Minnesota Administrative Rules
Agency 105 - Agriculture Department
Chapter 1550 - FOOD; GENERAL RULES
Part 1550.2130 - SCHEDULE OF RATES
Every cold storage warehouse operator shall file with the commissioner and shall print and keep open for public inspection a schedule of rates. The commissioner may determine and prescribe the form in which the schedules required by this part to be filed with the commissioner and to be kept open for public inspection, shall be prepared and arranged and may change the form from time to time, if it shall be found expedient. No cold storage warehouse operator shall undertake to perform any service or store any goods, wares, or merchandise, unless or until such schedule of rates has been filed and published in accordance with the provisions of this part; provided that in case of emergency, a service or storage not specifically covered by the schedules filed may be performed or furnished at a reasonable rate, which rate shall forthwith be filed and shall be subject to review in accordance with the provisions of this part.
Statutory Authority: MS s 28.13