Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 12 - Finance and Administration
Part 3 - Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management
Chapter 2 - Rules for the Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management
Rule 12-3-2.1 - Policies and Procedures
Section 12-3-2.1-600 - PLANNING PROCEDURES
Section 12-3-2.1-600.19 - DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DRAWINGS
The Design Development drawings will show spaces by name and number, actual net area of each space, structural module, fixed equipment, adequate explanation of mechanical spaces, chases, and circulation areas. Drawings will show the overall building dimensions and major lines of dimensions. Drawings will adequately detail information regarding HVAC, electrical, and structural systems, Information concerning furnishings, miscellaneous equipment, layouts, lists, and schedules necessary to explain the plans are to be indicated on the floor plans.
Site plans showing topography, adjacent buildings, and utilities will be prepared. In addition, the Professional will prepare and submit building elevations, sections and design details permitting the Professional to proceed with the Contract Documents Phase when the Design Development Phase has been approved. These building elevations will show fenestration, proposed exterior materials using shades and shadows adequately depicting the proposed building exteriors.