Minnesota Administrative Rules
Agency 105 - Agriculture Department
Chapter 1550 - FOOD; GENERAL RULES
Part 1550.2010 - TOILETS
Separate toilets shall be provided for each sex. At least one toilet seat shall be provided for every 30 employees. The floors shall be tight and of such material that they can be washed and kept clean. The doors shall be made self-closing and shall be so arranged that the seats cannot be seen from the outside. The toilets shall be well ventilated to the outside air, and the windows and ventilators shall be screened against flies. Each toilet shall be in a separate compartment, the partitions of which shall be of not less than 5-1/2 feet high and shall be at least one foot above the floor. Walls, partitions, and toilet seats, if constructed of wood, shall be covered with a nonabsorbent, light-colored paint or varnish. Sanitary toilet paper shall be provided. Urinals shall not be constructed except within toilets or in a separate room or building, screened as provided for in the case of toilets proper. At least one urinal shall be provided for every 40 male employees. Toilet room within the cannery shall be provided with proper flushing facilities and connected with a sewer or proper adequate septic tank.
Statutory Authority: MS s 31.101; 31.36