Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 27, December 30, 2024
Subpart 1.
The purposes of this part are to:
A. protect and enhance the natural and scenic
values of the Mississippi River Critical Corridor Area during development or
redevelopment of the remaining large sites within the corridor;
B. establish standards for protecting and
restoring biological and ecological functions of primary conservation areas on
large sites; and
C. encourage
restoration of natural vegetation during development or redevelopment of large
sites, where restoration opportunities have been identified in local
Subp. 2.
A. Except as
provided in item B, this part applies to the following developments involving
ten or more acres for parcels that abut the Mississippi River and 20 or more
acres for all other parcels within the river corridor boundary, including
smaller individual sites within the following developments that are part of a
common plan of development but may be constructed at different times:
(2) planned unit developments; and
(3) master-planned development and
redevelopment of land.
B. The following activities are exempt from
this part:
(1) minor subdivisions consisting
of three or fewer lots;
(2) minor
boundary line corrections;
resolutions of encroachments;
additions to existing lots of record;
(5) placement of essential services;
(6) activities involving
river-dependent commercial and industrial uses.
Subp. 3.
Project information.
Local governments must require detailed project information and
provide for preproject review of all proposed subdivisions, redevelopments, and
planned unit developments as provided under part 6106.0080, subpart 6.
Subp. 4.
A. Local government
ordinances must contain provisions, including incentives, for alternative
design methods such as conservation design, transfer of development density, or
other zoning and site design techniques that achieve better protection or
restoration of primary conservation areas.
B. Primary conservation areas, where they
exist, must be set aside for protection as open areas as provided under item H.
However, where primary conservation areas exceed the thresholds in subitems (1)
to (4) as a percentage of a parcel, then only the percentage in subitems (1) to
(4) must be set aside:
ten percent; and
(4) CA-SR: ten
percent, if the parcel includes native plant communities or provides feasible
connections to a regional park or trail system, otherwise no
C. If the
primary conservation areas exceed the maximum percentage established in item B,
then the local government may determine which primary conservation areas are to
be protected, with priority given to the protection of native plant communities
and natural vegetation in riparian areas.
D. If primary conservation areas exist but do
not have natural vegetation, then a vegetation assessment must be completed for
the areas to be protected to determine whether vegetation restoration is
needed. If restoration is needed, vegetation must be restored according to part
6106.0150, subpart 6.
E. If primary
conservation areas do not exist on the parcel in question, the local government
must determine whether any portions of the site have been identified as
potential restoration areas in local plans, according to part 6106.0070,
subpart 4. When such areas have been identified, vegetation must be restored
consistent with a restoration plan according to part 6106.0150, subpart 6, and
the restored area must be set aside as specified in item B.
F. Storm water treatment areas or other green
infrastructure may be used to meet the requirements of this subpart if the
vegetation provides biological and ecological functions.
G. Any land dedicated for public access or
public facilities according to subpart 5 may be counted toward the set-aside
requirements of this subpart at the discretion of the local
H. Areas that have been
set aside under item B must be protected through:
(1) public acquisition by a government entity
for conservation purposes;
(2) a
permanent conservation easement, as provided in Minnesota Statutes, chapter
(3) a deed restriction;
(4) other arrangements that
achieve an equivalent degree of protection as determined by the local
I. Permanent
protection methods under item H must ensure, within the areas set aside, the
long-term management of vegetation to meet its biological and ecological
functions, prohibit structures, and prohibit land alteratioa except as needed
to provide public recreational facilities and access to the river.
J. Protected open areas must connect open
space, natural areas, and recreational areas, where present on adjacent
parcels, as much as possible to form an interconnected network.
Subp. 5.
Local governments that require dedication of land or equivalent
amounts of cash for parks and open space under Minnesota Statutes, section
subdivision 7, or 462.358, subdivision 2b, must encourage dedication of lands
suitable for riverfront access, parks, open space, storm water management, or
other public facilities within the Mississippi River Corridor Critical