Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 12 - Finance and Administration
Part 9 - Office of Personal Service Contract Review Rules and Regulations
Exhibit 12-9-6-2 - Sample Evaluation Committee Report
** This is a sample document. Agencies are not required to use this specific format. **
[Agency Name] Request for [Proposals, Qualifications]
[Type of Services Solicited] RFx # [1234567890]
The [Agency] received [proposals, qualifications] from the following Offerors:
[Offeror 1] was deemed non-responsive and/or non-responsible. The evaluation conmiittee did not evaluate [Offeror 1]'s [proposal, qualification]. The remaining offerors' [proposals, qualifications] were evaluated and received the following scores:
Offeror Name |
Technical Score |
Management Score |
Cost Score |
Overall Score |
Overall Rank |
The Agency intends to award contract(s) to:__________________________________________
The intended awai'dee(s) was selected because:________________________________________
Evaluation Committee Members and Advisors
Name |
Job Title |
Member or Advisor |
State Employee or Non-State Employee* |
*The curricuhim vitae of all non-state employees, evaluation committee scoresheets, record of discussions, and post-evaluation affidavits are attached hereto. The full Agency Procurement File is available for public inspection at [Agency web address].
Any offeror may submit a written request for a debriefing to [agencyofficial@agency,ms.gov] at any time prior to [time] on [date]. Any request shall list the names and titles of all individuals who will attend the debriefing on behalf of the offeror and all questions or issues the offeror wishes to discuss at the debriefing.
Any unsuccessful offeror may request reconsideration of the Agency's intent to award the contract in accordance with Section 6.9.3 of the PPRB OPSCR Rules and Regulations.