Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 11 - Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Part 5 - Underground Storage Tank Regulations
Chapter 2 - Mississippi Commission on Environmental Quality Underground Storage Tanks Regulations Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for Owners and Operators of Underground Storage Tanks (UST) (Adopted March 22, 1989; Amended August 25, 2011, Last Amended August 23, 2018)
Section 11-5-2-280.1-6 - CATHODIC PROTECTION TESTING
Section 11-5-2-280.1-6.6 - Other Test Considerations

Current through December 10, 2024

Various other factors can affect the accuracy of structure-to-soil potentials. Listed below are some of the more common factors that you should keep in mind:

Contact Resistance - In order to obtain an accurate structure-to-soil potential, a good (low resistivity) contact between the reference electrode and the soil must be made. Sometimes, the soil at the surface is too dry and water needs to be added in order to lower the resistance between the reference electrode and the soil. In addition, if the porous ceramic tip of the reference electrode becomes clogged or contaminated it should be replaced since this in itself can cause a high contact resistance.

Contaminated Soil - You should ensure that the soil the reference electrode is placed in is free of contamination. Hydrocarbon contamination can cause a high resistance between the reference electrode and the soil.

Current Requirement Testing - When a current requirement test is conducted on galvanically protected tanks (refer to STI R972-01 for a description of this test), the affected structure can exhibit an elevated (more negative) structure-to-soil potential during the test and for a period of time after the test is completed. This is due to a temporary polarization of the tested structure which will dissipate over a period of time ranging from a few minutes to perhaps a few days depending on several different factors. Therefore, time sufficient for the temporary polarization of the affected structure to "drain-off after a current requirement test is conducted must be allowed before an accurate structure-to-soil potential can be obtained. In addition, any potential measured with the battery connected should be disregarded as this measurement contains a large voltage drop. Only instant off voltages are meaningful when the battery is connected.

Drought Conditions - On occasion, it has been observed that structure-to-soil potentials can be improved by running water into the backfill material of the tank bed when extended periods of no rain have occurred. This is commonly done by placing a water hose in one of the tank bed monitoring wells (or other access points) and allowing the water to run for a period of a few hours. This practice serves to lower the resistance of the backfill material. However, you should keep in mind that the resistivity of the soil is not appreciably lowered if the moisture content is 20[CENT] or higher.

Electrical Shorts - When a substandard reading is observed on a galvanically protected system, it is common to find that some other metallic object is electrically connected to the protected structure. For instance, on sti-P3 tanks, the nylon bushings installed in the tank bungs were sometimes removed when the various risers and other tank system components were installed or an electrical conduit was buried in contact with the tank shell.

Electromagnetic Interference - Overhead high voltage power lines, railroad crossing signals, airport radar systems and radio frequency transmitters (CB radios, cellular phones, etc.) can all cause an interference that will result in an inaccurate voltage reading.

Galvanized Metals - Buried metals that have a high electrochemical potential can also influence the voltage observed if the reference electrode is placed in close proximity to such metals. For instance, the steel of some of the man ways that are installed to provide access to the tank appurtenances may be galvanized. If the reference electrode is placed in the soil of such a manway, an artificially high (more negative) potential may be observed. This is actually a raised earth effect although the galvanized metal is not acting to cathodically protect the buried structure of concern.

Parallel Circuits - Care should be taken to ensure that the person conducting the structure-to-soil testing does not allow their person to come into contact with the electrical components of the testing equipment. If the person touches the electrical connections, an error may be introduced due to the creation of a parallel circuit.

Pea Gravel - Because pea gravel or crushed stone typically has a very high electrical resistivity, it is necessary to ensure that it is saturated with water when attempting to measure structure-to-soil potentials with the reference electrode placed in the pea gravel. Evaluate any effect high contact resistance may have by changing the input resistance of the voltmeter as described in Section 6.1.1. As an alternative way to evaluate the effect contact resistance may have, place the reference electrode remotely. If the remote reading is substantially more negative than the local, high resistance is indicated. Placement of a saturated sponge on the surface of the pea gravel may help overcome high contact resistance.

Photovoltaic Effect - It is known that sunlight striking the viewing window of a reference electrode can have an effect (as much as 50 mV) on the voltages observed when conducting testing. You should ensure that the viewing window of the reference electrode is kept out of direct sunlight. As an alternative, the viewing window can be covered with black electrical tape in order to prevent any sunlight from reaching the copper-copper sulfate solution.

Poor Connection - If the observed structure-to-soil potentials are unsteady and the voltmeter will not stabilize, you should suspect a bad connection somewhere. Ensure that all electrical connections are clean and tight and good contact is made between the test lead and the structure.

Shielding - Sometimes, a buried metallic structure that is between the reference electrode and the structure you are attempting to test will cause the reference electrode to be unable to "see" the structure you are testing. Shielding is commonly cited when low potentials are observed with the reference electrode placed locally over sti-Pj tanks due to the various tank risers, pump heads, piping, electrical conduits and metallic manways that are typically located over the tank.

Temperature - The temperature of the reference electrode affects the voltages that are observed when conducting cathodic protection testing. You may need to make a correction to the observed potential in some extreme and/or marginal cases. The "standard" temperature is considered to be 77° F. For every degree less than 77 add 0.5 mV from the observed voltage. For every degree above 77 subtract 0.5 mV from the observed voltage. To illustrate this, consider the following (in order to simplify the calculation, the negative sign is dropped from the structure-to-soil potential): A voltage of 845 mV is observed when the temperature is 57° F. In this case the corrected voltage would then be 855 mV (20° X 0.5 mV = 10 mV. Therefore: 845 mV + 10 mV = 855 mV).

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