Minnesota Administrative Rules
Agency 151 - Labor and Industry Department
Chapter 5200 - WAGES AND LABOR

Universal Citation: MN Rules 5200.1101

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 27, December 30, 2024

Subpart 1. Code No 101, Laborer, common (general labor work).

A. Nature of work: performing tasks involving physical labor at building, highway, and heavy construction projects, tunnel and shaft excavations, and demolition sites including the following tasks or other tasks not listed which are not considered skilled craft work.

B. Typical duties:
(1) Loading, unloading, stockpiling, and staging construction materials by hand or with hand-operated equipment such as a pallet jack, unless included in a skilled trade.

(2) Digging and filling holes and trenches and using post hole diggers.

(3) Removing excess dirt or grout away from an auger as the auger progresses.

(4) Cleaning and sweeping.

(5) Moving and hoisting forms to point of installation, cleaning forms, and stripping forms not intended for reuse.

(6) Demolition of highways, bridges, and buildings, to include operating remote control demolition equipment.

(7) Removing materials to be discarded.

(8) Clearing and grubbing with hand tools.

(9) Performing signaling and rigging for material placement, removal, and demobilization.

(10) Using hand tools driven by compressed air, gas, or electric power to perform such work as breaking old pavement, loosening or digging hard earth, trimming bottom and sides of trenches, breaking large rocks, chipping concrete, trimming or cutting stone, caulking steel plates, or compacting earthen backfill.

(11) Using paving breakers and chipping hammers to break up concrete to be repaired or replaced.

(12) Mopping, brushing, or spreading bituminous compounds over surfaces for protection; and spraying materials such as water, sand, or steam through a hose to clean, coat, or seal surfaces.

(13) Tending a stationary or portable liquid asphalt kettle, starting fires under the kettle, controlling the heat applied to the kettle by regulating dials or burners, maintaining desired temperature in asphalt, regulating valves for discharging asphalt from the kettle; cleaning and pouring asphalt joints in concrete paving with nozzle or can; and distributing asphalt road-building materials evenly over road surface by raking, shoveling, and brushing materials to correct thickness and to add or take away material to fill low spots or to reduce high spots.

(14) Operating a power driven chain saw to clear areas of timber by felling trees and sometimes cutting the fallen trees into short sections to facilitate their removal.

(15) Operating a device used to burn or melt holes through concrete (this device consists of a consumable aluminum magnesium rod inside a small iron pipe through which oxygen is forced under pressure, the end of the assembly is lighted, and the concrete is melted by the intense heat).

(16) Driving self-propelled buggy to transport concrete from mixer or source of supply to place of deposit, operating levers to dump load, and operating buggy by pushing or pulling by hand between mixer or other source to site of work.

(17) Covering, insulating, and uncovering concrete.

(18) Operating remote control vibrating compactor (such as a "whacker").

(19) Operating power-driven water cooled saws to cut concrete, including walk-along, hand-guided, or riding.

(20) Operating power-driven, walk-along, hand-guided tools for excavation, hauling, or grading.

(21) Operating control levers of a nonpowered infrared heater unit to regulate heat being applied to asphalt surface.

(22) Placing and operating ground thawing equipment.

(23) Tending heating devices.

(24) Cutting, scraping, and removing materials for demolition, including rigging and signaling, and using a cutting torch, plasma arc, and air arc for demolition work.

(25) Dismantling, moving, and cleaning forms after concrete hardens if the forms are not to be reused.

(26) Installing preformed wire baskets by tapping hooks along the edge of the baskets to keep them in place on highway projects.

(27) Running string line so an asphalt spreader operator can determine height and edge of asphalt surface.

(28) Setting string line for curb machines and placing concrete and moving and cleaning forms for curbs, sidewalks, and gutters.

(29) Installing, removing, altering, repairing, and erecting interlocking or modular block walls (nonmortar).

(30) Installing, removing, altering, and repairing paving stones of any materials set in sand cushion including, but not limited to, paving stones, natural stone, and synthetic materials when not set in mortar.

(31) Providing fire watch and hole watch.

(32) Cleaning, screening, and feeding sand to hopper or pot of sandblasting machine.

(33) Cleaning and preparing surfaces for the application of paint by sandblasting, water blasting, or using other equipment for purposes other than preparation.

(34) Installing, removing, altering, and repairing guardrails (other than guardrails on bridges), tension cable guardrails, guardrail posts, highway signs and sign structures, and median barriers.

(35) Installing, removing, altering, and repairing metal fencing used to define property boundaries, rights-of-way, medians, or driving lanes including barbed wire, chain link, temporary fencing, and woven wire, excluding decorative iron fencing, or providing safety for such areas.

(36) Cleaning and dressing the slopes of roadway cuts and embankments while suspended by ropes or cables, using hand tools as required.

(37) Operating hand-guided vibratory or impact compactor, and adjusting levers, throttles, and other devices necessary for operation.

(38) Removing, altering, and repairing post-tension and prestressed cables.

(39) Dewatering excavation and construction work sites, including the operation of water pumps.

(40) Performing pipe rehabilitation work, including cleaning, relining, cutting, and inspecting; and using all equipment used for pipe rehabilitation work, including closed-circuit TV trucks, pipe inspection cameras, cutters, bypass pumps, steam and water boilers, inversion units, jetters, vactors, and wet-out conveyors.

(41) Performing hazardous waste operations and working in and around hazardous waste, excluding asbestos abatement and lead and mold remediation.

(42) Below grade, installing soil venting systems.

(43) Installing, removing, altering, and repairing membrane materials used for landfills, holding ponds, contaminated soil, or other applications, including the welding and fusing of such materials.

(44) Performing caisson work.

C. Typical tools used: Air hammer, earth tamper, cement mixer, small mechanical hoist, surveying and measuring equipment, chain saw, cutoff saw, compaction equipment (hand-operated or remote control), concrete drill, concrete vibrator, jackhammer, paving breaker, air compressor, chipping tool, hammer, pliers, chisel, screwdriver, rigging equipment, cutter, shovel, rake, wheelbarrow, file, bar, sockets and wrench, level, scraper, grinder, core drill, rock drill, broom, torch, arc welder, ladder, knives, concrete slab saw, and concrete wall saw.

Subp. 2. Code No 102, Laborer, skilled (assisting special craft journeyman).

A. Nature of work: performing skilled laborers' work and assisting special craft persons by performing the duties associated with the special crafts including duties typically considered those of a hod-carrier, mason tender, brick tender, drill runner tender, refractory worker, stone tender, shot-crete nozzle operator, track layer, concrete placement laborer, or top man.

B. Typical duties:
(1) Mixing cement used in the patching of concrete and performing other tasks as may be directed by cement mason.

(2) Mixing plaster, stucco, acrylic compounds, or similar materials for plasterers and delivering same to location where plasterer is working; constructing, erecting, and dismantling scaffolds for plastering regardless of scaffold height; and cleaning and caring for tools and equipment used in the preparation and application of plaster.

(3) Mixing fireproofing; constructing, erecting, and dismantling scaffolds for fireproofing regardless of scaffold height; and cleaning and caring for tools and equipment used in the preparation and application of fireproofing.

(4) Handling the equipment and directing the placing of concrete or mortar that is moved by pressure or pneumatic equipment, such as gunite or shot-crete; may fine-grade and place wire mesh at times; and may perform other related duties.

(5) Assisting brickmasons, stonemasons, and block masons by preparing mortar mix, either by hand or machine; delivering material to masons on scaffold; operating small material moving equipment such as power buggy, hoists, mortar mix pumps, and other similar equipment; constructing, erecting, and dismantling all mason scaffolds regardless of scaffold height; and erecting temporary enclosures for heat and shelter of mason scaffold.

(6) Mechanically mixing mortar ingredients to proper consistency and delivering to mason on scaffold or at site of work; keeping materials supplied to mason and assisting according to directions of mason.

(7) Installing, removing, altering, repairing, erecting, and patching precast products including, but not limited to, planks, walls, and panels.

(8) Cutting openings through concrete with core drill, concrete wall saws, and slab saws.

(9) Top man assisting pipelayer, including keeping stakes and string line set in place out in front of trenching machine so that machine will cut ditch in correct location, setting stakes so that pipelayers can fine-grade ditch and measure from the batter board down to correct depth of ditch, assembling valves and other parts to be lowered into the excavation, rigging of pipe sections to be lowered into the trench, maintaining the operation of water pumps and observing the excavation for warning signs of cave-ins, and cutting of pipe at the direction of the pipelayer.

(10) Placing concrete and lowering hose-like flexible shaft of vibrator into newly poured concrete; starting power unit and holding shaft, allowing hammerhead on shaft to vibrate, thus consolidating the concrete (air, electric, or gasoline-operated vibrators are used).

(11) Performing work related to the construction, remodeling, or repairing of railroads and rail systems, including the grading and maintaining of rights-of-way, laying ties or other rail supporting materials, and laying rails.

(12) Setting stringline and forms for concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk.

C. Typical tools used: air hammer, earth tamper, cement mixer, mortar mixer, small mechanical hoist, surveying and measuring equipment, chain saw, cutoff saw, compaction equipment (hand-operated or remote control), concrete drill, concrete vibrator, jackhammer, paving breaker, air compressor, chipping tool, hammer, pliers, chisel, screwdriver, rigging equipment, cutter, shovel, rake, wheelbarrow, file, bar, sockets and wrench, level, scraper, grinder, core drill, rock drill, broom, torch, arc welder, ladder, knives, concrete slab saw, and concrete wall saw.

Subp. 3. Code No 103, Laborer, landscaping (gardener, sod layer and nursery operator).

A. Nature of work: performing landscaping including seeding, sodding, and planting of woody and herbaceous plant material, including native plant material such as grasses, shrubs, and trees; installing edging and ground cover, including mulches, decorative rock, and other materials associated with plantings; and installing erosion control measures limited to erosion blanket, silt fence, and bale checks and temporary erosion control measures.

B. Typical duties:
(1) Seeds, sods, and plants greenery to contract specifications by performing landscaping duties, including site development, soil preparation, fertilizing, building garden accessories, and laying mulches and decorative rock around trees and buildings.

(2) Erecting silt fencing to contract specifications.

(3) The duties do not include electrical work, fencing (other than silt fencing), retaining walls, paving bricks, all concrete work, woodwork (such as park benches), or other work that is generally performed by a general laborer or skilled craft worker.

(4) Installing underground sprinkler systems for irrigation.

C. Typical tools used: shovel, rake, wheelbarrow, and seed and fertilizer broadcaster.

Subp. 4. Code No 104, Flag person.

A. Nature of work: performing duties to regulate flow of traffic through a construction project by using handheld flags and signs. May keep in radio contact with others regulating traffic through the work zone.

B. Typical duties:
(1) Controlling movement of vehicular traffic through construction projects.

(2) Discussing traffic routing plans and type and location of control points with superior.

(3) Directing movement of traffic through site using sign, hand, and flag signals.

(4) Warning construction workers when approaching vehicle fails to heed signals to prevent accident and injury to workers.

(5) Informing drivers of detour routes through construction sites.

(6) Recording license plate number of traffic control violators for law enforcement.

(7) Giving hand marker to last driver in lineup of one-way traffic at opposite end of site, signaling clearance for reverse flow of traffic.

C. Typical tools used: signs, flags, radio, and personal protective equipment.

Subp. 5. Code No 105, Watch person.

A. Nature of work: monitoring access to a construction project site.

B. Typical duties:
(1) Allowing entrance or exit of employees, truckers, and authorized visitors.

(2) Checking credentials or approved roster before admitting anyone.

(3) Issuing passes at own discretion or on instruction from superiors.

(4) Directing visitors and truckers to various parts of the construction project.

(5) Inspecting outgoing traffic to prevent unauthorized removal of company property or products.

(6) Recording information about trucks or other carriers entering and leaving.

(7) Checking permits from employees for tools or materials taken from premises.

C. Typical tools used: signs, flags, radio, and personal protective equipment.

Subp. 6. Code No 106, Blaster.

A. Nature of work: assembling plants and detonating charges of industrial explosives to loosen earth, rock, and stumps, or to demolish structures to facilitate removal.

B. Typical duties:
(1) Supervising and assisting in locating, loading, and firing blast holes for breaking up hard materials; enlarging bottom of drilled holes by discharging small quantities of explosives; inserting detonator in charge of explosive, attaching fuse or electric wires, the stick and detonator forming a primer, the discharge of which effects the discharge of the remainder of the explosive; charging hole by placing explosive, including stick that contains detonator, in hole and tamping with a pole; depressing handle of blasting machine or lighting fuse to fire explosive; may use prima-cord or delay caps.

(2) Carrying powder or other explosive to blaster or powder person and assisting by placing prepared explosive in hole, connecting lead wire to blasting machine, and performing other duties as directed.

(3) Examining mass, composition, structure, and location of object to be blasted, estimating amount and determining kind of explosive to be used, and marking location of charge holes for drilling.

(4) Assembling primer (blasting cap and fuse or electric squib and booster charge) and placing primer with main charge in hole or near object to be blasted.

(5) Covering charge with mud, sand, clay, or other material and tamping firm to improve detonation and confine force of blast.

(6) Signaling to clear area of personnel and equipment.

(7) Lighting fuse or connecting wires from charge to battery or detonator to detonate charge.

(8) Operating jackhammer, hand drill, or electric drill to bore holes for charges.

(9) Climbing cliffs or banks to plant explosive charge, using ropes and safety harness.

(10) Setting and detonating explosive charges to improve flow of water into wells.

(11) Operating rock driller.

C. Typical tools used: jackhammer, drills, galvanator, dynamite punch, crimper, tampers, signal whistle, and rigging equipment.

Subp. 7. Code No 107, Pipelayer (water, sewer and gas).

A. Nature of work: laying pipe, metal culvert and box culvert for water, sewer water, water main, waste sewage, storm water runoff, catch basins, manholes, and pedestrian access.

B. Typical duties:
(1) Installing, removing, altering, maintaining, and repairing underground pipes used to handle water, water main, waste sewage, storm water runoff, catch basins, and manholes outside the building regardless of material.

(2) On utility projects, laying pipe, receiving pipe lowered from top of trench, inserting spigot end of pipe into bell end of last laid pipe, adjusting pipe to line and grade, and sealing joints with cement or other sealing compound.

(3) On highway projects, receiving, laying, connecting (by means other than welding), and sealing joints of pipes.

(4) Setting the depth of the excavation for proper pipe grade.

(5) Guiding the equipment operator around existing utilities.

(6) Receiving the pipe sections into the excavation for placement.

(7) Responsible for the correct grade and alignment of the pipe.

(8) Fine-grading the ditch before pipe placement.

(9) Assembling large-diameter metal culverts by bolting together semicircular pieces of metal to form a complete circle, bolting each section of this circle to similar sections which are placed adjacently, and repeating these processes until the required length of culvert is formed.

(10) Installing, removing, altering, maintaining, and repairing metal culvert to direct surface water under roadways.

(11) Installing, removing, altering, maintaining, and repairing precast concrete box culverts.

(12) Installing, removing, altering, maintaining, repairing, and fusing HDP fusion pipe as it relates to sewer and water work.

(13) Installing, removing, altering, maintaining, and repairing manholes, catch basins, and hydrants.

C. Typical tools used: shovels, bars, lasers, targets, level, measuring and surveying equipment, stick rule, pipe fusion equipment, impact wrench, rigging equipment, small mechanical hoist, chain saw, cutoff saw, compaction equipment (hand-operated or remote control), paving breaker, air compressor, chipping hammer, hammers, pliers, chisel, screwdriver, wheelbarrow, scraper, grinder, torch, and ladder.

Subp. 8. Code No 108, Tunnel miner.

A. Nature of work: drilling earth and rock excavations to construct underground shafts and tunnels for projects such as roads, railways, and waterways, and performing work within tunnels.

B. Typical duties:
(1) Performing tunnel and underground construction.

(2) Setting up and operating pneumatic drilling machinery and moving lever controlling drilling action to drill blast holes in tunnel heading according to spacing, angle, and depth of hole.

(3) Wedging, nailing, or bolting timber or steel retaining structures to prevent cave-ins.

(4) Working in caissons.

(5) Boring and welding pipe casings as related to tunnel work.

(6) Lancing surfaces by using sandblasting, water blasting, or other equipment.

C. Typical tools used: drills, saws, jack leg, hammers, tunnel boring machines, locomotives, mucking machines, conveyors, grout pumps, rigging equipment, and welding equipment.

Subp. 9. Code No 109, Underground and open ditch laborer (eight feet below starting grade level).

A. Nature of work: assisting the pipelayer from within the excavation.

B. Typical duties:
(1) Assisting the pipelayer in aligning and assembling pipe products in ditches ("Bottom Man").

(2) Cleaning and lubricating pipe ends to guide pipe sections together.

(3) Backfilling and compacting along sides of pipe.

(4) Operating vibrating compactor (such as a "whacker") in trenches.

(5) Performing other general laborer duties that take place in trenches.

(6) Boring and welding pipe casings related to sewer and water work.

C. Typical tools used: shovels, bars, lasers, targets, level, measuring and surveying equipment, stick rule, pipe fusion equipment, impact wrench, rigging equipment, small mechanical hoist, chain saw, cutoff saw, compaction equipment (hand-operated or remote control), paving breaker, air compressor, chipping hammer, hammers, pliers, chisel, screwdriver, wheelbarrow, scraper, grinder, torch, ladder, and welding equipment.

Subp. 10. Code No 110, Survey field technician.

A. Nature of work: operating total station, GPS receiver, level, rod or range poles, steel tape measurement; marking and driving stakes; hand or power digging for and identifying markers or monuments; performing and checking calculations; and reviewing and understanding construction plans and land survey materials. This classification does not apply to the work performed on a prevailing wage project by a land surveyor who is licensed pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, sections 326.02 to 326.15.

B. Typical duties:
(1) Driving grade stakes.

(2) Setting of grade stakes to proper height and set of "Blue Tops" for finish grading.

(3) Measuring.

(4) Reviewing and understanding construction plans and land survey materials.

(5) Digging for and identifying markers and monuments.

(6) Performing and checking calculations.

C. Typical tools used: total station, Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, level, rod or range poles, steel tape for measurement, shovels, hammers, and other hand or small power digging equipment.

Subp. 11. Code No 111, Traffic control person (temporary signage).

A. Nature of work: installation, movement, and removal of temporary traffic control systems such as cones, signage (electric or nonelectric), barriers, and flashing lights during highway and heavy and commercial construction projects.

B. Typical duties:
(1) Moving and setting electric or nonelectric traffic control devices.

(2) Places, positions, or replaces temporary signage (electric or nonelectric), cones, and flashing lights in a work zone.

(3) Repairs or replaces temporary signage (electric or nonelectric), cones, and flashing lights in a work zone.

(4) Cleans temporary signage (electric or nonelectric), cones, and flashing lights in a work zone.

(5) Removes temporary signage (electric or nonelectric), cones, and flashing lights in a work zone.

(6) Moving and setting jersey and other traffic control barriers.

C. Typical tools used: two-axle truck with or without swing arm for placing and removing signage, cones, barriers, and flashing lights, Global Positioning System (GPS) for accurate placement of signage, cones, barriers, and flashing lights, pressure washer to clean temporary signage (electric or nonelectric), cones, and flashing lights in a work zone.

Subp. 12. Code No 112, Quality control tester.

A. Nature of work: field and covered off-site facilities; testing of aggregate, asphalt, and concrete materials; limited to Minnesota Department of Transportation highway and heavy construction projects where the Minnesota Department of Transportation has retained quality assurance professionals to review and interpret the results of quality control testers' services provided by the contractor.

B. Typical duties:
(1) Testing aggregate for gradation and moisture content.

(2) Testing asphalt for gradation, oil content, fracturing, and density.

(3) Testing concrete materials' water/cement ratio, gradation, moisture, tensile strength, and density.

C. Typical tools used: screens, microwave, hot plate, burner plate, scales, compactor (Marshall or Gyratory), hydraulics to break concrete cylinders or bars for tensile strength, and various hand tools to obtain and finish samples.

Statutory Authority: MS s 175.171; 177.28

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