Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 12 - Finance and Administration
Part 8 - Real Property Management Leasing Manual
Current through September 24, 2024
Space needs shall be carefully analyzed and considered to ensure the least amount of space is consumed to house state government consistent with maintaining the mission of the agency or department. To that purpose, for all leases which are primarily for office space and for all office space portions of other leases, the following office space standards shall be utilized unless deviation is specifically approved by PPRB:
(1) Office Spaces:
(2) Total Office Area: Equal to total of above multiplied by 120% to account for circulation and toilet rooms useable exclusively by the tenant.
(3) Support Spaces:
(4) Total Occupant Area: Equal to Total Office Area plus Support Spaces multiplied by 115%.
(5) Overall Space Efficiency: Equal to the Total Occupant Area divided by the total number of regular occupants. Persons occupying space for sixteen (16) hours or less per week shall be counted as 1/2 occupant for the purposes of calculation. Full-time salaried employees, contract workers, and vendors provided space by agency or department may be included in regular occupant total; however, visitors and similar transient occupants shall not be included in regular occupant total.
(6) Minimum Overall Space Efficiency: An efficiency value of 225 SF / Occupant or better is recommended and shall in no case exceed 250 SF / Occupant without approval by PPRB.