Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 15 - Mississippi Department of Health
Part 5 - Office of Health Informatics
Subpart 85 - Public Health Statistics
Chapter 1 - Rules Governing the Registration and Certification of Vital Events
Subchapter 4 - State Registrar
Rule 15-5-85-1.4.3 - Authority of the state registrar
The State Registrar under the direction of the Board of Health shall execute and enforce the provisions of the laws and the rules and regulations and supervise registrars, to the end that all of the requirements shall be uniformly complied with. The State Registrar, personally or by authorized representative, shall have authority to investigate cases of irregularity or violation of regulation or law. When necessary, cases of violation of any of the provisions of the laws and regulations shall be reported, with a statement of facts and circumstances, to the prosecuting attorney of the proper county.
Miss. Code Ann. § 41-57-1; Miss. Code Ann. § 41-57-3; Miss. Code Ann. § 41-57-7