Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 12 - Finance and Administration
Part 6 - Office of Purchasing, Travel and Fleet Management
Chapter 3 - Source Selection and Contract Formation
Sec2 12-6-3.119 - Multiple Source Contracting
Sec2 12-6-3.119.02 - Multiple Award
Section 12-6- - Determination Required
The Agency Procurement Officer shall make a written determination setting forth the reasons for a multiple award, which must be made a part of the procurement file.
Within these regulations, purchase arrangements which establish more than one source of supply are either multiple or progressive award contracts. Competitive sealed bidding is the conventional procurement method for establishing such contracts, although competitive sealed proposals, small purchase procedures, and emergency procurements may be used if appropriate as determined in accordance with Section 3.106, Competitive Sealed Bids, Section 3.107, Competitive Sealed Proposals, Section 3.108, Purchases less than $50,000.01, and Section 3.110, Emergency Procurements, respectively.