Minnesota Administrative Rules
Agency 105 - Agriculture Department
Chapter 1550 - FOOD; GENERAL RULES
In case the owner of any article of food stored in any cold storage warehouse in the state fails or refuses to remove the same before the expiration period of time within which the storage may be lawfully continued, the warehouse operator in whose warehouse the said food is stored may petition the commissioner for an order to sell the said articles of food. If said petition is granted and the commissioner issues an order to sell, the operator shall advertise said articles of food for sale at public auction, giving ten days published notice of the sale and sending a copy of said notice to the owner at the last known address by registered mail at least ten days before the date of the proposed sale. The articles of food so advertised shall not be delivered to the owner of the goods within the ten days specified for advertising period, unless the owner shall pay all reasonable charges incurred through the advertising of said food. After the sale, the operator shall render a report of said sale to the commissioner and file with the commissioner an affidavit that notice of said sale was given pursuant to the provisions of this part. Such advertised sale of goods shall not relieve the owner thereof from the penalties incurred under Minnesota Statutes, section 28.15.
Statutory Authority: MS s 28.13