Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 12 - Finance and Administration
Part 6 - Office of Purchasing, Travel and Fleet Management
Chapter 9 - Ethics in Public Contracting
Sec2 12-6-9.105 - Gratuities
Section 12-6-9.105.02 - When Prohibition Against Gratuities Not Applicable
Current through December 10, 2024
Section 9.105, Gratuities, does not prohibit:
(1) The solicitation or acceptance of anything of monetary value from a friend, parent, spouse, child, or other close relative when the circumstances make it clear that the motivation for the transaction is unrelated to any procurement or program requirement with the State and is based upon a personal or family relationship;
(2)The participation in the activities of, or the acceptance of an award for, a meritorious public contribution or achievement from a charitable, religious, professional, social, or fraternal organization, or from a non-profit educational, recreational, public service, or civic organization;
(3)Acceptance only on current customary terms of finance of a loan from a bank or other financial institution for proper and usual activities of state employees, such as home mortgage loans; or
(4) Acceptance of unsolicited advertising products or promotional material, such as pens, pencils, note pads, calendars, and other such items.