills
* Self-Care
* Youth Law issues
Six (6) Training Module Workshops will be held in all thirteen (13) regions one (1) time each contract year. Training Module Workshops will be scheduled and facilitated by Transitional Care Coaches (selected contract provider) beginning October 1st and ending September 30th of each Federal fiscal year.
Youth Retreats are held throughout the state. Some are open to youth ages 14-15, while others are open to youth ages 16-18. The COR Worker will submit an application for approval in MACWIS for the youth to attend the scheduled Retreat. Overnight Youth Retreats are held each year covering all geographical areas of the state. The purpose of these retreats is to enhance the life skills learned in the Module Training Workshops. Additional life skills include:
* Team building
* Leadership development
* Positive self-expression,
* Socialization
* Self esteem
* Positive values
A Statewide Youth Conference is held annually to benefit youth from ages 16-21. The purpose of the Youth Conference is to reinforce the life skills presented throughout the year through various activities and motivational speakers. The COR Worker will submit an application for approval in MACWIS for the youth to attend the annual youth conference.
Stipends are paid for youth's accomplishments and participation in Training Module Workshop. Stipends are discussed more fully under "Stipend Requirements and How to Apply " in " D" below.
Transitional Independent Living Placements are available to youth ages 18 through age 21 with approval from the State Independent Living Director or a designee. Youth 17 who have obtained a high school diploma, GED, or Certificate of Completion will also be considered for placement.
A newsletter that contains information about the ILP is distributed quarterly to youth statewide. Submissions from the youth are encouraged for inclusion in the newsletter.
"Handbook for Youth in Care" is available to all youth in the custody who are fourteen (14) or older when entering custody. The Handbook highlights programs, services, brochures, and guidelines for the youth while in care. This Handbook is available through the county where the youth resides. The Handbook shall be reviewed with the youth by the Worker at the time of the Independent Living Assessment.
Teen Advisory Board (TAB) Teen Advisory Board (TAB) is a youth leadership and advocacy training program coordinated through the Independent Living State Office. Each region is allotted a TAB team consisting of approximately five (5) youth, based on participation and eligibility. No fewer than three (3) youth should represent each region. Participants are nominated by Regional DFCS and IL contractor staff, and are accepted as participants by the existing TAB membership. TAB members will participate in leadership training activities and active advocacy efforts to improve the foster care experience for all youth in care. TAB participation is voluntary, and will not be used as an inducement or punishment for youth behavior.
The Chafee Foster Care Independence Act of 1999 (P.L. 106-169) provides funding for the following stipends:
An initial stipend is available to all youth who complete a Life Skills Pre-Assessment form. This stipend is given only upon initial enrollment in the Independent Living Services.
The Independent Living Specialist will document the completion of the pre-assessment and will notify the COR Worker that it has been completed by the youth. The Worker will submit the stipend request to the Independent Living Coordinator through MACWIS under "State Funds".
The final stipend is available to all youth who participate in the ILP and complete a Post-Assessment. This stipend is given after completion of the Post-Assessment upon the child being released from custody.
The Independent Living Specialist will document the completion of the post-assessment and will notify the COR Worker that it has been completed by the youth. The Worker will submit the stipend request to the Independent Living Coordinator through MACWIS under "State Funds ".
A stipend can be earned for the completion of one (1) Module Training Workshop .
These training workshops are available through the contract provider. Youth will receive a stipend from the contract provider at the successful completion of a module training workshop.
The Youth Retreat Stipend can be earned for attending a Youth Retreat.
The retreats are planned through the Independent Living contract provider. Transitional Care Coaches will document satisfactory participation in the retreat and will notify the COR Worker. The IL contract provider will issue the retreat stipend to all participating youth at the successful completion of retreat activities.
A youth will receive a cash stipend for successful completion of participation in the Annual Youth Conference.
The ILP's private contractor will pay this stipend to the youth at the completion of the conference. (Youth are eligible to receive a Youth Conference Allowance prior to attending the Youth Conference. The allowance will be requested in MACWIS by the COR Worker.)
A stipend is available to youth who submit an article, poem or other creative writing, a letter to the editor, or an editorial to the State Independent Living Coordinator for consideration for publication in any MDHS publication.
The youth may send the submission directly to the State Independent Living Coordinator, MDHS Permanency Unit, the COR/COS Worker who will submit the writing for the youth. The COR Worker will request the stipend in MACWIS and, upon approval, will issue the check directly to the youth.
The Personal Enhancement Stipend is available to youth that need additional financial assistance with secondary (Middle/High School) educational needs/activities and college prep activities. Secondary educational needs/activities can be defined as, but are not limited to fees/dues for sport/extra-curricular activities, tutoring, GED and ACT/SAT prep. College prep activities including but are not limited to housing fees, college/post-secondary application fees and college/post-secondary registration fees. A justification letter from the COR worker shall be submitted to the State Independent Living Director for approval.
A stipend is available to help defray senior/final year expenses for youth receiving a high school diploma, GED or a Certificate of Attendance at the close of the school/program year in which the stipend is requested. The youth shall also be a participant in ILP activities.
This stipend should be requested in MACWIS by the COR Worker under "State Funds" during the youth's senior year. The stipend must be issued to the vendor(s). However, a reimbursement payment may be issued to an individual/party, including the youth, in the event a purchase was previously made but proof of payment was rendered. An itemized receipt must be presented to the COR bookkeeper before a check can be issued.
A statement from the youth's school verifying enrollment, as a senior/final year with anticipated graduation/completion being that same academic/program year, must be filed in the child's case record and documented in MACWIS. Typical senior/final year expenses include: pictures, invitations, cap and gown, prom attire, senior trip expenses. All purchases must be receipted and all receipts kept in the COR office.
A Graduation Stipend is available to all youth in custody who receive a high school diploma. A copy of the diploma must be filed in the paper case record in the COR office.
This stipend can be accessed from the appropriate MACWIS screen. This one-time stipend should be issued to the youth as a graduation gift to spend as the youth wishes. A signed receipt from the youth must be sent to the bookkeeper in the COR.
A General Equivalency Diploma (GED) Stipend is available to all youth in custody who receive a Certificate of Attendance, or pass the GED. A copy of the certificate or diploma must be filed in the paper case record in the COR office.
This stipend can be accessed from the appropriate MACWIS screen. This one time stipend should be issued to the youth as a gift to spend as the youth wishes. A signed receipt from the youth must be sent to the bookkeeper in the COR.
A College Bound Stipend is available to youth in care who plan to attend a post-secondary education program. This stipend is requested through the appropriate MACWIS screens after the COR Worker receives verification that the youth has been accepted in a post-educational program.
The stipend must be issued to the vendor(s). A reimbursement payment may be issued to an individual/party, including the youth, in the event a purchase was previously made, but proof of payment was rendered. All purchases must be receipted and given to the COR bookkeeper before a check is issued and all receipts kept in the COR office.
Allowable purchases are items needed to furnish a residence (on or off campus) such as: bedspread, curtains, rugs, refrigerator, microwave, trunk, bookcase, small appliances, computer, furniture items, and books/resource materials.
A College Graduation Stipend is available for youth until their 21 st birthday who complete a two-year community college, four-year college/university or full completion of a vocational program.
Upon proof of graduation, this one-time stipend should be requested in MACWIS by the COR Worker and must be given to the bookkeeper in the COR.
A Start-Up Stipend is available to youth who leave care after turning age sixteen (16) and who have participated in the available ILP activities. The youth must have been in care for a minimum of six (6) months.
This stipend may be requested during the six months prior to release from custody and up to the six months following release from custody.
Youth who have been approved for the Independent Living Placement shall have the option to utilize this one-time stipend upon approval. This stipend must be issued directly to the vendor(s). A reimbursement payment may be issued to an individual/party including the youth in the event a previous purchase was made and proof of payment was rendered. All purchases must be receipted and given to the COR bookkeeper before a check is issued and all receipts kept in the COR office.
Acceptable purchases may include any items associated with the establishment of a home such as: dishes, cooking utensils, appliances, linens, furniture, cleaning supplies, curtains, and rugs.
In addition, a youth released from custody at age 17 or older and already has a job may use a portion of this stipend to assist in the purchase or repair of a vehicle, if the vehicle is needed in the youth's job and as long as the youth already has the minimal essential items needed to live independently. The youth must show proof of having a driver's license and state required liability insurance.
The COR Worker should request this one-time stipend through the appropriate MACWIS screens.
The Youth Trainer Stipend is available to youth participating in Teen Advisory Board Activities (TAB). This stipend will be given to youth that attend State Level TAB meetings and for youth who co-facilitate Independent Living and Teen Advisory Board trainings. The Independent Living Unit will notify the COR worker of a youths participation in IL and/or TAB trainings/meetings.
* Youth from the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians are eligible for the above listed stipends. The youth generally reside in the following counties in Mississippi: Attala, Jones, Kemper, Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Scott and Winston.
* A Worker who receives a stipend request from a Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians youth must complete a Case Management service in MACWIS, requesting the appropriate support service for the particular stipend. This request can be entered from the county location in which the youth resides.
A Resource Parent, a group home administrator who has responsibility of the youth in care, a court-appointed guardian, an employer of the youth or, if there is no guardian or employer, any other responsible person who is willing to assume the financial obligation (liability) imposed under MISS. CODE ANN. § 63-1-25, may choose to sign the application for a driver's license, unless restricted by a court order. Youth shall be at least age 16, to obtain a driver's license.
A youth who is seventeen (17) years of age or older may sign a license application without an adult's signature but may not drive until he/she is covered by liability insurance.
Resource Parents or any other responsible adult may purchase a motor vehicle for a youth in custody unless restricted by a court order. The COR ASWS and Worker must approve of the plan prior to the purchase of a vehicle. That plan must be well documented in MACWIS under the TLP; "Transportation" Radio Button.
The Transitional Living Plan (TLP) is a plan documenting how a youth will move from DFCS custody into other programs or to self-sufficiency.
Within ninety days of the youth's 14 th birthday, or within thirty (30) days of coming into custody, the TLP shall be incorporated into the FSP. The COR Worker shall complete on the IL Plan/TL Plan screen in MACWIS the youth's post-custody living arrangement, means of income, educational/vocational training plans, food and clothing, health care, transportation, access to a mentor/Resource Family, and access to positive peer support.
The IL Plan/TL Plan shall be developed jointly by the COR Worker and ASWS, youth, and IL Specialist. The TLP shall be updated and modified as needed each time the youth's FSP is reviewed and updated. Any tasks that need to be completed in order to accomplish the IL Plan/TL Plan shall be added to the tasks and goals under the FSP.
Twelve (12) months prior to the anticipated release of custody date, the COR Worker and Independent Living Specialist (contractor), youth, and Resource Parent(s) shall meet to determine services needed to assist the youth in preparing for his/her independence. During this meeting, youth shall be notified of any health, financial or other benefits that will cease after case closing.
The COR Worker should be discussing with the youth a range of living arrangements and engage him/her in an evaluation of the risks and benefits of each option. The Worker should also be discussing the availability of affordable healthcare options within the community. Child care options should be discussed with teen parents.
The Worker shall inform all youth transitioning out of care that he/she is eligible for Medicaid through age twenty-one (21). It shall be the Workers responsibility to assist the youth with completing the necessary documents to continue Medicaid services and to ensure he/she has received his/her Medicaid card prior to transitioning out of care. As part of the Exit Interview form and for future reference, the COR Worker will secure from the youth information on how he/she may be contacted upon leaving custody.
An Independent Living Placement is a placement in an apartment house, or rooming house with supervision from a licensed placement agency. A youth who has attained age 18 , meets the requirements listed in the "Responsibilities of the Youth" in section I.3. below, and is in the custody of DFCS will be considered for placement. A youth who has attained age 17, in addition to the above requirements, must obtain a high school diploma, certificate of attendance or GED.
The youth's Worker, ASWS and Independent Living Specialist must recommend this placement to the SAILS Advisory Board before final approval by the Independent Living Coordinator. COR/COS Workers shall collaborate services to support placement. The application is completed by the Independent Living Specialist after consulting with the COR Worker.
The ETV Program is a federal program that provides supplemental resources to meet the cost of attendance in post-secondary educational and vocational programs, as defined in the Higher Education Act of 1965, for all youth aging out of custody. This program makes vouchers of up to $5,000 per year available to eligible youth attending post-secondary education.
Additionally, the following individuals will be considered for ETVs:
Youth must first apply for and have received confirmation from the institution through an award letter to include the Pell Grant, MTAG, scholarships, or other grants, if applicable.
There are fall and spring enrollment periods for all ETV applications. Youth enrolling in school during the fall must have their ETV applications submitted prior to the two week fall approval period. Youth who do not enroll in the fall will be allowed to submit ETV applications prior to the two week spring approval period. Once a youth is approved and enrolled in the ETV program his/her enrollment will be in effect for one year. A new ETV application must be submitted annually.
The amount that a youth attending school full-time may receive is limited to $5,000 which must be utilized during the fiscal year. Part-time students may receive $2,500 per fiscal year. The applicant must use the following criteria:
* The youth must first apply for, and have received confirmation or disapproval notices from applications made for the Pell Grant, MTAG, scholarships, or other grants the youth may have applied for. The sources and amounts of any other funds that may be available to the youth must also be considered.
An electronic tickler notice is received by the COR ASWS to review/approve the ETV request in MACWIS;
A Worker who receives an ETV request from a youth out of care and eligible for the ETV program shall complete a case management service in MACWIS and will request the appropriate support service for the ETV voucher. This request can be entered from any county location, regardless of the originating COR.
A reimbursement payment may be issued to an individual/party including the youth in the event a purchase was made and proof of payment was rendered. An itemized receipt must be given to the COR bookkeeper before a check is issued.
The following limitations will apply for ETV fund requests (Note: all require enrollment in school):
* Youth may receive a monthly allowance of $150.
* Youth may receive a maximum of $750 for computer needs.
* Youth may receive a maximum of $1,000 for transportation needs (insurance, repairs, maintenance).
* Youth may receive $150 a month toward off campus housing.
All other Cost of Attendance may be requested without limit until the allotted funds are depleted for each child.
For the purpose of this policy, the term "cost of attendance" means:
Note: If expenses related to the student's personal vehicle are not a part of the cost of attendance, they are not allowable expenses under the voucher program
General Provisions- Title I (20 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.) is amended to read as follows:
Title I- General Provisions, Part A- Definitions
Sec. 101. General Definition of Institution of Higher Education