Mississippi Administrative Code
Chapter 1 - Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Weatherization Assistance Program
Rule 18-20-1-1 - Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) State Plan
Section 18-20-1-1-V - MASTER FILE
Section 18-20-1-1-V.8 - Program Management

Current through December 10, 2024

Client Education-

Each Subgrantee must provide Client Notification Education. For occupied homes, the Auditor, crew, or contractor must have an adult tenant or homeowner sign an acknowledgement of Radon, Lead and Mold pamphlets.

The pamphlets can also be sent by certified mail with receipt to be placed in the customer file. In multi-unit housing, subgrantees must:

Provide written notice to each affected unit (notice must describe: general nature and locations of the planned renovation activities; the expected starting and ending dates; statement of how occupant can get pamphlet at no charge); or

Post informational signs (signs must describe general nature and locations of the renovation and the anticipated completion date) and post the EPA pamphlet. (If pamphlet is not posted, then subgrantees are required to provide information on how interested occupants can review a copy of the pamphlet or obtain a copy at no cost from the Weatherization Program).

Delivery to owner/occupant. Owner and/or occupant's signature with acknowledgment or certificate of mailing. The owner/occupant must acknowledge receipt of the EPA pamphlet prior to start of renovation that contains the address of unit undergoing renovation, name and signature of owner or occupant, and the date of signature. It must be in same language as "contract for renovation" for an owner-occupied (or the same language as the lease for occupant of non-owner occupied) target housing.

If the MS DOE WX BIL WAP cannot get a signed acknowledgment (either the occupant is not home or refuses to sign the form), then the self-certification section of the form must be signed to prove delivery.

The acknowledgement form must be filed and remain with the client file for Three years from date of signature. In addition to providing a copy of the pamphlet to owners and occupants, designated local subgrantee staff (e.g., intake specialist, auditor, crew chief) must discuss the hazards associated with lead-based paint and lead dust, and describe how they will conduct LSW in the home.

The following forms must also be completed during client notification/education:

1) Client Health and Condition Form

2) Notification of Health & Safety Form

3) Radon acknowledgement form

Training and Technical Assistance - Approach

T&TA activities are intended to maintain or increase the efficiency, quality, and effectivness of the Weatherization Program at all levels. Such activities will be designed to maximize energy sa vings, minimize production costs, improve program management and operational efficiencies, co ntractor work quality, increase client satisfaction, and to reduce the potential for waste, fraud, ab use and mismanagement.

T&TA funds aregiven directly to subgrantees to address training. Subgrantees will follow the M DHS Subgrant/Agreement Manual. Funds may be used to obtain and maintain certifications, training, training support, and providing or receiving programmatic and technical assistance. T&TA funds may also be used totrain contractors participating in the program provided a retention agreement is obtained.

Training and Technical Assistance - Approach

The MS DOE WX BIL WAP will use the following methods to provide T&TA:

* On-site visits provide an excellent opportunity to assess the technical needs of subgrantees through the notation of program deficiencies.

* DCS Weatherization Staff will provide specific T&TA on automated audit inspection procedures as a regular component of the on-site Programmatic and Management and production monitoring visits.

* DCS Weatherization staff will provide T&TA through onsite, written, and telephone communication with Subgrantee staff

* DCS staff will provide on-site or offsite T&TA as needed. Need may be identified by the Subgrantee staff, Program Integrity monitoring visits, DOE Project Officer monitoring visits, internal state audits, IG reports, or by DCS staff as the result of observation for resolution of problems, or to meet updates required by DOE.

* DCS and Subgrantee staff will participate in national activities as they are planned. MS DOE WX BIL WAP will assure staff are able to attend these meetings and will encourage Subgrantee staff to take advantage of training opportunities.

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP management staff will attend DOE mandated activities/events, NASCSP events, State Weatherization Directors' meetings, national DOE sponsored conferences, and other staff development trainings as needed or required. Continuing education and conference attendance ensure Grantee effectiveness in administering and implementing the grant.

* Quarterly Weatherization Network Meetings will be scheduled to address areas of common concern with regard to training and policy for current initiatives and future program requirements. T&TA needs will be identified through feedback from the Weatherization Network.

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP will utilize the QCI on-site assessment tool to analysis deficiencies of the work performed on dwelling.

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP will utilize the results of the analysis to rate areas of deficiencies and effectiveness of subgrantee.

* Based on the ratings of deficiencies, MS DOE WX BIL WAP will develop a scorecard to determine training opportunities.

* Field Guides and Standards will be provided to subgrantees via the Notification of funds Availability (NOFA).

* Each Subgrantee and Subgrantee Contractor(s) will be provided T&TA to address the Field Guide and Standards.

In accordance with WPN 22-4 and Memorandum 034, T&TA activities for MSWAP field staff will consist of Comprehensive or Specific training. MSWAP will collaborate with Community Housing Partners (CHP) to provide training in accordance to the following:

Comprehensive Training: Occupation-specific training, which is part of an overall curriculum, aligned with the topics within the given JTA being trained. Comprehensive training must be administered by, or in cooperation with, a training program that is accredited by a DOE-accepted credentialing body for the JTA being taught.

Specific Training: Single-issue, short-term training to address technical skills or knowledge gaps. Conference trainings and any training not aligned with a Home Energy Professional JTA are included in this category.

Job Task Analyses (JTAs): JTAs define and catalogue the knowledge, skills, and abilities a practitioner needs to perform a given job effectively and safely. JTAs are used by training providers to develop coursework that can be verified and accredited by a third-party organization.

MS DOE WX BIL WAP field staff are only those technical staff members directly employed by DCS and Subgrantee agencies, such as auditors and inspectors. Contract auditors and inspectors are not explicitly included, but may be eligible for T&TA funded training as long as a retention agreement is obtained. T&TA funds may also be used to train contractors at the Subgrantee level participating in the WX Program. The use of T&TA funds to reimburse contractors is limited to T&TA that supports the four Home Energy Professionals occupations.

* Retrofit Installer/Technician (RIT): A residential energy efficiency professional who installs energy efficiency upgrades in dwelling units.

* Crew Leader: A Crew Leader is responsible for supervising and assisting in the retrofitting activities specified in the scope of work. The Crew Leader is responsible for quality control, interacting with the client, managing personnel and materials, and ensuring a safe and efficient job site.

* Energy Auditor: An experienced professional who evaluates the health and safety issues, durability, comfort, and energy use of a residential building. The Energy Auditor (EA) conducts advanced diagnostic tests, gathers and analyzes data, and creates energy models to draw conclusions and make recommendations to the client for improvements.

* Quality Control Inspector (QCI): A certified residential energy-efficiency expert who ensures the completion, appropriateness, and quality of energy upgrade work by conducting a methodical inspection of the building and performing safety and diagnostic tests.

MS DOE WX BIL WAP propose to weatherize approximately 1987 homes over five years, which calls for a ramp-up in the workforce. Based on feedback from the MSWAP Network concerning ramp-up, it was determined that the workforce should increase by approximately twenty persons. There will be four additional persons at the state office, and sixteen across subgrantees.

With the increase in staff, Energy Auditors and Quality Control Inspectors will be priority. MS DOE WX BIL WAP have nine QCI's and nine Energy Auditors across six subgrantees, and the State Office has one each.

In order to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to perform a home audit, basic building science and knowledge of equipment is needed. Based on T&TA needs, MS BIL WAP will work with Community Housing Partners (CHP), and EverBlue to incorporate a badge system, which give new hires and contractors an opportunity to earn badges in the areas of Building Science, Blower Door, and Air Sealing training etc. This training will be on going over the BIL performance period.

While earning badges New Hires will collaborate with Energy Auditors when conducting home audits. The number of audit hours will be maintained to ensure that prerequisite are accomplished, which is required in order to acquire certifications. Collaborating allows production to continue, while peer-to-peer training is obtained.

In making the determination to pay for contractors training, MS DOE WX BIL WAP Subgrantees must secure a retention agreement in exchange for training. The retention agreement must require that the contractors will work in the Program for a specific amount of time, which must align with the cost of the T&TA provided.

MS DOE WX BIL WAP will ensure that each worker will be afforded the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills needed to perform the specific job task. In addition, each Subgrantee will be required to have on staff at least one BPI Certified Quality Control Inspector & Energy Auditor. Subgrantees replacing or hiring new staff must ensure that the candidate(s) for employment be certified or have the knowledge, skills and abilities to meet the JTA's requirements for Retrofit Inspector, Energy Auditor, or QCI. All staff will be required to secure their certification within Thirty-six (36) months. Training plans will be structured in the manner best suited for each agency. Subgrantees must provide Action Plans addressing the following:

* QCI, EA, CL and RIT- Subgrantees must provide a plan that ensures training every three years for the purpose of maintaining certifications.

* Subgrantees must provide a plan to address New Hires according to the above criteria.

* Subgrantees must provide DCS all documentations of certifications obtain by Subgrantees WAP Staff, within thirty (30) days of completion.

Note: It is the responsibility of the Subgrantee to ensure that staff and/or subcontractors complete training. DCS will work to develop a plan to assure subgrantees ensure their contractors obtain and maintain the required comprehensive training certifications. DCS will monitor Subgrantee progress and track credentials. Weatherization staff may not function unsupervised until training and certification requirements are met.

Comprehensive training must be provided by a DOE approved accredited training program. Currently, IREC accredited training centers are the only training centers that meet this requirement. MSWAP training will be provided by the contracted training provider in the manner best suited for the situation. MSWAP will continue to collaborate with Community Housing Partners (CHP) to provide Comprehensive & Specific training.

Specific training will be obtained on an as-needed basis and on a rolling basis to fulfill certification CEU requirements. Specific training is considered but not limited to single issues, short-term, training to address acute deficiencies in the field, concerns found during on-site reviews by DCS T&TA Staff, Program Integrity Staff, DOE Project Officer, and Desk reviews. In cases of on-site visits, DCS will provided technical assistance in the field.

Other required or approved training will cover topics such as Health & Safety, using the NEAT/MHEA software, creating cost effective job work scopes, heating system diagnostics, performing post inspections, materials installation, air sealing, and pressure diagnostics. The goal of this training is also to introduce or significantly improve the knowledge and expertise of the WAP Network.

MS DOE WX BIL WAP will collaborate with CHP and EverBlue to execute the following training to assure that each worker is afforded the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to perform the specific job task. The plan will be in effect for the next five years, any adjustments to the plan will be addressed when warranted: (All trainings will be Mandatory)

First Quarter (July-September 2022):

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting July TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* ASHRAE 62.2/Zonal Diagnostics

July TBA

* CAZ Field Mentoring

August (3 agencies TBA)

* Energy Auditor Course

September (2wks. TBA)


September TBA

Second Quarter (October-December 2022):

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting October TBA

*Online Badge course

(On Going)

* Whole House Field Mentoring

October (5 days TBA)

* Installation Field Mentoring

November (3 agencies TBA)

Third Quarter (January- March 2023)

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting January TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* Installation Field Mentoring

February (3 agencies TBA)

* QCI Process

March (TBA)

* QCI Certification


* On-site T&TA


Fourth Quarter (April-June 2023)

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting April TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* CEU sessions


* On-site T&TA,


DCS will encourage that the following online courses, off ered by CHP be taken: (As needed)

* Lead Safe Weatherization course (LSW) if needed

* HVAC Fundamentals

* ASHRAE/ Red Calc Webinar (2hrs.)

* Retrofit Installer Technician

* Manufactured Housing Fundament als

* Energy Auditor

* Online Math Review Course (Free)

First Quarter (July-September 2023):

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting July TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* ASHRAE 62.2/Zonal Diagnostics

July TBA

* CAZ Field Mentoring

August (3 agencies TBA)

* Energy Auditor Course

September (2wks. TBA)


September TBA

Second Quarter (October-December 2023):

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting October TBA

*Online Badge course

(On Going)

* Whole House Field Mentoring

October (5 days TBA)

* Installation Field Mentoring

November (3 agencies TBA)

Third Quarter (January- March 2024)

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting January TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* Installation Field Mentoring

February (3 agencies TBA)

* QCI Process

March (TBA)

* QCI Certification


* On-site T&TA


Fourth Quarter (April-June 2024)

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting April TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* CEU sessions


* On-site T&TA,


DCS will encourage that the following online courses, off ered by CHP be taken: (As needed)

* Lead Safe Weatherization course (LSW) if needed

* HVAC Fundamentals

* ASHRAE/ Red Calc Webinar (2hrs.)

* Retrofit Installer Technician

* Manufactured Housing Fundamentals

* Energy Auditor

* Online Math Review Course (Free)

First Quarter (July-September 2024):

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting July TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* ASHRAE 62.2/Zonal Diagnostics

July TBA

* CAZ Field Mentoring

August (3 agencies TBA)

* Energy Auditor Course

September (2wks. TBA)


September TBA

Second Quarter (October-December 2024):

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting October TBA

*Online Badge course

(On Going)

* Whole House Field Mentoring

October (5 days TBA)

* Installation Field Mentoring

November (3 agencies TBA)

Third Quarter (January- March 2025)

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting January TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* Installation Field Mentoring

February (3 agencies TBA)

* QCI Process

March (TBA)

* QCI Certification


* On-site T&TA


Fourth Quarter (April-June 2025)

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting April TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* CEU sessions


* On-site T&TA,


DCS will encourage that the following online courses, offered by CHP be taken: (As needed)

* Lead Safe Weatherization course (LSW) if needed

* HVAC Fundamentals

* ASHRAE/ Red Calc Webinar (2hrs.)

* Retrofit Installer Technician

* Manufactured Housing Fundament als

* Energy Auditor

* Online Math Review Course (Free)

First Quarter (July-September 2025):

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting July TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* ASHRAE 62.2/Zonal Diagnostics

July TBA

* CAZ Field Mentoring

August (3 agencies TBA)

* Energy Auditor Course

September (2wks. TBA)


September TBA

Second Quarter (October-December 2025):

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting October TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* Whole House Field Mentoring

October (5 days TBA)

* Installation Field Mentoring

November (3 agencies TBA)

Third Quarter (January- March 2026)

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting January TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* Installation Field Mentoring

February (3 agencies TBA)

* QCI Process

March (TBA)

* QCI Certification


* On-site T&TA


Fourth Quarter (April-June 2026)

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting April TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* CEU sessions


* On-site T&TA,


DCS will encourage that the following online courses, offered by CHP be taken: (As needed)

* Lead Safe Weatherization course (LSW) if needed

* HVAC Fundamentals

* ASHRAE/ Red Calc Webinar (2hrs.)

* Retrofit Installer Technician

* Manufactured Housing Fundament als

* Energy Auditor

* Online Math Review Course (Free)

First Quarter (July-September 2026):

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting July TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* ASHRAE 62.2/Zonal Diagnostics

July TBA

* CAZ Field Mentoring

August (3 agencies TBA)

* Energy Auditor Course

September (2wks. TBA)


September TBA

Second Quarter (October-December 2026):

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting October TBA

. Online Badge course

(On Going)

* Whole House Field Mentoring

October (5 days TBA)

* Installation Field Mentoring

November (3 agencies TBA)

Third Quarter (January- March 2027)

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting January TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* Installation Field Mentoring

February (3 agencies TBA)

* QCI Process

March (TBA)

* QCI Certification


* On-site T&TA


Fourth Quarter (April-June 2027)

* MS DOE WX BIL WAP Network Meeting April TBA

* Online Badge course

(On Going)

* CEU sessions


* On-site T&TA,


DCS will encourage that the following online courses, offered by CHP be taken: (As needed)

* Lead Safe Weatherization course (LSW) if needed

* HVAC Fundamentals

* ASHRAE/ Red Calc Webinar (2hrs.)

* Retrofit Installer Technician

* Manufactured Housing Fundamentals

* Energy Auditor

* Online Math Review Course (Free)

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