Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 15 - Mississippi Department of Health
Part 21 - Division of Radiological Health
Subpart 78 - Radiological Health
Subchapter 11 - Licensing of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (Norm)
Rule 15-21-78-11110 - General Licenses
Current through September 24, 2024
1. A general license is hereby issued to mine, extract, receive, possess, own, use, process, and transfer NORM not exempted in 1.11.4 without regard to quantity. This general license does not authorize the manufacturing or distribution of products containing NORM in concentrations greater than those specified in 1.11.4(1) nor the disposal of wastes from other persons.
2. Facilities and equipment contaminated with NORM in excess of the levels set forth in Appendix A of this section shall not be released for unrestricted use. The decontamination of equipment, facilities and land shall be performed only by persons specifically licensed by the Agency or another Licensing State to conduct such work. Each general licensee shall establish and submit to this Agency written procedures for performing on- site maintenance on contaminated equipment, components and facilities and for surveying (or screening) equipment, components and facilities prior to release for unrestricted use to ensure that the levels in Appendix A of this section are not exceeded.
3. person shall transfer land for unrestricted use contaminated with technologically enhanced radium-226 or radium-228, averaged over any 100 square meters, in which the radon emanation rate is less than 20 picocuries (740 mBq) per square meter per second and in which the concentrations of technologically enhanced radium-226 or radium-228 are in excess of 30 picocuries per gram (1.11 kBq/kg), averaged over a maximum depth of 15 cm of soil below the surface. No person shall transfer land contaminated with technologically enhanced radium-226 or radium-228, averaged over any 100 square meters, in which the radon emanation rate is 20 picocuries (740 mBq) per square meter per second or more and in which concentrations of technologically enhanced radium-226 or radium-228 are in excess of:
4. Equipment contaminated with NORM in excess of the levels set forth in Appendix A of this section may be released for maintenance and/or overhaul provided the recipient is specifically licensed to perform the activity on contaminated equipment.
5. The decontamination of equipment and facilities, as described in 1.11.13(2), shall only be performed by persons specifically licensed by the Agency or another Licensing State to conduct such work.
6. The transfer of NORM not exempt from these regulations from one general licensee to another general licensee shall be authorized by the Agency if:
7. Transfers made under 1.11.10(6)(i) do not relieve the general licensee who makes the transfer from the responsibilities of assessing the extent of NORM contamination or material present, evaluating the hazards of the NORM, informing the general licensee receiving the NORM of these assessments and evaluations, and maintaining records required by these regulations prior to and up to the time of documented transfers.
Miss. Code Ann. § 45-14-3