Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 12 - Finance and Administration
Part 9 - Office of Personal Service Contract Review Rules and Regulations
Chapter 14 - CONTRACTS
Section 12-9-14.11 - Contract Auditing and Monitoring
Current through December 10, 2024
14.11.1 Agency Responsibility
Any Agency procuring services pursuant to these rules and regulations shall maintain continuous internal audit of personal and professional service contracts affecting the Agency's revenue and expenditures, as required under Mississippi Code Annotated §§ 7-7-3(6)(d) and 27-104-7(f). Each Agency shall maintain an internal system of pre-auditing claims, demands, and accounts against the Agency to adequately ensure that only valid claims, demands, and accounts will be paid.
The Agency Head shall ensure that contracts are monitored at least monthly to confirm acceptable performance, timely fulfillment of deliverables, and compliance with terms of the agreement. The Agency Head shall designate Agency official(s) to review and approve contract deliverables; ensure compliance with contractual terms; coordinate the flow of information between the parties; respond to requests of the contractor; monitor disbursements against the contract budget; monitor actual progress against work schedules; and complete any other task needed for successful contract management.
14.11.2 Audits Requested by PPRB
Audits requested by PPRB shall be performed by OSA. PPRB may request an audit to ensure an Agency has used competitive procedures to contract for personal and professional services or to ensure satisfactory performance of any contract for personal or professional services, as allowed by Mississippi Code Annotated § 27-104-7(2)(m).
14.11.3 Contractor's Books and Records
The procuring Agency and/or OSA shall be entitled to audit the books and records of a contractor or any subcontractor which are related to the contract or subcontract. Unless a shorter time is authorized in writing, the contractor shall maintain such books and records for a period of three years from the date of final payment.