B. Sulfur
Dioxide Emissions from Processes
(1) Except
as otherwise provided herein, no person shall cause or permit the emission of
gas containing sulfur oxides (measured as sulfur dioxide) in excess of 2,000
ppm (volume) from any process equipment in existence on January 25, 1972, or in
excess of 500 ppm (volume) from any process equipment constructed after January
25, 1972. The 500 ppm (volume) requirement shall apply for equipment
constructed after January 25, 1972 unless otherwise provided by the
(2) Except as otherwise
provided in paragraph B(6)(a) no person shall cause or permit the emission of
any gas stream which contains hydrogen sulfide in excess of one grain per 100
standard cubic feet.
Gas streams containing hydrogen sulfide in excess of one
grain per 100 standard cubic feet shall be incinerated at temperatures of not
less than 1600°F for a period of not less than 0.5 seconds, or processed in
such manner which is equivalent to or more effective for the removal of
hydrogen sulfide.
Sulfur dioxide concentration limitations in the gas streams
resulting from such incineration or processing shall be determined for each
emission point on a case-by-case basis to insure that the resulting maximum
ground level concentration of sulfur dioxide as determined by acceptable method
or methods will be in compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality
Standards for sulfur dioxide. Testing to determine the productive capacity of
new fields shall be exempted from emission limitation provisions of the
paragraph of the regulation providing such testing has been previously
negotiated and approved by the Mississippi Office of Pollution Control.
This regulation shall not apply to sulfur recovery plants.
(3) No person shall cause
or permit acid mist emissions from sulfuric acid manufacturing plants to exceed
0.5 pounds/ton of acid produced. Sulfur trioxide emissions from sulfuric acid
manufacturing plants shall not exceed 0.2 pounds/ton of acid
(4) No person shall cause
or permit emission of sulfur oxides, calculated as sulfur dioxide, from a
sulfur recovery plant to exceed 0.12 pounds per pound of sulfur
(5) No person shall
cause or permit emissions of sulfur oxides, calculated as sulfur dioxide, from
primary nonferrous smelters, in excess of the emission calculated as follows:
Copper smelters: |
Y = 0.2 X |
Zinc smelters: |
Y = 0.564 X
0.85 |
Lead smelters: |
Y = 0.98 X
0.77 |
Where X is the total sulfur fed to the smelter in pounds/hour
and Y is the allowable sulfur emissions in pounds/hour.
(6) Kraft Pulp Mills
(a) All mills existing prior to November 1,
1987, and not modified subsequent thereto, excluding mills or facilities
subject to New Source Performance Standards, shall control the emission of
total reduced sulfur compounds (TRS) so as to not exceed the emission limits
set forth below:
(1) Straight recovery boiler
systems - twenty (20) parts per million TRS, expressed as hydrogen sulfide on a
dry gas basis corrected to 8% oxygen, on a 12-hour average basis, except that:
(i) the International Paper Company,
Vicksburg, Mississippi, shall be allowed 40 parts per million TRS, expressed as
hydrogen sulfide on a dry gas basis corrected to 8% oxygen, on a 12-hour
average basis,
(ii) the
International Paper Company, Natchez, Mississippi, Recovery Boilers 4 & 5,
shall be allowed 40 parts per million TRS, expressed as hydrogen sulfide on a
dry gas basis corrected to 8% oxygen, on a 12-hour average basis, and
(iii) the Georgia-Pacific Corporation,
Monticello, Mississippi, shall be allowed 40 parts per million TRS, expressed
as hydrogen sulfide on a dry gas basis corrected to 8% oxygen, on a 12-hour
average basis.
(2) Lime
kiln systems - twenty (20) parts per million of TRS, expressed as hydrogen
sulfide on a dry gas basis corrected to 10% oxygen, on a 12-hour average
(3) Digester systems - five
(5) parts per million of TRS, expressed as hydrogen sulfide on a dry gas basis
corrected to 10% oxygen, on a 12-hour average basis.
(4) Multiple effect evaporator systems - five
(5) parts per million of TRS, expressed as hydrogen sulfide on a dry gas basis
corrected to 10% oxygen, on a 12-hour average basis.
(5) Condensate stripper systems - five (5)
parts per million of TRS, expressed as hydrogen sulfide on a dry gas basis
corrected to 10% oxygen, on a 12-hour average basis.
(6) Smelt dissolving tank - 0.016 gram of
TRS, expressed as hydrogen sulfide on a dry gas basis, per kilogram of black
liquor solids (dry weight).
Equivalent control systems (controls for treating collected noncondensible
gases in a manner equivalent to incineration in a lime kiln) - five (5) parts
per million TRS, expressed as hydrogen sulfide on a dry gas basis, corrected to
the actual oxygen content of the untreated gas stream, on a 12-hour average
(b) All mills, as
defined above, shall, by February 1, 1988, demonstrate compliance with the TRS
emission limits set forth above. Compliance demonstration for recovery boilers,
lime kilns, smelt tanks, and equivalent control systems for collected
noncondensible gases shall be by testing in accordance with EPA Test Method 16
or 16A and submittal of a stack test report. Compliance demonstration for
digester systems, multiple effect evaporator systems and condensate stripper
systems shall be by certification that these systems are fully connected to a
noncondensible gas collection system followed by incineration in the lime kiln
or equivalent control and testing of lime kiln or equivalent control as
specified above. A compliance schedule may be submitted, as set forth below, on
any or all systems not expected to comply with the emission limit and such
submittal will negate the requirement for immediate compliance demonstration,
as referenced above, on those systems.
Any mill defined above which, on November 1, 1987, is unable
to comply with the emission limits set forth above, shall, within three (3)
months thereafter, submit a schedule for attaining compliance with these
limits. The compliance schedule shall not extend past November 1, 1990.
Compliance with emission limits shall be demonstrated by the methods specified
above, as appropriate, no later than the end of the compliance schedule.
Compliance demonstration for recovery boilers, lime kilns, smelt tanks, and
equivalent control systems for collected noncondensible gases shall be by
testing in accordance with EPA Test Method 16 or 16A and submittal of a stack
test report. Compliance demonstration for digester systems, multiple effect
evaporator systems and condensate stripper systems shall be by certification
that these systems are fully connected to a noncondensible gas collection
system followed by incineration in the lime kiln or equivalent control and
testing of lime kiln or equivalent control as specified above.
(c) All mills, as defined above,
shall monitor the emission of TRS and/or other gas constituents as described
(1) The TRS emission concentration in
recovery boiler flue gas shall be monitored by either:
(i) A continuous monitoring device which
meets the requirements of 40 CFR 60, Performance Specification 5; or
(ii) Performance of EPA Method 16 or 16A on
no less than a (calendar) quarterly basis.
(2) The oxygen concentration in recovery
boiler flue gas shall be continuously monitored by a device which meets the
requirements of 40 CFR 60, Performance Specification 3.
(3) The TRS concentration in lime kiln flue
gas shall be continuously monitored by a device which meets the requirements of
40 CFR 60, Performance Specification 5.
(4) The oxygen concentration in lime kiln
flue gas shall be continuously monitored by a device which meets the
requirements of 40 CFR 60, Performance Specification 3.
(d) All mills, as defined above, shall obtain
the necessary continuous monitoring equipment and begin monitoring by November
1, 1988, or no later than the date of final compliance with the regulation, if
compliance is not immediate. For mills choosing to use EPA Method 16 or 16A for
recovery boiler monitoring, the necessary equipment and/or monitoring
capability must be obtained by February 1, 1988. Also, when Method 16 or 16A is
used, each successive quarter's testing shall be separated from the previous
quarter's by a period of not less than sixty (60) days and prior notice to the
Mississippi Office of Pollution Control of all testing shall be made.
(e) All mills, as defined above, shall
calculate and record, on a daily basis, the 12-hour average TRS concentration
and O2 concentration for the two consecutive operating periods of each
operating day for both the recovery boiler (if continuously monitored) and lime
kiln. Each 12-hour average shall be determined as the arithmetic mean of the
appropriate 12 continuous 1-hour average concentrations. Each 12-hour average
TRS concentration shall be corrected to 10%, or 8% O2, as appropriate to the
emission limit, using the equation defined in
40 CFR
(f) All mills, as defined above, shall
report, for each calendar quarter, the periods of emissions which exceed the
TRS limits specified above from the recovery boiler and lime kiln. The report
shall specify the 12-hour period of each exceedance by time and date, the
average emissions concentration for the period, and total number of 12-hour
periods of mill operation during the quarter. The report shall also detail all
outages of the monitoring devices by time and date. The report shall be due
within forty-five (45) days following the end of the calendar