Mississippi Administrative Code
Chapter 1 - Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Weatherization Assistance Program
Rule 18-20-1-1 - Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) State Plan
Section 18-20-1-1-V - MASTER FILE
Section 18-20-1-1-V.9 - Energy Crisis & Disaster Plan (WPN12-07)
Current through September 24, 2024
State of Mississippi Weatherization Assistance Program Disaster Relief Plan
For weatherization purposes, a disaster is determined by a Presidential or Gubernatorial order declaring either a Federal or State Emergency. The crisis will generally involve three phases: the crisis itself, the clean-up, and rebuilding of the area.
Purpose: To develop a prudent disaster response plan that addresses the needs of affected low-income clients and takes into consideration the limited funding available and the effects to the weatherization program activities. The State of Mississippi will work in conjunction with its Disaster Relief Team to aid with identifying and securing any resources that may be available to assist in the relief Project Management Center (PMC) Project Officer will be notified as soon as possible regarding a disaster.
Eligible Activities:
Reweatherization - The rule allows any home damaged by a disaster to be reweatherized, without regard to date of weatherization, if the damage to materials is not covered by insurance.
Health & Safety - The rule allows a State to develop a health and safety plan to address the needs of low-income occupants of eligible homes.
Technical Assistance - The rule permits the States to use technical assistance units in flexible ways to achieve energy efficiency goals of the program.
Leveraging - The rule permits States to use a small percentage of DOE grant funds to provide leveraging opportunities at the state and local levels with prior approval.
Eligible Population: Any person or household, (residence of Mississippi),meeting income eligibility based on 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. Priority will be given to clients currently on the WX Priority Lists, elderly, handicapped, and families with children.
Allowable expenditures under WAP include:
1) The cost of incidental repairs to a negligible dwelling unit if such repairs are necessary to make the installation of weatherization materials effective and,
2) The cost of eliminating health and safety hazards, elimination of which is necessary before the installation of weatherization materials (10 CFR 440.18(d)(9); 10 CFR 40.18(d) (15). To the extent that the services are in support of eligible weatherization (or permissible re-weatherization) work, such expenditure would be allowable. For example, debris removal at a dwelling unit so that the unit can be weatherized would be an allowable cost. Debris removal from a dwelling unit that is not to be weatherized would not be an allowable cost. The $8,009per dwelling unit limit continues to apply.
The State of Mississippi elects to limit incidental repairs (10 CFR 440.14(c) (6) (viii) to $500. If total anticipated repair cost exceeds $500 in materials expenditures, DCS must first authorize the additional expenditures before the costs are incurred. All requests must be in writing, documenting why the exception is being requested and how the repairs will benefit the effective performance or preservation of Weatherization materials.
The use of WAP funds to pay personnel to perform functions related to protecting the DOE investment. Such activities include: securing weatherization materials, tools, equipment, weatherization vehicles, or protection of local agency weatherization files, records and the like during the initial phase of the disaster response. Using WAP funds to pay for weatherization personnel to perform relief work in the community as a result of a disaster is not allowable.
Subgrantees may use weatherization equipment to help assist in disaster relief provided the WAP is reimbursed according to the DOE Financial Assistance Regulations 10 CFR Part 600.
Health & Safety - Subgrantees will utilize the health and safety plan to address the needs of low-income occupants of eligible homes. (See Attachment)
Technical Assistance - The rule permits the States to use technical assistance units in flexible ways to achieve energy efficiency goals of the program.
Leveraging - The rule permits States to use a small percentage of DOE grant funds to provide leveraging opportunities at the state and local levels with prior approval.
Eligible Population: Any person or household, (residence of Mississippi), meeting income eligibility based on 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. Priority will be given to elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, high residential energy users, and households with high energy burdens (10CFR 440.16(b)) However, it would be permissible to consider in households located in the disaster area, as a priority as long as the households are eligible and meet one of the priorities established in regulation and are free and clear of any insurance claim or other form of compensation resulting from damage incurred from the disaster.
Scope of Work:
Additional Criteria: