Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 12 - Finance and Administration
Part 9 - Office of Personal Service Contract Review Rules and Regulations
Section 12-9-1.2 - Office of Personal Service Contract Review
Current through September 24, 2024
With regard to contracts for personal and professional services, the Office of Personal Service Contract Review ("OPSCR") at DFA serves as necessary administrative support to PPRB, as provided for by Mississippi Code Annotated § 27-104-7(1)(e).
1.2.1 Submission for PPRB Approval
Pursuant to Mississippi Code Annotated § 27-104-7(3), submissions for PPRB approval shall be made to OPSCR sufficiently in advance of the PPRB meeting and in the manner prescribed by PPRB. Submission deadlines and other requirements set by PPRB may be found on the DFA website.
If, after review of the contract submission, OPSCR does not intend to recommend that PPRB approve the contract, OPSCR shall have the sole discretion to retain the contract for one additional month before it will be presented to PPRB in the event OPSCR needs additional time to further review the Agency's procurement process and/or work with the procuring Agency to remedy deficiencies.
1.2.2 Submission Requirements
The entire Agency Procurement File (see Appendix D) shall be submitted to OPSCR when an Agency is requesting PPRB approval of any new contracts, including unredacted copies of every response to the solicitation (e.g., all bids received).
When contract modifications are submitted, the original contract and all prior contract modifications shall be contained in the contract number in MAGIC4 such that OPSCR is able to evaluate the history of the contract.
PPRB delegates to the Director of OPSCR the authority to require any documentation necessary to ensure contracts submitted for PPRB approval are compliant with the rules and regulations herein. Additional information regarding documentation required for submission to OPSCR can be found on the DFA website.
1.2.3 Compliance Reviews Throughout the Solicitation Process
An Agency may request a review of its solicitation document and/or the action taken at any point in the solicitation process to ensure compliance with the rules and regulations herein. To request such a review, the procuring Agency shall contact the Director of OPSCR. OPSCR shall have the sole direction as to whether to grant such a request, to impose any reasonable requirements it deems necessary for review, and to identify the timeline for completion of the review. Absent extraordinary circumstances, OPSCR shall advise any Agency requesting a compliance review whether it will grant the request and identify the timeline to complete the review within five business days of receiving the request.
1.2.4 Agency Procurement Officials
On or before January 1 of each year, and every time a procurement officer is hired, each state Agency shall provide to the Director of OPSCR the names, titles, telephone numbers, and email addresses of every Agency official responsible for the procurement of and contracting for personal and professional services.
4 As of the effective date of these rules and regulations, this does not apply to contracts for contract workers. The original contract worker contract and all prior contract modifications shall be made available to OPSCR when a new modification is submitted for PPRB approval. If, at any point after the effective date of these rules and regulations, MAGIC or MAGIC EC (or any subsequent state enterprise resource management system) has the capacity to store contract documents for contract workers and transmit those documents to OPSCR for review, submission through that system will be required.