Current through September 24, 2024
This section will describe the educational program
designed to meet the needs of all students through well-developed curriculum,
an assessment system, programs for special populations, and clear systems for
instructional planning.
Standards and Curriculum
Explain how the school team will base its instructional program on
Mississippi's state standards, including the Common Core State Standards, as is
required by Mississippi Code §
a. If the school team plans to adopt or
develop additional academic standards beyond the state standards, explain what
kinds of standards (content areas, grade levels) the school team intends to
adopt or develop.
b. Provide
evidence of how these additional proposed standards meet or exceed state
2. Describe
the proposed curriculum. In particular, describe:
a. The curricular model and focus (e.g.,
curriculum overview and teaching methods)
b. The learning environment (e.g.,
classroom-based or independent study, class size, structure, etc.)
c. Class size and structure
3. Present evidence that the
proposed curriculum is research-based and has delivered or will deliver
rigorous, engaging and effective instruction for the target student population.
a. If evidence of effectiveness in other
schools serving similar populations is not available, explain why the proposed
program is likely to succeed with the school's targeted population.
4. Explain how the curriculum is
aligned to the standards.
Describe any plans to offer virtual courses to students enrolled in the charter
6. For high schools only,
please provide a comprehensive explanation of how the courses and curriculum
will prepare students for career- ready and/or college-level course
7. What elective courses will
be offered?
8. Provide an overview
of the course scope and sequence by subject for all major existing grades that
the school would serve (e.g., K, 3, 5, 8, 12 as applicable).
a. How is this course scope and sequence
aligned with Mississippi's state standards, including the Common Core State
b. What resources have
been used in developing the scope and sequence?
9. For each core subject area, unique focus
area, and performance level (grade level, age grouping, etc.) for the first
five years of operation, discuss the resources and instructional materials to
be used to aid in the transference of information (trade books, multimedia
aids, science kits, etc.) and that are aligned with the mission and philosophy
of the school and the proposed learning standards.
a. Discuss how the resources and
instructional materials will lead to the accomplishment of the school's
10. Describe how
the school's curriculum will ensure cultural relevancy.
a. Provide an overview of how the particular
framework and/or the curriculum materials will address the needs of culturally
and linguistically diverse students.
11. If the curriculum is not fully developed,
provide a timeline outlining the process and benchmarks for curriculum
development during the school's pre-opening year.
a. Who will be responsible for completing the
alignment of curriculum with standards?
b. Are funds allocated in the budget to
account for this process?
1. Describe the expected instructional
methodology and strategies that teachers will employ in order to effectively
deliver the school's curriculum.
a. What
strategies will teachers use to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of
the targeted student population, students with disabilities, students requiring
intervention and students needing accelerated curriculum?
2. What planning tools will teachers use to
prepare lessons?
3. How will
students" formative assessment data be used to influence teachers"
4. How will teachers
ensure that each student masters content objectives and develops related skills
to demonstrate proficiency across all standards?
5. Describe the investment strategies to be
implemented to involve students in the school and their academics including any
school-specific routines and rituals.
School Schedule &
1. How many days and hours of
instruction will students receive?
a. As
Attachment O, provide the school's proposed calendar for the first year of
operation as evidence that the proposed school will be in session no fewer days
than the minimum number of school days established for all public schools in
Identify the number of in-service days for teachers.
3. Explain how the calendar will support the
stated goals of the educational program.
4. Describe the structure of the school day
and week.
a. Note the length of the school
day, including start and dismissal times.
b. Provide the minimum number of
hours/minutes per day and week that the school will devote to academic
instruction in each grade for core subjects such as Language Arts, Math,
Science and Social Studies.
5. Explain how the school's daily and weekly
schedule will optimize student learning for all students, including those
needing either acceleration or intervention.
a. As a Attachment P, provide daily schedules
for one week of classes, both from the perspective of a student and the
perspective of a teacher.
Progress Monitoring and
1. How will the school use
data to refine and improve instruction?
2. Explain how the school will measure and
evaluate academic progress " of individual students, student cohorts, and the
school as a whole " throughout the school year and at the end of each academic
a. Which formative and summative
assessments will be used and how will these assessments align to the
b. How are the proposed
assessments known to be valid and reliable indicators of progress?
c. Identify any other measures or assessments
you plan to use for indicators and goals.
3. Explain how and how frequently the school
will collect and analyze longitudinal student academic achievement data.
a. Describe the information system(s) the
school will use to manage student performance data.
b. Identify the person(s), position(s),
and/or entities that will be responsible and involved in the collection and
analysis of assessment data.
Identify the staff member(s) who will be responsible for warehousing the
d. Identify the staff
member(s) who will be responsible for interpreting the data for classroom
4. Identify
the staff member(s) responsible for leading or coordinating professional
development related to the use of data in improving student
5. Describe any
additional data that will be collected, beyond items identified above in the
description of the assessments.
How will the school report the data to the school community (specifically
7. Explain the school's
policies and standards for promoting students from one grade to the next.
a. How and when will promotion and graduation
criteria be communicated to families and students?
b. What is the protocol for redress when
families disagree with promotion decisions?
For high schools only,
list the school's graduation requirements.
Explain any graduation requirements.
b. How do these requirements ensure students
are ready to participate in college, career, military service or trade
c. Does the school intend
to seek SACS accreditation?
Explain how the school will ensure students meet graduation
e. Explain how
students will earn credit hours.
How will grade-point averages be calculated?
g. What information will be on a student's
English Language Learner
1. How will the school learn
about the home language of students prior to the first day of instruction?
a. How will the data about home language be
2. When will
students be assessed for placement?
a. What
valid and reliable English Language proficiency assessment will be used to
determine proficiency levels in listening, reading, writing, and speaking
b. How often will students
be assessed for progress?
c. How
will the results be utilized?
How will families be made aware of the school's programs and
e. Who will notify
families about the results, what will be included in the notification, and when
will it happen?
Describe the program to be used to ensure that students acquire adequate
English language skills.
a. How will the
instructional schedule be designed in order to provide adequate
b. What are the
performance objectives and what standards will be used to measure the progress
of ELL students?
c. What
instructional techniques will be utilized to help ELLs develop and understand
academic vocabulary appropriately in speaking, reading, and writing?
d. How will teachers support students"
various English language development levels?
e. How will the school ensure that families
are made aware of the school's programs and services?
4. Describe the plan to exit/re-designate
students from the ELL program.
a. What will
determine the exiting/re-designation of students?
b. What valid, reliable, and objective
criteria will be used to measure English proficiency in each of the four
language domains?
c. Describe the
plan to monitor students after exit/re-designation.
d. How will the school determine if
additional ELL program services are needed?
Students with Disabilities and
Special Needs
1. Explain how the school
will identify and evaluate students with disabilities pursuant to the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, 20 USCS
Section 1400 et seq., Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 USCS
Section 794, and Title 11 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 USCS
Section 12101 et seq. as well as Title 37, Chapter 23, Sections 133-150 of the
Mississippi Code of 1972.
a. Provide as
Attachment Q the school's policies for identifying and evaluating students with
b. Which staff will
be responsible for this identification and/or evaluation?
c. How will the school avoid
How will the school team ensure that students with disabilities can receive
adequate services at the proposed school pursuant to the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, 20 USCS Section 1400 et seq.,
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 USCS Section 794, and Title
11 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 USCS Section 12101 et seq. as
well as Title 37, Chapter 23, Sections 133-150 of the Mississippi Code of 1972?
a. As part of Attachment Q, provide the
school's policies for serving students with disabilities.
b. Which staff will be responsible for
serving students with disabilities?
3. Describe the specific, research-based
instructional programs, practices, and strategies the school will employ to
provide a continuum of services, to ensure students" access to the general
education curriculum, and to ensure academic success for students with
4. How will the
school regularly evaluate and monitor the progress and success of students
receiving special education services so that students attain those goals set
forth in the Individualized Education Program (IEP)?
5. How will the school ensure that students
receiving special education services participate in the state testing system as
mandated by state law?
Academic Intervention &
1. How will the school's
assessment system enable the school to identify students in need of academic
intervention or acceleration? What process will be used to identify those
students? Which staff members will be involved?
2. Will the school use a response to
intervention (RTI) process for students?
3. For students identified as in need of
accelerated learning opportunities what is the school's plan to address those
4. For High Schools Only:
Describes the opportunities that students will have for dual enrollment, dual
credit, AP, IB, or other advanced academic courses.
5. For High Schools Only: Explain what
systems and structures the school will implement for students at risk of
dropping out of high school and/or not meeting the proposed graduation criteria
(i.e., credit recovery, etc.).
Gifted and Talented Students
1. Explain how the school will identify
gifted/talented and academically advanced students in accordance with
Mississippi Code § 37-23-171-181...
Identify the testing protocol, assessments to be used, and proposed timeline
for the testing and identification of gifted and talented students.
2. What methods will the school
use to improve the representation of traditionally under-represented student
cohorts in its gifted and talented programs?
3. Describe the instructional programs and
strategies that the school will use to appropriately address the educational
needs of gifted students in accordance with Mississippi Code §
a. Will the programs require
additional instructional materials?
4. How will the school adjust its schedule,
if necessary, to meet the needs of G&T students?
5. How will the assessment system described
earlier support the ongoing tracking of progress for students who may be above
grade level?
6. How will the school
provide professional development and train both G&T and general education
teachers to serve the needs of G&T students?
Co-curricular or Extracurricular
1. Describe any unique or
supplementary programs students (and families) will be offered to promote
improved mental, emotional and physical health.
a. Who will conduct these programs?
b. Will they be optional?
c. What community resources will be leveraged
to offer these programs?
2. Describe the extra- or co-curricular
activities or programming the school will offer.
a. What are the activities, how often will
they occur, who will manage or oversee the activities and how will they be
funded (including, will there be a fee for student participation?
i. Please describe any fees for student
participation. As Attachment R, provide a copy of the school's policy for fees
and hardship waivers in accordance with Mississippi Code §
b. Include a description of sports
to be offered.
c. Will the charter
school join the Mississippi High School Activities Association?
if not, what leagues or other associations will the charter
school join for the purposes of competitions?
3. Describe any volunteer or service programs
for students, if these have not already been addressed elsewhere in the
For schools
offering summer school: Describe the summer school program to be
a. How many students are expected
to attend summer school?
b. How
will they be selected for participation?
c. How many hours and weeks of summer school
will be provided?
d. How will it be
e. What specific student
needs will the summer school address?
Performance Framework
1. Outline the measurable annual goals on
each item in the Performance Framework (see the Application Toolkit) that the
school will set during the first three years.
a. Attach a completed Performance Framework
as Attachment S.
b. Elementary and
K-8 schools that are phasing in one grade at a time will not receive a
state-level rating until their third graders have taken the state assessment.
If the school will be an elementary or K-8 school, describe specific
performance targets on progress monitoring assessments described above that you
will use to measure the success of the school.
2. Describe the corrective actions the school
will take if it falls short of student academic achievement expectations or
goals at the school-wide, classroom or individual student level.
a. Explain what would trigger such corrective
actions and who would be responsible for implementing them. Please make
specific reference to Mississippi's third grade gate law.
Miss. Code Ann.