Mississippi Administrative Code
Part 24 - Division of Community Services
Chapter 5 - Client Eligibility Requirements
- Rule 18-24-5.1 - Eligibility Requirements
- Rule 18-24-5.2 - Residency
- Rule 18-24-5.3 - Immigration Status
- Rule 18-24-5.4 - Renters
- Rule 18-24-5.5 - Roomer/Boarders
- Rule 18-24-5.6 - Live-In Attendant
- Rule 18-24-5.7 - Employee Familial and /or Personal Interest Applicants
- Rule 18-24-5.8 - Eligibility Documentation
- Rule 18-24-5.9 - Authorization of Release of Information
- Rule 18-24-5.10 - Affidavits
- Rule 18-24-5.11 - Income Eligibility and Calculations
- Rule 18-24-5.12 - Threatening Behavior
Households that consume energy for residential purposes and meet the requirements of the program will be eligible for assistance. Energy bills may include electricity, natural gas, propane/butane, wood, kerosene and coal. LIHEAP funds may also be used to purchase fans, blankets, air conditioners, heaters, energy deposits, and other energy-related products to be distributed to eligible households. The maximum amount of financial assistance and the cost of the energy-related products awarded to eligible households may be up to $1,500, unless a client is in need of heating and/or cooling equipment. LIHEAP has two (2) components: program assistance known as regular assistance and the Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP) that provides emergency assistance. Subgrantees are required to refer high energy usage households to Weatherization.