Mississippi Administrative Code
Title 10 - Education Institutions and Agencies
Part 402 - MCSAB Board Policies
Chapter 2 - Application Toolkit 2013
Rule 10-402-2.7 - Sample Intent to Enroll Form
Sample Intent to Enroll Form
This confidential Intent to Enroll Form is used to demonstrate interest in having your child(ren) enroll at __________. Signing this Intent to Enroll does not obligate the student to attend ________ nor does it guarantee admission. However, parents/legal guardians who sign this Intent to Enroll are indicating a sincere desire to enroll their child(ren) in this school in the event that the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board approves the applicant's proposal to open.
Parents and guardians should understand that the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board must vote to approve any new charter school, whether a conversion or a start-up, and such vote has not yet occurred for the school referenced herein.
Date ____ / _____/_____
Miss. Code Ann. § 37-28-15