Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 12 - Finance and Administration
Part 3 - Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management
Chapter 2 - Rules for the Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management
Rule 12-3-2.1 - Policies and Procedures
Section 12-3-2.1-600 - PLANNING PROCEDURES
Section 12-3-2.1-600.47 - OPENING BIDS
(added Note for bids after 2:00:00 Dec 2013 SoS)
Bid Agenda * Name of Bidder * Certificate of Responsibility Number * Bid Security * Base Bid * Alternate(s) * Unit prices, if requested * Number of days for Contract completion * Acknowledge Addenda * Subcontracts, if required * Nonresident law |
The Professional will attend the bid opening and furnish a detailed tabulation sheet according to the Bureau's format for recording the bids. [See Appendix 600.]
At the appropriate hour, a member of the Bureau Staff will declare the bidding closed. All proposals meeting the law will be opened and read.
Note: Any bid received after 2:00:00 p.m. will be photocopied and returned unopened.
Special Note: If only one (1) Proposal is received, the Proposal may be opened and read.
The Bureau will retain the original Proposal Form and the Bid Bond on each bid received. One (1) copy of each of these items will be given to the Professional for information purposes only. The Professional will submit to the Bureau a certified tabulation of all proposals received, along with a recommendation as to Contract award.